// VMemSpy.bcpl
// Copyright Xerox Corporation 1980, 1981
// Last modified September 28, 1982  10:23 PM by Boggs

get "SysDefs.d"
get "BcplFiles.d"
get "AltoDefs.d"
get "VMemSpy.decl"
get "Pup0.decl"
get "Pup1.decl"
get "PupRtp.decl"
get "PupBsp.decl"
get "FtpProt.decl"

// incoming procedures
Spy; Wss; SysErr

CreateKeyboardStream; PutTemplate
CreateDisplayStream; ShowDisplayStream
EraseBits; CharWidth; SetLmarg

GetPartner; CreateBSPStream; BSPReadBlock
OpenLevel1Socket; CloseLevel1Socket
OpenRTPSocket; CloseRTPSocket

UserOpen; UserClose; UserRetrieve
InitPList; FreePList

Gets; Puts; Closes; Resets
CallSwat; Zero; MoveBlock; Noop; Idle
InitializeZone; AddToZone; Allocate; Free
MyFrame; Enqueue; Junta; MultEq; DoubleIncrement
TimerHasExpired; SetTimer
ExtractSubstring; CopyString

InitializeContext; CallContextList; Block
InitPupLevel1; InitFtpUtil; InitFtpPList
InitBcplRuntime; LoadRam

// outgoing statics
dt; nt; port; show; noshow
sysZone; dsp

// incoming statics
keys; sysFont
RamImage; CtxRunning
UserName; UserPassword; lvUserFinishProc

dt; nt; show; noshow; port
savedUFP; lineWords; sysZone; dsp

manifest stackLimit = 335b

structure BBFD:		// BB File Descriptor
name word
blank word 3
manifest lenBBFD = size BBFD/16
let VMemSpy() be
let juntaLevel = LoadRam(RamImage) eq 0? levBasic, levBcpl
if juntaLevel eq levBasic then InitBcplRuntime()
Junta(juntaLevel, AfterJunta)

and AfterJunta() be
Idle = Block
for i = 0 to 7 do cursorBitMap!i = 177400b
for i = 8 to 15 do cursorBitMap!i = 377b
savedUFP = @lvUserFinishProc; @lvUserFinishProc = SpyFinish

let freeBegin = @stackLimit
@stackLimit = MyFrame() -200
sysZone = InitializeZone(freeBegin, 77777b, SysErr, 0)
AddToZone(sysZone, freeBegin+77777b, @stackLimit-freeBegin-77777b)

lineWords = lDCB+10+38*2*((sysFont!-2+1) rshift 1)
dsp = CreateDisplayStream(6, Allocate(sysZone, 3*lineWords), 3*lineWords)
ShowDisplayStream(dsp, DSalone)
Wss(dsp, "VMemSpy of 29 Sept 82")

port = Allocate(sysZone, lenPort)
nt = Allocate(sysZone, maxOvs); Zero(nt, maxOvs)

let ctxQ = Allocate(sysZone, 2); ctxQ!0 = 0
InitPupLevel1(sysZone, ctxQ, 10)
Enqueue(ctxQ, InitializeContext(Allocate(sysZone, 500), 500,
 SpyCtx, lenExtraCtx))
CallContextList(ctxQ!0) repeat  //forever

and SpyFinish() be
manifest kbInterruptBit = 1 lshift 12
@activeInterrupts = @activeInterrupts & not kbInterruptBit
@displayInterrupt = @displayInterrupt & not kbInterruptBit
@displayListHead = 0
for i = 0 to 30000 loop
@lvUserFinishProc = savedUFP

and Wss(stream, string) be
   for i = 1 to string>>String.length do
      Puts(stream, string>>String.char↑i)

and SysErr(p1, errNo, p2, p3, p4, p5; numargs na) be
let t = p1; p1 = errNo; errNo = t
(table [ 77403b; 1401b ])("Sys.Errors", lv p1)
and SpyCtx() be		// a context
let host = GetString("*NIFS name: ", true); if host eq 0 loop
unless GetPartner(host, dsp, port, 0, socketFTP) loop
Free(sysZone, host)

// oepn a BSP connection to the Ftp server
Zero(CtxRunning+3, lenExtraCtx)
let soc = vec lenBSPSoc
CtxRunning>>FtpCtx.bspSoc = soc
CtxRunning>>FtpCtx.dspStream = dsp
OpenLevel1Socket(soc, 0, port)
OpenRTPSocket(soc, 0, modeInitAndReturn)
let timer = nil; SetTimer(lv timer, 6000)  // 1 minute
Block() repeatuntil soc>>RTPSoc.state ne stateRFCOut %
 (kbdAd!1 & 2) eq 0 % TimerHasExpired(lv timer)
unless soc>>RTPSoc.state eq stateOpen do
   PutTemplate(dsp, "*NConnection attempt $S",
    TimerHasExpired(lv timer)? "timed out", "aborted")
   CloseRTPSocket(soc, 0)
CtxRunning>>FtpCtx.bspStream = CreateBSPStream(soc)
CtxRunning>>FtpCtx.lst = lv Noop - offset ST.puts/16
CtxRunning>>FtpCtx.dls = lv Noop - offset ST.puts/16
CtxRunning>>FtpCtx.dbls = CtxRunning>>FtpCtx.bspStream
unless UserOpen(Noop) loop

// retrieve the symbol table
let ok = 0  //0 => in progress; 1 => unretryable; -1 => done
until ok do
   if UserName>>String.length eq 0 % UserPassword>>String.length eq 0 then
      let unam = GetString("*NLogin user: ", true); unless unam break
      CopyString(UserName, unam); Free(sysZone, unam)
      let upsw = GetString("password: ", false); unless upsw break
      CopyString(UserPassword, upsw); Free(sysZone, upsw)
   let pList = InitPList()
   pList>>PL.UNAM = ExtractSubstring(UserName)
   pList>>PL.UPSW = ExtractSubstring(UserPassword)
   pList>>PL.SFIL = ExtractSubstring("<System>IFS.syms")
   let mark = UserRetrieve(pList, Retrieve)
   if mark<<Mark.mark eq markNo test (mark<<Mark.subCode eq 2 %
    mark<<Mark.subCode eq 20b % mark<<Mark.subCode eq 21b)
      ifso UserName!0, UserPassword!0 = 0, 0
      ifnot break
   ok = mark eq 0? 1, mark<<Mark.mark eq markEndOfCommand
UserClose(ok eq 1)
unless ok eq -1 loop
// SpyCtx (cont'd)

// display table
dt = Allocate(sysZone, lenDT); Zero(dt, lenDT)
for line = 1 to maxLines do
   dt>>DT↑line.bitMap = Allocate(sysZone, lineWords)
   dt>>DT↑line.ds = CreateDisplayStream(1, dt>>DT↑line.bitMap, lineWords)

// VM stats display
let showBitMap = Allocate(sysZone, 4*lineWords)
show = CreateDisplayStream(4, showBitMap, 4*lineWords)
SetLmarg(show, 120)
let noshowBitMap = Allocate(sysZone, 4*lineWords)
noshow = CreateDisplayStream(4, noshowBitMap, 4*lineWords)
SetLmarg(noshow, 120)

Spy()	// Spy on server

// destroy all display streams except dsp
ShowDisplayStream(dsp, DSalone)
for i = 0 to 30000 loop  //give display task time to notice
for line = 1 to maxLines do
   Free(sysZone, dt>>DT↑line.bitMap)
Free(sysZone, dt)
Closes(show); Free(sysZone, showBitMap)
Closes(noshow); Free(sysZone, noshowBitMap)
for i = 0 to maxOvs-1 do if nt!i ne 0 then Free(sysZone, nt!i)
Zero(nt, maxOvs)
] repeat
and Retrieve(pl) = RetrieveFile

and RetrieveFile(pl) = valof
// Note that this procedure counts on the fact that the name string area
//  preceeds the BB file descriptor area in a Syms file.
PutTemplate(dsp, "*NRetrieving $S...", pl>>PL.SFIL)
let bspStream = CtxRunning>>FtpCtx.bspStream
let pos = vec 1; Zero(pos, 2)

// sym file header
let sh = vec lSYmsHeader
DoubleIncrement(pos, BSPReadBlock(bspStream, sh, 0, lSYmsHeader*2))
if (sh>>SYmsHeader.version & 177400b) ne 1000b resultis false

// names
let namePos = vec 1; namePos!0 = 0; namePos!1 = sh>>SYmsHeader.namesAddr*2
until MultEq(pos, namePos) do [ Gets(bspStream); DoubleIncrement(pos) ]
let lenNameArea = Gets(bspStream) lshift 8 + Gets(bspStream)
let nameArea = Allocate(sysZone, lenNameArea)
for i = 1 to lenNameArea-1 do
   nameArea!i = Gets(bspStream) lshift 8 + Gets(bspStream)
DoubleIncrement(pos, lenNameArea)
DoubleIncrement(pos, lenNameArea)

// BB file descriptors
let bbPos = vec 1; bbPos!0 = 0; bbPos!1 = sh>>SYmsHeader.binFilesAddr*2
until MultEq(pos, bbPos) do [ Gets(bspStream); DoubleIncrement(pos) ]
let numBBFD = Gets(bspStream) lshift 8 + Gets(bspStream)
for numOvs = 0 to numBBFD-1 do
   if numOvs gr maxOvs then CallSwat("Increase maxOvs")
   let bbfd = vec lenBBFD
   DoubleIncrement(pos, BSPReadBlock(bspStream, bbfd, 0, lenBBFD*2))
   let name = nameArea + bbfd>>BBFD.name
   nt!numOvs = ExtractSubstring(name, 1, name>>String.length-3)

Free(sysZone, nameArea)
until Gets(bspStream) eq -1 loop
Wss(dsp, "Done!")
resultis true
and GetString(prompt, echo) = valof
Wss(dsp, prompt)
let string = vec 128
let count = 0
   let char = Gets(keys)
   switchon char into
      case $*S: case $*N: case $*033:
         if count ne 0 then
            [ Puts(dsp, $*S); break ]
      case $*001: case $*010:
         if count ne 0 then
            if echo then
               EraseBits(dsp, -CharWidth(dsp, string>>String.char↑count))
            count = count -1
      case $*177:
         Wss(dsp, " XXX")
         count = 0
         if count ls (UserName!-1) lshift 1 -1 then
            count = count +1
            string>>String.char↑count = char
            if echo then Puts(dsp, char)
   ] repeat

if count eq 0 resultis false
string>>String.length = count
resultis ExtractSubstring(string)