// PupTestMisc.bcpl
// Copyright Xerox Corporation 1980, 1982
// Last modified February 15, 1982  5:36 PM by Boggs

get "pup.decl"
get "puptest.decl"

// outgoing procedures

// incoming procedures
Ws; Puts; Gets; PutTemplate; UNPACKDT; WRITEUDT
GetPBI; ReleasePBI; CompletePup; AppendStringToPup
OpenLevel1Socket; CloseLevel1Socket
SetTimer; TimerHasExpired; Enqueue; Dequeue; Block; MultEq
Confirm; GetString
OpenPort; RTTitle; RTEntry; PrintPort

// incoming statics
dsp; keys

// misc services protocols
psMiscServ = 4

ptStringTimeRequest = 200b
ptStringTimeReply = 201b
ptTenexTimeRequest = 202b
ptTenexTimeReply = 203b
ptAltoTimeRequest = 206b
ptAltoTimeReply = 207b

ptMailCheckRequest = 214b
ptMailCheckYes = 211b
ptMailCheckNo = 212b
ptMailCheckError = 213b

ptNameRequest = 220b
ptNameReply = 221b
ptNameAddrError = 222b
ptAddressRequest = 223b
ptAddressReply = 224b
ptNetDirVersion = 240b

ptWhereUserRequest = 230b
ptWhereUserReply = 231b
ptWhereUserError = 232b

ptAuthRequest = 250b
ptAuthYes = 251b
ptAuthNo = 252b

ptValidRecipRequest = 266b
ptValidRecipYes = 267b
ptValidRecipNo = 270b

// Routing info protocol
psRouteInfo = 2

ptRouteInfoRequest = 200b
ptRouteInfoReply = 201b

static [ miscID; miscSoc ]
let MiscServices(quit) be
let soc = vec lenPupSoc; miscSoc = soc
unless OpenPort("Misc services host: ", soc, 0, psMiscServ) return
   switchon Gets(keys) into
      case $A: case $a:
         [ Authenticate(); endcase ]
      case $D: case $d:
         [ DateAndTime(); endcase ]
      case $H: case $h:
         [ quit = false; break ]
      case $N: case $n:
         [ NetDirectory(); endcase ]
      case $M: case $m:
         [ MailCheck(); endcase ]
      case $Q: case $q:
         [ quit = Confirm("Quit "); break ]
      case $R: case $r:
         [ RoutingInfo(); endcase ]
      case $V: case $v:
         [ ValidateRecip(); endcase ]
      case $W: case $w:
         [ WhereIsUser(); endcase ]
      case $?:
         Ws("? One of the following:")
         Ws("*nAuthenticate, Date and time, Host,")
         Ws("*nNet Directory, Mail check, Quit,")
         Ws("*nRouting info, Validate recipient, Where is User.")
   ] repeat
] repeatuntil quit
and DateAndTime() be
Ws("Date and time protocol ")
   let pbi = GetPBI(miscSoc)
      switchon Gets(keys) into
         case $T: case $t:
            Ws("Tenex format: ")
            pbi>>PBI.pup.type = ptTenexTimeRequest
         case $A: case $a:
            Ws("Alto format: ")
            pbi>>PBI.pup.type = ptAltoTimeRequest
         case $S: case $s:
            Ws("String format: ")
            pbi>>PBI.pup.type = ptStringTimeRequest
         case $Q: case $q: Ws("Quit") //falls through
         case $*177: [ ReleasePBI(pbi); return ]
         case $?:
            Ws("Alto, Tenex, String: ")
      ] repeat
   pbi>>PBI.pup.length = pupOvBytes
   pbi = SendCommand(pbi); if pbi eq 0 loop
   switchon pbi>>PBI.pup.type into
      case ptStringTimeReply:
         [ PrintContents(pbi); endcase ]
      case ptTenexTimeReply:
         for i = 1 to pbi>>PBI.pup.length-pupOvBytes do
            PutTemplate(dsp,"$UO ", pbi>>PBI.pup.bytes↑i)
      case ptAltoTimeReply:
         for i = 1 to pbi>>PBI.pup.length-pupOvBytes do
            PutTemplate(dsp,"$UO ", pbi>>PBI.pup.bytes↑i)
         let uv = vec 6
         UNPACKDT(lv pbi>>PBI.pup.bytes↑1, uv)
         Ws("= ")
         WRITEUDT(dsp, uv)
   ] repeat
and NetDirectory() be
Ws("Net directory protocol ")
   let pbi = GetPBI(miscSoc)
      switchon Gets(keys) into
         case $A: case $a:
         case $N: case $n:
            let string = vec 40
            unless GetString("Name: ", string, true, false) return
            AppendStringToPup(pbi, 1, string)  //sets Pup.length
            pbi>>PBI.pup.type = ptNameRequest
         case $V: case $v:
            Ws("Version of net dir = ")
            pbi>>PBI.pup.words↑1 = 1
            pbi>>PBI.pup.words↑2 = 0
            pbi>>PBI.pup.type = ptNetDirVersion
            pbi>>PBI.pup.length = pupOvBytes+4
         case $Q: case $q: Ws("Quit")  // falls through
         case $*177: [ ReleasePBI(pbi); return ]
         case $?:
            Ws("Name->Address, Version of NetDir: ")
      ] repeat
   pbi = SendCommand(pbi); if pbi eq 0 return
   switchon pbi>>PBI.pup.type into
      case ptNameAddrError:
         [ PrintContents(pbi); endcase ]
      case ptNameReply:
         for i = 1 to pbi>>PBI.pup.length-pupOvBytes by 6 do
            [ PrintPort(lv pbi>>PBI.pup.bytes↑i); Ws("  ") ]
      case ptNetDirVersion:
         PutTemplate(dsp, "$UD", pbi>>PBI.pup.words↑1)
   ] repeat
and WhereIsUser() be
let string = vec 40
unless GetString("Where is user: ", string, true, false) return
let pbi = GetPBI(miscSoc)
AppendStringToPup(pbi, 1, string)
pbi = SendCommand(pbi, ptWhereUserRequest)
if pbi eq 0 return
switchon pbi>>PBI.pup.type into
   case ptWhereUserError:
      [ Ws("- No such user"); endcase ]
   case ptWhereUserReply:
      test pbi>>PBI.pup.length eq pupOvBytes
         ifso Ws("- Not logged in")
         ifnot for i = 1 to pbi>>PBI.pup.length-pupOvBytes by 2 do
            PutTemplate(dsp, "- Job $D", pbi>>PBI.pup.bytes↑i)
            test pbi>>PBI.pup.bytes↑(i+1) eq #377
               ifso Ws(", Detached")
               ifnot PutTemplate(dsp, ", TTY $0", pbi>>PBI.pup.bytes↑(i+1))
and RoutingInfo() be
// Note that this one goes to the gateway info socket instead of misc services
let pbi = GetPBI(miscSoc)
pbi>>PBI.pup.dPort.socket↑1 = 0
pbi>>PBI.pup.dPort.socket↑2 = psRouteInfo
pbi = SendCommand(pbi, ptRouteInfoRequest, pupOvBytes, 1)
if pbi then
   Enqueue(lv miscSoc>>PupSoc.iQ, pbi)
   RTTitle("Foreign routing table: ")
let count = 0
let timer = nil; SetTimer(lv timer, 500)  // 5 seconds
   Block() repeatuntil miscSoc>>PupSoc.iQ.head % TimerHasExpired(lv timer)
   let pbi = Dequeue(lv miscSoc>>PupSoc.iQ.head); if pbi eq 0 break
   if pbi>>PBI.pup.type eq ptRouteInfoReply then
      for i = 1 to pbi>>PBI.pup.length-pupOvBytes by 4 do
         RTEntry(pbi>>PBI.pup.bytes↑i, pbi>>PBI.pup.bytes↑(i+1),
          pbi>>PBI.pup.bytes↑(i+2), pbi>>PBI.pup.bytes↑(i+3), lv count)
   ] repeat
and Authenticate() be
let name = vec 40
unless GetString("Authenticate user: ", name, true, false) return
let psw = vec 40
unless GetString(" password: ", psw, false, false) return
let pbi = GetPBI(miscSoc)
AppendMesaStringToPup(pbi, 1, name)
AppendMesaStringToPup(pbi, (name>>String.length+7)/2, psw)
pbi = SendCommand(pbi, ptAuthRequest)
if pbi eq 0 return
switchon pbi>>PBI.pup.type into
   case ptAuthYes:
      [ Ws("- Good"); endcase ]
   case ptAuthNo:
      [ Ws("- No "); PrintContents(pbi); endcase ]

and ValidateRecip() be
let string = vec 40
unless GetString("Validate recipient: ", string, true, false) return
let pbi = GetPBI(miscSoc)
AppendMesaStringToPup(pbi, 1, string)
pbi = SendCommand(pbi, ptValidRecipRequest)
if pbi eq 0 return
switchon pbi>>PBI.pup.type into
   case ptValidRecipYes:
      [ Ws("- Good"); endcase ]
   case ptValidRecipNo:
      [ Ws("- Bad"); endcase ]

and MailCheck() be
let string = vec 40
unless GetString("Mail check for user: ", string, true, false) return
let pbi = GetPBI(miscSoc)
AppendStringToPup(pbi, 1, string)
pbi = SendCommand(pbi, ptMailCheckRequest)
if pbi eq 0 return
switchon pbi>>PBI.pup.type into
   case ptMailCheckError:
      [ Ws("- No such user"); endcase ]
   case ptMailCheckNo:
      [ Ws("- No new mail"); endcase ]
   case ptMailCheckYes:
      [ Ws("- New mail waiting "); PrintContents(pbi); endcase ]
and SendCommand(opbi, type, length, retries; numargs na) = valof
// returns response pbi or 0 if timeout
if na ls 4 then retries = 3
if na ge 3 then opbi>>PBI.pup.length = length
if na ge 2 then opbi>>PBI.pup.type = type

opbi>>PBI.pup.id↑2 = miscID
miscID = miscID+1
let soc = opbi>>PBI.socket
let tQ = vec 1; tQ!0 = 0
opbi>>PBI.queue = tQ
Enqueue(tQ, opbi)
let ipbi = 0

for i = 1 to retries do
   Block() repeatwhile tQ!0 eq 0

   let timer = nil; SetTimer(lv timer, 200)  //2 sec
      Block() repeatuntil TimerHasExpired(lv timer) % soc>>PupSoc.iQ.head ne 0
      ipbi = Dequeue(lv soc>>PupSoc.iQ)
      if ipbi eq 0 break  //timeout - retransmit
      if MultEq(lv ipbi>>PBI.pup.id, lv opbi>>PBI.pup.id) then
         if ipbi>>PBI.pup.type ne typeError break
      OtherSpigot(ipbi); ipbi = 0
      ] repeat
   if ipbi ne 0 break

Block() repeatwhile tQ!0 eq 0
resultis ipbi

and PrintContents(pbi) be
for i = 1 to pbi>>PBI.pup.length-pupOvBytes do
    Puts(dsp, pbi>>PBI.pup.bytes↑i)

and AppendMesaStringToPup(pbi, firstWord, string) be
structure MesaString:
   length word
   maxLength word
   char↑1,1 byte
let ms = lv pbi>>PBI.pup.words + firstWord -1
ms>>MesaString.length = string>>String.length
ms>>MesaString.maxLength = (string>>String.length+1) & -2
for i = 1 to string>>String.length do
   ms>>MesaString.char↑i = string>>String.char↑i
pbi>>PBI.pup.length = pupOvBytes+firstWord*2+ms>>MesaString.maxLength+2