// BLEXX - BCPL Compiler -- Declarations for the Lexical Analyzer.
// Copyright Xerox Corporation 1980
//  Paxton, 9-14-78: unsigned compares
//  Swinehart, 5-10-77: docase exp

// last modified by Butterfield, May 8, 1979  7:13 PM
// - incorporate Paxton's unsigned compares  5/8
// - GetP no longer needed as external  1/24
// - add from for use in get a, b, ... from "file"  1/23/79

get "bcplx"

external	//stuff exp throughout LEX
	OpenSource	//  open a new source file
	CloseSource	//  close a source file
	Readsymb	//  the routine that does the work
	Symb		//  Readsymb leaves the last lexeme here
	V		//    and any extra information here
	Rch		//  read the next source char
	Ch		//      into here
	Chline		//  	and put its line pointer here
	LEXreport	//  report errors detected in LEX
	ReservedWord	//  look up a reserved word
	DictionaryEntry	//  look up an identifier
	LexOut; LexWrite
	DoString; DoNumber; Kind
	ReadAhead; ExtraItem; LastItem; NLPending; NewLineptr; Chkind
///*DCS* Precompiled Declarations Functions
  LexLength ///* # bytes in Lex File
///*DCS* manifests in command line
UpperCase // need to be cleared by enterparams in lex0

manifest [ BRACKETLENGTH = 24 ]

 [	Vmax = 256	//length of the V vector

manifest [ Empty=0; Simple=1; Ignorable=2; BravoTail=3; Digit=4; Capital=5; Small=6; ]

manifest   //  Declarations for lexemes.
 [ b1 = #000400		//field values for th lexemes
   b2 = #001000
   e1 = #002000
   e2 = #004000

    GET          = 1		//    1   get
    FROM         = 2		//    2   from
    NAMEBRA	 = 5+b1		//    5
    NAMEKET	 = 6   +e1	//    6
    NUMBER       = 8+b1+e1   	//    8
    NAME         = 9+b1+e1   	//    9
    STRINGCONST  = 10+b1+e1   	//   10
    CHARCONST    = 11+b1+e1   	//   11
    TRUE         = 12   +e1   	//   12   true
    FALSE        = 13   +e1   	//   13   false
    NIL          = 14+b1+e1   	//   14   nil
    LV           = 15         	//   15   lv
    RV           = 16+b1      	//   16   rv
    NEG          = 17         	//   17   neg
    NOT          = 18+b1      	//   18   not
    HEFALUMP     = 19+b1        //   19   hefalump
    ULS          = 20		//   20   uls
    ULE          = 21		//   21   ule
    UGE          = 22		//   22   uge
    UGR          = 23		//   23   ugr
    SIZE         = 25+b1      	//   25   size
    OFFSET       = 26+b1      	//   26   offset
    PLUS         = 35+b1	//   35
    MINUS        = 36+b1	//   36
    MULT         = 37		//   37
    DIV          = 38		//   38
    REM          = 39		//   39   rem
    LOGAND       = 40		//   40   logand
    LOGOR        = 41		//   41   logor
    EQ           = 42		//   42   eq
    NE           = 43		//   43   ne
    LS           = 44		//   44   ls
    LE           = 45		//   45   le
    GE           = 46		//   46   ge
    GR           = 47		//   47   gr
    EQV          = 48		//   48   eqv logeqv
    NEQV         = 49		//   49   neqv xor logxor
    LSHIFT       = 52		//   52   lshift
    RSHIFT       = 53		//   53   rshift
    VECAP        = 54		//   54
    RIGHTLUMP    = 55		//   55
    LEFTLUMP     = 56		//   56
    COMMA        = 58		//   58
    COND         = 59		//   59
    ASS          = 60		//   60
    NUMARGS	 = 61+b1	//   61   numargs
    DOT          = 62		//   62
    RBRA         = 63+b1      	//   63
    RKET         = 64   +e1   	//   64
    TABLE	 = 65		//   65   table
    VALOF        = 67+b1      	//   67   valof
    RESULTIS     = 68+b2      	//   68   resultis
    SELECTON     = 71+b1      	//   71   selecton
    STATIC       = 72+b1      	//   72   static
    EXT          = 73+b1	//   73   external
    MANIFEST     = 74+b1	//   74   manifest
    STRUCTURE    = 77+b1	//   77   structure
    LET          = 78+b1	//   78   let
    AND          = 79		//   79   and
    BE           = 84		//   84   be
    VEC          = 85		//   85   vec
    SEMICOLON    = 88		//   88
    END          = 89		//   89
    GOTO         = 91+b2	//   91   goto
    COLON        = 92		//   92
    TEST         = 93+b2	//   93   test
    IFSO         = 94		//   94   ifso
    IFNOT        = 95		//   95   ifnot
    DO           = 96		//   96   do then
    OR           = 97		//   97   or
    IF           = 98+b2	//   98   if
    UNLESS       = 99+b2	//   99   unless
    UNTIL        = 100+b2	//  100   until
    WHILE        = 101+b2	//  101   while
    REPEAT       = 102   +e2    //  102   repeat
    REPEATUNTIL  = 103		//  103   repeatuntil
    REPEATWHILE  = 104		//  104   repeatwhile
    FOR          = 105+b2	//  105   for
    TO           = 106		//  106   to
    BY           = 107		//  107   by step
    SWITCHON     = 108+b2	//  108   switchon
    INTO         = 110		//  110   into
    CASE         = 111+b2	//  111   case
    DEFAULT      = 113+b2	//  113   default
    ENDCASE      = 114+b2+e2	//  114   endcase
    LINE         = 115         //  115
    BREAK        = 116+b2+e2	//  116   break
    LOOP         = 117+b2+e2	//  117   loop
    RETURN       = 118+b2+e2	//  118   return
    FINISH       = 119+b2+e2	//  119   finish
    ABORT        = 120+b2+e2	//  120   abort
    SECTBRA      = 121+b1       //  121
    SECTKET      = 122   +e1    //  122
    BLANK        = 123+b1	//  123   blank
    FIELDLIST    = 124
    OVERLAYLIST  = 125
    UPLUMP       = 126
    BIT          = 127   +e1	//  127   bit
    BYTE         = 128   +e1	//  128   byte
    WORD         = 129   +e1	//  129   word

///*DCS* Conditional Compilation
    COMPILEIF    = 130   +b2	//  129   compileif
    COMPILETEST  = 131   +b2	//  129   compiletest
    DOCASE	    = 132   +b2  //   132  docase
///*DCS* Conditional Compilation
    NEWNAME       = 134      	//  129   newname

///*DCS* Symbol Table Compaction, NCG Phase
structure SYMPTR:
   Virgin bit 1  // on if symbol has been entered, not referenced
   link   bit 15 // next symbol same initial letter, sorted Alph.