Page Numbers: Yes X: 530 Y: 10.5" First Page: 1 Roman Not-on-first-page
Margins: Top: 1.3" Bottom: 1" Binding: -5
Odd Heading: Not-on-first-page
Even Heading:
Table of Contents
Preface 1
1. Introduction 2
2. Basic features 4
2.1 Moving around 5
2.2 Changing the text 8
2.3 Formatting style 12
Section Headings
2.4 Forms 27
3. Other things 142
Samples of standard fonts 185
Summary 190
The acknowledgements can often fit on the first page with the table of contents. They can be moved down to create a better balanced page.
Note: this illustrates a document with two levels of section numbering, and an unnumbered third level. If there is a third, chapter level, it can appear in the table of contents in 12 pt bold (font 5, bold), with 24 pt leading. The table of contents may run to more than one page, in which case, the pages are given roman numerals in the upper outside corner, and the page heading will appear.
The numbers in the table of contents are right justified because they are preceded by a TAB 1 which is set to 490pt, followd by 6 spaces, and each line is a paragraph which is justified.