; BfsMl.asm -- miscellaneous machine code
; Copyright Xerox Corporation 1979
; Last modified December 9, 1979  6:30 PM by Taft

; outgoing procedures
.ent MoveBlock, SetBlock, Zero, BitBlt
.ent Usc, DoubleAdd, Min, Max, Umin, Umax
.ent Idle, Noop, StartIO
.ent DisableInterrupts, EnableInterrupts
.ent TruePredicate, FalsePredicate
.ent BFSSetStartingVDA

; outgoing statics
.bext oneBits, freePageFp, freePageFid
.bext lvIdle


MoveBlock:	.MoveBlock
SetBlock:	.SetBlock
Zero:		.Zero
BitBlt:		.BitBlt

Usc:		.Usc
DoubleAdd:	.DoubleAdd
Min:		.Min
Max:		.Max
Umin:		.Umin
Umax:		.Umax

oneBits:	.oneBits
freePageFid:	.freePageFid
freePageFp:	.freePageFid

DisableInterrupts: .DisableInterrupts
EnableInterrupts: .EnableInterrupts
StartIO:	.StartIO

Noop:		.Noop
Idle:		.Idle
lvIdle:		0
TruePredicate:	.TruePredicate
FalsePredicate:	.FalsePredicate

BFSSetStartingVDA: .Noop	; dummy - deimplemented


; Data transfer primitives

; MoveBlock(dest, src, count)

.MoveBlock: sta 3 1,2
	neg 1 3
	mov 0 1
	com 3 0
	lda 3 3,2
	neg 3 3
	adc 3 1
	jmp done

; Zero(addr, count)

.Zero:	sta 1 3,2
	mkzero 1 1
; fall through

; SetBlock(dest, value, count)

.SetBlock: sta 3 1,2
	mov 1 3
	mov 0 1
	mov 3 0
	lda 3 3,2
	neg 3 3
	adc 3 1
	jmp done

; BitBlt(bbt)

.BitBlt: sta 3 1,2
	movr# 0 0 szc
	 #77400		; swat if bbt is odd
	mov 2 1
	mov 0 2		; bbt
	sta 1 1,2	; save frame pointer in unused bbt word
	mkzero 1 1	; scan line count
	lda 2 1,2
	jmp done


; Arithmetic

; Usc(a,b)
; a and b are treated as 16 bit positive integers.  Returns:
;	-1 if a < b
;	 0 if a = b
;	 1 if a > b

.Usc:	adcz# 0 1 szc
	 jmp true		; -1
	subz 1 0 szr
	 mkone 0 0
	jmp 1,3

; Min(a, b); Max(a, b) -- signed compares (a and b must differ by < 2↑15)
; Umin(a, b); Umax(a, b) -- unsigned compares

.Min:	sle 0 1
	 mov 1 0
	jmp 1 3

.Max:	sge 0 1
	 mov 1 0
	jmp 1 3

.Umin:	sleu 0 1
	 mov 1 0
	jmp 1 3

.Umax:	sgeu 0 1
	 mov 1 0
	jmp 1 3

; DoubleAdd(a, b)
; a ← a + b (a and b are pointers to double precision numbers)

	sta 3 1,2
	sta 1 2,2		;=> first word of arg 2
	mov 1 3
	lda 1 1,3		;word 2 of arg 2
	mov 0 3
	lda 0 1,3		;word 2 of arg 1
	addz 1 0		;Sets carry if overflow
	sta 0 1,3		;Save word 2 of result
	lda 0 0,3		;word 1 of arg 1
	lda 1 @2,2		;word 1 of arg 2
	mov 0 0 szc
	 inc 1 1
	add 1 0
	sta 0 0,3		;Save word 1 of result
	jmp done
; Miscellaneous

; DisableInterrupts() - No interrupts take until enabled
;	returns true if interrupts were on

false:	 mkzero 0 0 skp		; off
true:	 mkminusone 0 0		; on
	jmp 1,3

; EnableInterrupts() - Let interrupts take

	jmp 1,3

; StartIO(ac0) - access to the SIO instruction

.StartIO: sio
;	jmp 1,3		; fall through

; Following 3 (4?) routines may be invoked by the CALL mechanism

; Idle() - called by OS when waiting for something

.Idle:	jmp 1,3
done:	lda 3 1,2
	jmp 1,3

; TruePredicate() - returns BCPL true

	jmp true
	lda 3 1,2
	jmp true

; FalsePredicate() - returns BCPL false

	jmp false
	lda 3 1,2
	jmp false

; table to convert from bit number to bit position


; free page FID and FP -- because they are both 3 -1's, they point
; to the same place.  They are given different names to aid documentation

