// PupParams.decl -- adjustable parameters for the Pup package
// Copyright Xerox Corporation 1979, 1980
// Last modified August 14, 1983  3:04 PM by Taft

// The following parameters determine the type and number
// of network interfaces

alto = true		// Compiling for an Alto
nova = not alto		// Compiling for a Nova

numAltoEther = 1	// Alto Ethernet (0 to 3)
numAltoComProc = 0	// Alto ComProc (0 or 1)
numAltoEIA = 0		// Alto EIA (0 or 1)
numAltoImp = 1		// Alto IMP (Arpanet) (0 or 1)
numAltoPRU = 0		// Alto PRU (Packet radio) (0 or 1)

numNovaEther = 0	// Nova Ethernet (0 to 3)
numNovaMCA = 0		// Nova MCA (0 to 2)
numNovaImp = 0		// Nova Imp (Arpanet) (0 or 1)
numNovaSLA = 0		// Nova SLA (0 or 1)

// This derived parameter governs inclusion of logic for handling
// multiple connected networks.

multipleNets = (numAltoEther + numAltoEIA + numAltoImp + numAltoPRU +
 numAltoComProc + numNovaEther + numNovaMCA + numNovaImp + numNovaSLA) gr 1

// Maximum number of data (content) bytes per Pup.
// Must be even, and by convention should not be greater than 532.

defaultPupDataBytes = 532

// Stack size for each RTP/BSP process
// Must be increased if a user "other protocol" packet handler
// requires a lot of stack space.

defaultRTPStackSize = 140

// Default error timeout interval for RTP/BSP interactions

defaultDefaultTimeout = 6000  // 60 seconds (units are 10 ms)

// If PupDebug is true, a number of extra consistency checks
// are compiled, and some statistics are gathered:
// Things get bigger and slower.

pupDebug = false