-- file OverviewDefs
-- edited by Kierr, April 27, 1978 12:58 PM.
-- edited by Levin, September 16, 1980 3:07 PM.
-- edited by Brotz, February 5, 1981 4:10 PM.
-- SysBug moved to ExceptionDefs.



-- System-Wide Types and Constants

LineBreakValue: CHARACTER = 200C;
CharMask: CHARACTER = 177C;
substringSeparator: CHARACTER = 375C;

-- Error Code Registry

-- Next available ErrorCode is: 37

ok: ErrorCode = 0; -- success return code

-- storageNotAvailable: ErrorCode = 1; requested storage could not be obtained
notAStamp: ErrorCode = 2;
-- badFieldName: ErrorCode = 3;
-- badFieldBody: ErrorCode = 4;
badMailFile: ErrorCode = 5;

-- ErrorCodes from Virtual Storage Manager.
-- tOCNotFound: ErrorCode = 6;
-- notATOCFile: ErrorCode = 7;
tOCOverflow: ErrorCode = 8; -- Too many msgs. from VirtualizeTOC, ExtendTOC.
cMTooBig: ErrorCode = 24; -- Attemp to extend CM beyond cMOCharMapTableSize.

-- ErrorCodes from Operations.
cantAccessMailbox: ErrorCode = 9; -- from MailFileOps.
ftpError: ErrorCode = 10; -- from Operations
notAMailFile: ErrorCode = 11; -- from MailFileOps.
-- badDMSUser: ErrorCode = 12;
messageSyntaxError: ErrorCode = 13; -- Operations, error inparsing message to be sent.
invalidRecipient: ErrorCode = 14; -- Operations, couldn’t lookup specified recipient.
mailboxBusy: ErrorCode = 15; -- Operations, attempt to connect to mail server failed for the
-- indicated reason.
cantConnect: ErrorCode = 16; -- Operations, generic connection failure.
noMessagesMoved: ErrorCode = 17; -- Operations, AppendMailToFileOperation moved no
-- messages.
cancelCode: ErrorCode = 26; -- Operations, generic cancelled by user.

-- ErrorCodes from Core.
diskError: ErrorCode = 18; -- An I/O data error (Core).
diskCorrupted: ErrorCode = 19; -- Disk structure is logically inconsistent; run Scavenger.
diskFull: ErrorCode = 20; -- Deleted some files and try again.
fileInUse: ErrorCode = 21; -- Attempt to open a file that has already been opened (with
-- another UFileHandle), from OpenFile.
illegalFilename: ErrorCode = 22; -- Either (1) bad character(s) in filename, or (2) name too
-- long. From OpenFile.
fileNotFound: ErrorCode = 23; -- Opening a non-existing file for input only. From OpenFile.
fileTooBig: ErrorCode = 25; -- Attempt to extend a file beyond max allowed (from WritePages)
-- or to open a file that is already longer than that max (OpenFile).

-- ErrorCodes from initialization/install.
profileBadFont: ErrorCode = 30;
badFontsWidths: ErrorCode = 32;
-- Fonts.Widths is illegal or smashed
fontNotInFontsWidths: ErrorCode = 35;

endOfStream: ErrorCode = 34; -- CoreStreams

-- Procedures --

-- Returns a pointer to the Laurel version number string.

END. -- of OverviewDefs --