// Alto-1822 Interface Test Program
// AIHW.d  --  Program's opinion of hardware and software state.
// L. Stewart last changed: July 18, 1978  9:55 AM

manifest              // SIO codes
   inputSioCode       = #002000
   outputSioCode      = #001000
   controlSioCode     = #003000

manifest              // Command Word codes
   doNothing          = #000000
   masterReset        = #000001
   setLastWord        = #000002
   tryClearIWD        = #000003
   turnOnTestMode     = #000004
   turnOffTestMode    = #000005
   turnOnRelay        = #000006
   turnOffRelay       = #000007
   turnOnLastBit      = #002000
   turnOffLastBit     = #001000

manifest              // Microcode Status codes
   allOK              = #000001
   iBufFull           = #000002
   iBufLenZero        = #000003
   iBufFullDone       = #000004

structure POST :      // Status Word
   uCodeStat       byte
   blank           bit 5
   ImpWasDown      bit
   ImpNotReady     bit
   HostNotReady    bit

structure CB :        // Command Block
   ControlWord     word
   blank           word
   InputPointer    word
   InputEnd        word
   OutputPointer   word
   OutputEnd       word
   ControlPost     word
   ControlBits     word
   InputPost       word
   InputBits       word
   OutputPost      word
   OutputBits      word