// SharedStatics.Bj -- statics shared between spooler and printer

// See SharedStatics.bcpl for descriptions
// For the most part, the spooler derives these values, then uses a checkpoint
//   mechanism to save them off. The printer retrieves them into these pre-addressed
//   static locations.

// Version control statics
// THESE MUST!!!!! REMAIN AT LOCATIONS 1001-1006 for version checking to work

Version		0	// Sprint or Spruce major version (not shared, here for convenience)
MinorVersion		1	// Sprint or Spruce minor version (not shared, but pinned to this spot)
SpruceVersion		2	// Shared, compared for checkpoint file validity, cross-system validity, etc.
SpruceMinorVersion	3
SprintVersion		4
SprintMinorVersion	5

// Installation-level values -- will reappear in initialization level stuff.
// All told to or derived by spooler.
1007 // 1001+(5+1)

DoEtherReport 		0
DoMeter 		1
DoFileMeter		2
UseMicroCode		3
tridentUsed		4
tridentDrive		5
statusOf31s		6
BandFile		7
MeterFile		10
FontFile		11
SpoolFile		12
ErrorFile		13
//LogFile		14
QueueFile	14
mapTemp 		15
CheckPrAttr		16	// pointer into shared printer attributes checkpoint level
// the following [ to PolygonRatio ] are in PrinterAttributes structure format in shared printer
//attributes level of checkpoint for each kind of printer known
//~~ consider requirement that this order and PrinterAttributes order be the same to simplify
//~~checkpoint and restore
printerDevice		17
breakPage		20
LandscapeDevice	21
PaperDimensionB 	22
PaperDimensionS 	23
printerForward 	24
PaperSpeedInches	25
ScanLengthInches	26
ScanMarginAdjust	27
BitMarginAdjust 	30
Capabilities		31	 
DutyCycle			32
Facets				33
PolygonRatio		34
NumBins			35
//end of LEVSharedPrinterAttr stuff

BinCounters		36
ResolutionB		37	// Adjust location of real page
ResolutionS		40	// Adjust location of real page
DebugSystem		41	// Debugging specifications
XOffset		42	// Position Press page wrt Real page
YOffset		43	// Position Press page wrt Real page
Which			44	// Which system is running? (will contain diff. value)
printerName		45	// A string containing same

// Initialization-level values
// All told to or derived by spooler.
1055 // 1001+(5+1)+(45+1)

Debug			0	// debug hardware
Verbose 		1
PressServer		2
tridentDisk		3
sysFont 		4
nVisibleBands		5
FA			6
xmFonts		7	// use Bank 1 for fonts
LogoFont	10
LogoText	11
LittleBreakFont	12
BigBreakFont	13

// "Run-level" values
// Told to or derived by spooler
1071 // 1001+(5+1)+(45+1)+(13+1)
numFilesSpooled	0
printDoc		1	// document to print
PressFile		2	// temp used during checkpoint of printDoc
numMustPrint	3	// print this many before considering new spooling requests
CurRMR		4	// so we can tell which microcode is in
SpoolVec		5	// vector which holds spooled files to print (as QueueFile page #s)

// Printer report level
// Values derived by printer during operation
//   used by spooler during error recovery restarts.

// DCS, July 21, 1977  2:02 PM, created
// July 28, 1977  10:54 AM, add breakPage
// September 5, 1977  11:45 AM, add numMustPrint
// September 15, 1977  10:23 PM, add LandscapeDevice
// September 30, 1977  2:13 PM, add DebugSystem, Which
// October 10, 1977  2:38 PM, add Version to replace SpruceVersion, SprintVersion
// October 17, 1977  11:38 AM, add XOffset, YOffset, version 4.(0,0)
// September 1, 1978  9:23 AM, numSpooled -> numFilesSpooled
// September 14, 1978  3:16 PM, revise version methods
// September 15, 1978  4:41 PM, add printerName
// October 27, 1978  4:58 PM, replace drive1Disk by statusOf31s
// December 6, 1978  9:39 AM rearrangements, additions for shared printer attributes
// April 7, 1979  4:25 PM, add xmFonts (fonts in bank 1 option)
// August 29, 1979  10:05 AM, add NumBins and BinCounters
// November 16, 1979  2:12 PM, add LogoFont and LogoText
// January 30, 1980 12:51 PM, add CurRMR for switching microcode
// February 2, 1981  4:48 PM,  add BigBreakFont, LittleBreakFont
// September 30, 1982  12:44 PM add QueueFile, SpoolVec