// CmdScan.bcpl -- Command Scanner Package, main module
// Copyright Xerox Corporation 1979

//	Last modified July 13, 1977  5:47 PM

get "CmdScan.decl"

//outgoing procedures
InitCmd; ErasePhrase; BackupPhrase
DefaultPhrase; BeginDefaultPhrase; EndDefaultPhrase
EnableCatch; DisableCatch; EndCatch
CurrentPhrase; NextPhrase; TerminatingChar; CmdErrorCode

//for OEP declaration only
CSGets; CSPuts; CSEndofs; CSCloses; CSResets

//incoming procedures
DefErase; DefError; DefBreak; DefEcho; AppendChar; EraseInput
Gets; Puts; Errors; Wss; Closes
DefaultArgs; Allocate; Free; Zero
CallersFrame; GotoLabel

//incoming statics
sysZone; keys; dsp

let InitCmd(maxChars, maxPhrases, WordBreak, PhraseTerminator,
     Echo, keyS, dspS, Erase, Error, zone; numargs na) = valof
//Creates and initializes a Command State (cs) structure.
//Required arguments are maxChars, the maximum number of characters
//permitted in the command (including noise words), and maxPhrases,
//the maximum number of phrases.  WordBreak, PhraseTerminator, and
//Echo are the default word break, phrase terminator, and echo
//predicates for the command (they may be overridden on a
//per-phrase basis).  keyS and dspS are the input and output
//streams for the command scanner.  Erase is a procedure for
//erasing characters from the display.  Error is the Errors
//procedure for the command stream.
//returns a pointer to the CS structure.
DefaultArgs(lv na, -2, DefBreak, DefBreak, DefEcho,
 keys, dsp, DefErase, DefError, sysZone)
let cs = Allocate(zone, lenCS+maxPhrases*lenPD)
Zero(cs, lenCS)
cs>>CS.buf = Allocate(zone, maxChars rshift 1 +1)
cs>>CS.maxChars = maxChars
cs>>CS.maxPhrases = maxPhrases
cs>>CS.pd↑0.WordBreak = WordBreak
cs>>CS.pd↑0.PhraseTerminator = PhraseTerminator
cs>>CS.pd↑0.Echo = Echo
cs>>CS.keyS = keyS
cs>>CS.dspS = dspS
cs>>CS.Erase = Erase
cs>>CS.zone = zone
cs>>CS.gets = CSGets
cs>>CS.puts = CSPuts
cs>>CS.endof = CSEndofs
cs>>CS.close = CSCloses
cs>>CS.reset = CSResets
cs>>CS.error = Error
cs>>CS.pd↑0.catchFrame = CallersFrame()
cs>>CS.pd↑0.catchPC = (cs>>CS.pd↑0.catchFrame)!1 +1
cs>>CS.phraseRead = true  //don't use dummy phrase
cs>>CS.editControl = editNew
resultis cs
and CSCloses(cs) be
Free(cs>>CS.zone, cs>>CS.buf)
Free(cs>>CS.zone, cs)

and CSGets(cs) = valof
//Returns the next character from the current phrase.  Calls Errors if
//the phrase is exhausted.
let i = cs>>CS.iChOut
if i ge CurrentPhrase(cs)>>PD.iLast then resultis Errors(cs, ecEndOfPhrase)
cs>>CS.iChOut = i+1
resultis cs>>CS.buf>>Buf↑i & #177

and CSEndofs(cs) = cs>>CS.iChOut ge CurrentPhrase(cs)>>PD.iLast
//Returns true if the current phrase is exhausted

and CSPuts(cs, char) be unless cs>>CS.reparse do AppendChar(cs, char, true)
//Outputs char to the stream dspS, and also puts it in the command
//buffer (to facilitate retyping and backspacing over).

and CSResets(cs) be [ cs>>CS.phraseRead = false; cs>>CS.reuse = true ]
//Resets the output pointer to the beginning of the current phrase
//such that the next GetPhrase will return the same phrase as before.
and NextPhrase(cs) = valof
//advances the output pointer to the next unread phrase, unless
//the current phrase hasn't been read yet.
//returns pointer to phrase's PD.
if cs>>CS.phraseRead then
   if cs>>CS.iPhOut eq cs>>CS.maxPhrases then Errors(cs, ecTooManyPhrases)
   cs>>CS.iPhOut = cs>>CS.iPhOut+1
   cs>>CS.phraseRead = false
   if cs>>CS.iPhOut gr cs>>CS.iPhIn then
      [  //not rescanning - really create new phrase
      cs>>CS.iPhIn = cs>>CS.iPhOut
      let pd = CurrentPhrase(cs)
      Zero(pd, lenPD)
      pd>>PD.iFirst = cs>>CS.iChIn
resultis CurrentPhrase(cs)

and DefaultPhrase(cs, string, char; numargs na) be
//Creates a new phrase containing the default value "string",
//and sets the editControl to editReplace.  The string should not
//contain a terminating character.
//The idea is that one then calls GetPhrase to input the phrase
//after giving the user a chance to replace or edit it.
//If char is supplied, it is used as the terminating character and
//the user is not given a chance to edit the phrase.
DefaultArgs(lv na, -2, 0)
Wss(cs, string)
EndDefaultPhrase(cs, char)

and BeginDefaultPhrase(cs) be NextPhrase(cs)

and EndDefaultPhrase(cs, char; numargs na) be
   unless cs>>CS.reparse do
      CurrentPhrase(cs)>>PD.iLast = cs>>CS.iChIn
      cs>>CS.editControl = editReplace
      if na gr 1 & char ne 0 then cs>>CS.putbackChar = char
and EnableCatch(cs) = valof
let pd = NextPhrase(cs)
pd>>PD.catchFrame = CallersFrame()
pd>>PD.catchPC = (pd>>PD.catchFrame)!1 + 1
resultis false

and DisableCatch(cs) be CurrentPhrase(cs)>>PD.catchFrame = 0

and EndCatch(cs) be
if cs>>CS.iPhOut gr cs>>CS.iPhTarget then
   [ cs>>CS.iPhOut = cs>>CS.iPhOut-1; DoBackup(cs) ]
cs>>CS.iChOut = CurrentPhrase(cs)>>PD.iFirst
cs>>CS.phraseRead = cs>>CS.iPhOut eq 0
cs>>CS.errorCode = 0
and ErasePhrase(cs, nPh, editControl, char; numargs na) be
//Sends control back nPh phrases relative to CS.iPhOut after
//erasing all intervening phrases.
DefaultArgs(lv na, -1, 0, editReplace, 0)
let pd = lv cs>>CS.pd↑(cs>>CS.iPhOut-nPh)
EraseInput(cs, (editControl eq editNew? pd>>PD.iFirst, pd>>PD.iLast),
BackupPhrase(cs, nPh, editControl, char)

and BackupPhrase(cs, nPh, editControl, char; numargs na) be
//Backs up the command scanner nPh phrases relative to CS.iPhOut,
//and stores editControl into CS.editControl and char into
//All intervening enabled catch phrases are executed, including
//the one associated with the target phrase if any.  This procedure
//does not actually erase any characters from the command, it
//merely sends control back to an earlier point of interpretation.
DefaultArgs(lv na, -1, 0, editReplace, 0)
cs>>CS.iPhTarget = cs>>CS.iPhOut-nPh
cs>>CS.editControl = editControl
cs>>CS.putbackChar = char
cs>>CS.reparse = true

and DoBackup(cs) be
let pd = CurrentPhrase(cs)
let frame, pc = pd>>PD.catchFrame, pd>>PD.catchPC
if frame ne 0 then
   if cs>>CS.iPhOut eq 0 then
      test cs>>CS.destroy
         ifso [ Closes(cs); cs = 0 ]
         ifnot EndCatch(cs)
   GotoLabel(frame, pc, cs)
cs>>CS.iPhOut = cs>>CS.iPhOut-1
] repeat

and CurrentPhrase(cs) = lv cs>>CS.pd↑(cs>>CS.iPhOut)

and TerminatingChar(cs) =
   cs>>CS.buf>>Buf↑(CurrentPhrase(cs)>>PD.iLast) & #177

and CmdErrorCode(cs) = cs>>CS.errorCode