// KeyTest.bcpl - Nate Tobol and David Boggs
// Copyright Xerox Corporation 1979
// Last modified January 12, 1980  4:56 PM by Boggs

get "AltoDefs.d"

// incoming procedures
SetBlock; Zero; MoveBlock; BitBlt; Min; Max

// incoming statics
gacha10; alto1Kbd; alto2Kbd; teak3Kbd; keyset

static [ kbd; bitMap; bbt; version ]

xMax = 606
yMax = 808
nWords = 38
lenBitMap = nWords * yMax
stkLim = 335b

// cursor shapes
box = 1
arrow = 2

structure Strike:	// Strike font with xPosTable slapped on front
xPosTable word		// -> table of x positions
blank word		// flags
min word		// lowest char code
max word		// highest char code
blank word 2		// maxWidth and length
ascent word		// number of words above baseline
descent word		// number of words below baseline
blank word		// xoffset for kerning
raster word		// for bitmap
bitmap word		// begins here is raster*(descent+ascent) long
// then comes the xPosTable pointed to above

structure Box:
lX word		// left x
tY word		// top y
rX word		// right x
bY word		// bottom y

structure Key:
b1: @Box
b2: @Box
char word
manifest lenKey = size Key/16

structure Kbd:
numKeys word
keyset word
key↑0,0 @Key
let KeyTest() be
let dcb = (@stkLim+1) & -2; Zero(dcb, lenBitMap+lDCB)
@stkLim = @stkLim + lenBitMap + lDCB +1

bitMap = dcb + lDCB
dcb>>DCB.width = nWords
dcb>>DCB.bitmap = bitMap
dcb>>DCB.height = yMax/2
@displayListHead = dcb

let v = vec 16; bbt = (v+1) & -2; Zero(bbt, 16)
bbt>>BBT.dbca = bitMap
bbt>>BBT.dbmr = nWords
SetBlock(lv bbt>>BBT.gray, -1, 4)

gacha10>>Strike.xPosTable = lv gacha10>>Strike.bitmap +
 gacha10>>Strike.raster * (gacha10>>Strike.ascent + gacha10>>Strike.descent)
gacha10>>Strike.max = gacha10>>Strike.max - gacha10>>Strike.min

kbd = alto1Kbd
version = table [ 61014b; 1401b ]()<<VERS.eng


and DoIt() be
// keyset
if kbd>>Kbd.keyset then
   for i = 0 to 4*8 -1 by 4 do
      let b = keyset+i
      DoArea(b>>Box.lX, b>>Box.tY, b>>Box.rX, b>>Box.tY, 0)  //top
      DoArea(b>>Box.rX, b>>Box.tY, b>>Box.rX, b>>Box.bY, 0)  //right
      DoArea(b>>Box.lX, b>>Box.tY, b>>Box.lX, b>>Box.bY, 0)  //left
      DoArea(b>>Box.lX, b>>Box.bY, b>>Box.rX, b>>Box.bY, 0)  //bottom

// keyboard
for i = 0 to kbd>>Kbd.numKeys-1 do
   let key = lv kbd>>Kbd.key↑i
   let b1 = lv key>>Key.b1
   let b2 = lv key>>Key.b2
   if b1>>Box.lX eq 0 loop
   DoArea(b1>>Box.lX, b1>>Box.tY, b1>>Box.rX, b1>>Box.tY, 0)  //top
   DoArea(b1>>Box.rX, b1>>Box.tY, b1>>Box.rX, b1>>Box.bY, 0)  //right
   DoArea(b1>>Box.lX, b1>>Box.tY, b1>>Box.lX, b1>>Box.bY, 0)  //left
   test b2>>Box.lX ne 0
         DoArea(b2>>Box.rX, b2>>Box.tY, b2>>Box.rX, b2>>Box.bY, 0)  //right
         DoArea(b2>>Box.lX, b2>>Box.tY, b2>>Box.lX, b2>>Box.bY, 0)  //left
         DoArea(b2>>Box.lX, b2>>Box.bY, b2>>Box.rX, b2>>Box.bY, 0)  //bottom
      ifnot DoArea(b1>>Box.lX, b1>>Box.bY, b1>>Box.rX, b1>>Box.bY, 0)  //bot
   if key>>Key.char ne 0 then DisplayChar(b1, key>>Key.char)
// KeyTest (cont'd)

let newKey, oldKey = vec 5, vec 5; SetBlock(oldKey, -1, 6)  //all keys up
let oldUtilIn, newUtilIn = -1, nil
let cursorShape = 0

   [  //program main loop
   newUtilIn = @utilIn
   MoveBlock(newKey, kbdAd, 6)

   if @mouseX gr xMax-16 then @mouseX = xMax-16
   if @mouseX ls 0 then @mouseX = 0
   @cursorX = @mouseX
   if @mouseY gr yMax-16 then @mouseY = yMax-16
   if @mouseY ls 0 then @mouseY = 0
   @cursorY = @mouseY

   test @cursorY gr 700
         if cursorShape ne box then
            MoveBlock(cursorBitMap,(table [
             177777b; 177777b; 140003b; 140003b; 140003b;
             140003b; 140003b; 140003b; 140003b; 140003b;
             140003b; 140003b; 140003b; 140003b; 177777b;
             177777b ]), 16)
            cursorShape = box
         if oldUtilIn<<UtilIn.mouse ne newUtilIn<<UtilIn.mouse then
            let mouse = 140003b
            if newUtilIn<<UtilIn.red eq 0 then mouse = mouse % 14000b
            if newUtilIn<<UtilIn.yellow eq 0 then mouse = mouse % 600b
            if newUtilIn<<UtilIn.blue eq 0 then mouse = mouse % 30b
            for i = 4 to 9 do cursorBitMap!i = mouse
         if cursorShape ne arrow then
            MoveBlock(cursorBitMap,(table [
             100000b; 140000b; 160000b; 170000b; 174000b;
             176000b; 177000b; 170000b; 154000b; 114000b;
             006000b; 006000b; 003000b; 003000b; 001400b;
             001400b ]), 16)
            cursorShape = arrow
         if (newUtilIn & 7) ne 7 break
   // DoIt (Cont'd)

   // keyset
   if oldUtilIn<<UtilIn.keyset ne newUtilIn<<UtilIn.keyset then
      for i = 0 to 4 do
         let new = 1-((newUtilIn rshift (7-i)) & 1)
         let old = 1-((oldUtilIn rshift (7-i)) & 1)
         if new ne old then
            let b = keyset + (i*4)
            DoArea(b>>Box.lX+2, b>>Box.tY+2, b>>Box.rX-2, b>>Box.bY-2,
             (new eq 1? 0, 3))

   // keyboard
   for i = 0 to kbd>>Kbd.numKeys/16 -1 do
      if newKey!i ne oldKey!i then  //some keys changed
         let diff = newKey!i xor oldKey!i
         for j = 0 to 15 do
            if (diff & (1b15 rshift j)) ne 0 then
               let key = lv kbd>>Kbd.key↑(16*i+j)
               let b1 = lv key>>Key.b1
               DoArea(b1>>Box.lX+2, b1>>Box.tY+2, b1>>Box.rX-2,
                b1>>Box.bY-2, 2)
               let b2 = lv key>>Key.b2
               unless b2>>Box.lX eq 0 do
                  DoArea(Max(b1>>Box.lX, b2>>Box.lX)+2, b1>>Box.bY-1,
                   Min(b1>>Box.rX, b2>>Box.rX)-2, b2>>Box.tY+1, 2)
                  DoArea(b2>>Box.lX+2, b2>>Box.tY+2, b2>>Box.rX-2,
                   b2>>Box.bY-2, 2)

   oldUtilIn = newUtilIn
   MoveBlock(oldKey, newKey, 6)
   ] repeat

kbd = kbd eq alto1Kbd? alto2Kbd,
 (kbd eq alto2Kbd & version eq 4)? teak3Kbd, alto1Kbd

Zero(bitMap, lenBitMap)
] repeat
and DoArea(lX, tY, rX, bY, op) be
// op = 0 to set to black
//      2 to compliment
//      3 to set to white
bbt>>BBT.sType = 3  //gray
bbt>>BBT.op = op
bbt>>BBT.dlx = lX
bbt>>BBT.dty = tY
bbt>>BBT.dw = rX-lX +1
bbt>>BBT.dh = bY-tY +1


and DisplayChar(box, char) be
char = char-gacha10>>Strike.min
if char ls 0 % char gr gacha10>>Strike.max then  //show black box
   char = gacha10>>Strike.max +1

let xpos = gacha10>>Strike.xPosTable
let width = xpos!(char+1)-xpos!char
let height = gacha10>>Strike.ascent + gacha10>>Strike.descent

bbt>>BBT.sType = 0
bbt>>BBT.op = 1
bbt>>BBT.dlx = box>>Box.lX + (box>>Box.rX-box>>Box.lX)/2 - width/2
bbt>>BBT.dty = box>>Box.tY + (box>>Box.bY-box>>Box.tY)/2 - height/2
bbt>>BBT.dw = width
bbt>>BBT.dh = height
bbt>>BBT.sbca = lv gacha10>>Strike.bitmap
bbt>>BBT.sbmr = gacha10>>Strike.raster
bbt>>BBT.slx = xpos!char
bbt>>BBT.sty = 0

