// SpruceQueue.Bcpl
// Manages spooling queue and related values -- maintains important invariants

get "Spruce.d"
get "SpruceFiles.d"

// defined here


external // external
// SpruceUser

// SpruceFiles

// SpruceUtils
Max; Min; MulDiv

// SpruceCheck

// SpruceStreams

// Queue

// Context

// OS

// statics
printDoc; mapTemp; PressFile

static [ sortWeight = 50; sortStrategy = 0 ] // see fePriority
static [ qDirty = false ]
manifest [ nbfSpool = 4; ncbSpool = 3 ]

// ------------------------------------------------------
// Queueing Philosophy:
// ------------------------------------------------------

This module manages the spooling queue and its corresponding structures within the SpoolFile.
// It is the heart of Spruce Spooling management.

The spooling queue (SproullerQ) is implemented in memory using the Alto queue package. It is
// queue of DocG structures defining all Press files and print commands currently available. This means
// the files or commands are awaiting execution (a state formally known as "pending"), have been
// executed ("printed"), or are in progress ("inProgress", Sprint execution was suspended with an
// entry in progress).
The spooler normally maintains SproullerQ in arrival, or FIFO, order. Before calling Sprint, the
// queue is sorted into a print priority order, with any in-progress document at the head, unprinted
// documents ordered by priority in the middle, and completed entries at the end. The queue is then
// stored in the LEVRunDocs region of the checkpoint file (see SpruceCheck), where Sprint fetches the
// entries one by one. On return, the queue is restored from the checkpoint region, entries are modified
// based on a progress report from Sprint, and the queue is resorted in arrival order.
Spruce can support a queue of limited length (maxSpooled). When that limit has been reached, if
// the oldest entry has been executed (a state formally known as "available") it is deleted, accompanied
// by appropriate file actions (see below), when a new spooling request arrives. Otherwise, the new
// request must be rejected.
A DocG entry can represent a printer command (e.g., Power On), a Press file stored in the local
// Alto file system (stand-alone printing), or a spooled Press file which has arrived on the Ethernet.
// The first two cases are dealt with simply, here and in SpruceInit (queueing the entries initially). The
// remainder of this discussion deals with spooled files.

Files, as they are received, are stored contiguously, in arrival order, as subfiles of the file
// SpoolFile. They are given file indices (in the range #1000-#1777) to serve as temporary names. Thus,
// when SproullerQ is sorted in arrival order, its entries are in the same order as the batch of spooled
// subfiles.
Typically, a number of files at the head of this list have been printed. These are known as
// "available" files, which means that their space may be supplanted by new arrivals. These files are
// held as long as possible, so that they may be reprinted if desired, but never longer than the queue
// entries that describe them. Files that have been printed, but are insulated from the head of the arrival
// list by unprinted files, are not candidates for replacement because the scheme requires that there be
// a single available and a single unavailable region of the SpoolFile.
As the system operates, the group of files comprising the occupied SpoolFile region migrate
// towards the end of the file (files are deleted from the head and appended to the tail.) The subfiles
// are allowed to "wrap around" (see SpruceFilesInit), so the SpoolFile behaves like a ring buffer.
In addition to subfiles representing the spooled files, the implementation uses another subfile,
// called freeFile, that fills the unoccupied space. It begins with the first page following the last
// unoccupied page (modulo the SpoolFile’s length), and terminates with the page preceding the first
// unavailable subfile. Thus, the freeFile overlaps all the available subfiles, if there are any. The
// available subfiles occupy a contiguous region at the end of the freeFile.
The spooling functions (see SpruceSpool) are given freeFile to fill from the beginning. If it fills
// completely, the network transfer is aborted, since unavailable files would subsequently be damaged.
// Otherwise, once the transfer is complete, any available subfiles that have been overwritten to any
// degree are removed from the queue. Then a new subfile is created from the head of the freeFile, the
// freeFile is diminished, and a new entry joins the end of SproullerQ.

Whenever the structures that implement this scheme are not being changed, the following
// invariants must hold:
Consider the extension of the freeFile to the size of the SpoolFile. The available and unavailable
// subfiles represented in the arrival-order SproullerQ must be contiguous and increasing page-order,
// using freeFile’s page coordinates (via VpageToVpage, see below).
The available (printed, at the head of arrival-order queue) files must occupy the final pages of
// freeFile (using freeFile’s page coordinates).
freeFile and the unavailable files occupy the entirety of SpoolFile.
SproullerQ does not exceed maxQueued in length.

The routines herein manage the queue, freeFile, and the spooled subfiles, maintaining the above
// invariants (mainly through the good offices of CleanupQueue()). Functions in Spruce also carry out
// specialized queue management activities related to the processing of the Sprint’s printing report,
// whenever Sprint suspends and defers to Spruce.
The init routine marks the queue clean, and other routines that change its structure mark it dirty.
// The CheckPointQueue() routine writes the queue, in current (probably arrival) order, into the
// checkpoint file, and marks the queue clean. See Sprouller() in Spruce for (only) call.

// ------- Client-called routines -------

// ------------------------------------------------------
let CleanupQueue(numUsed, freeAdjust) be
// ------------------------------------------------------

// SproullerQ MUST be in FIFO order whenever this function is called!
// The main task is to build the freeFile and mark the "available" state
// of documents to attain the spooler invariants (see above). Also, aided
// by numUsed argument, detect available subfiles whose pages have been
// overwritten, delete them and their queue entries. numUsed contains the
// number of pages that have been removed from the head of freeFile during
// a spooling operation, successful or not.
// If freeAdjust is false, this is simply a call to eliminate any overwritten subfiles;
// freeFile’s origin will not change. If freeAdjust is true, this is a call to adjust
// the origin of freeFile to accommodate a newly-spooled file.
// CleanupQueue(numUsed, false) should already have been called to eliminate
// damaged files. It is almost certain that no good will come of attempting to perform
// both functions in the same call. These functions lock each other out because
// multiple contexts (e.g., the user context to gain information) may be calling them
// concurrently, resulting in invalid state, real or apparent.
LockQueue(true) // enter if lock off or coming from one of above functions
let numSpooled = 0
freeAdjust = freeAdjust? numUsed+1, 0
if freeAdjust then
// Adjust the origin of the freeFile to accomodate a newly-spooled file.
// readjust page 1, temporarily has size 1 until new free computed
[ InitSpruceSubfile(freeFile, VpageToRpage(freeFile, freeAdjust), 1); numUsed=0 ]
let firstFree, numFree = 1, freeFile>>SPruceFile.maxPages
// ForEach(SproullerQ, FirstRelFree, lv firstFree) // find first page of first queued file, if any
// let doc = @SproullerQ
// while doc do
//[ let nextDoc = doc>>DocG.link
let s, len, pos = 0, SpoolVec!0, 1
if pos le len then// create stream if necessary
InitSpruceFile(QueueFile, 4, 5)
s = WindowCreateStream(QueueFile, ksTypeReadWrite, wordItem)
while pos le len do
ActOnEntry(SpoolVec!pos, true, s)//read entry into core
let doc = printDoc
let f = doc>>DocG.PressFile
let firstPage = 0; FirstRelFree(doc, lv firstPage)
if firstPage then
// unless firstPage eq firstFree do SpruceCondition(162, ECSpoolTerminate)
firstFree = VpageToVpage(freeFile, firstPage+f>>SPruceFile.numPages, freeFile)
unless doc>>DocG.printed do numSpooled = numSpooled+1
// Free up ’printed’ files if they are contiguous with freeFile
test numSpooled eq 0 & doc>>DocG.printed then
doc>>DocG.available = true
if FullQueue() % (firstPage & numUsed ge firstPage) then
Post(doc, 0, "No longer available"); qDirty = true
if f ne -1 then ForgetSpruceFile(f)
// Invalidate and then save this entry
doc>>DocG.invalid = true
ActOnEntry(SpoolVec!pos, false, s)
// compress SpoolVec
MoveBlock(lv (SpoolVec!pos), lv (SpoolVec!(pos+1)), len-pos)
doc>>DocG.available = false
if firstPage then numFree = Min(numFree, firstPage-1)

// Reclaim core
doc = nextDoc
pos = pos + 1

// clean up stream if necessary
if s ne 0 then Closes(s)
unless firstFree eq 1 & numFree ge 0 & numFree le freeFile>>SPruceFile.maxPages do
SpruceCondition(164, ECSpoolTerminate)
InitSpruceSubfile(freeFile, VpageToRpage(freeFile, firstFree), numFree)
numFilesSpooled = numSpooled
queueLock = 0

// ------------------------------------------------------
and InitializeQueue() be
// ------------------------------------------------------
Create an empty queue and a freeFile that encompasses SpoolFile.
numFilesSpooled, qDirty = 0, false
SproullerQ = FSGetX(2, SpruceZone, 0)
InitSpruceFile(SpoolFile) // Buffers will all be in subfiles
unless freeFile do
freeFile =
CreateSpruceSubfile(lv SpoolFile,1, SpoolFile>>SPruceFile.maxPages)
InitSpruceFile(freeFile, nbfSpool, ncbSpool)

// ------- Client-called Routines . . .

// ------------------------------------------------------
and AddToQueue(pDoc) be // append new file entry
// ------------------------------------------------------
//Fill in spooler-related DocG fields. The spooled file described by pDoc,
//if not a local Alto file, is asserted to have been come from the head of freeFile,
//and damaged avaialable files are asserted to have been removed (see SpoolAFile() in
//SpruceSpool). Append the new entry and reestablish the invariants.
//Password-protected files are added in a "printed" state so they won’t add to
//numSpooled and will disappear if space is needed before someone comes to print them.
LockQueue() // only Cleanup can enter -- DO NOT BLOCK
pDoc>>DocG.spoolStatus = pDoc>>DocG.protected? STATNeedsPassword + STATPrinted, STATPending
qDirty = true
let spooledFile = pDoc>>DocG.PressFile
printDoc = pDoc
// Save entry in QueueFile at next available page
// check for overflow of SpoolVec
if (SpoolVec!0) + 1 gr maxSpooled then //too many entries
SpoolVec!0 = (SpoolVec!0) + 1//Increment length
SpoolVec!(SpoolVec!0) = spooledFile>>SPruceFile.fileCode
Are we overwriting a used page in the QueueFile (announce that it’s forgotten?)
ActOnEntry(SpoolVec!(SpoolVec!0), false)//write entry on disk
Enqueue(SproullerQ, pDoc)
let isSpooled = 0
// is it in SpoolFile or is it local or cmd?
isSpooled = FirstRelFree(pDoc, lv isSpooled) ne 0
CleanupQueue((isSpooled? spooledFile>>SPruceFile.numPages, 0), true)

// ------------------------------------------------------
// and FullQueue() = QueueLength(SproullerQ) ge maxQueued// true if no more entries can be added.
and FullQueue() = SpoolVec!0 ge maxSpooled
// ------------------------------------------------------

// ------------------------------------------------------
and MarkQueueEntry(doc, status, defer; numargs na) be
// ------------------------------------------------------
Change entry’s status to "printed" or to "pending", from anything at all. It is an undetected
// mistake to change to "in Progress"; adding "available" is ineffective because Cleanupqueue() will
// revise.
Don’t do the cleanup if defer, because a number of entries are being updated, and cleanup is
// expensive. CleanupQueue(), it is asserted, will be called when all entries have been modified.
This function is called to record changes in status during normal operation, and in response to
// explicit user-initiated actions.
// Brute-force conversion of this routine (restore modify save) is probably not
// very efficient. Eventually remove.
if na<3 then defer = false; qDirty = true
LockQueue() // only Cleanup can enter -- DO NOT BLOCK
doc>>DocG.spoolStatus = status // could check validity
test defer then queueLock = 0 or CleanupQueue(0, false)

// ------------------------------------------------------
and CheckPointQueue() be if qDirty then
// ------------------------------------------------------
if qDirty, flush queue, unsorted, and related statics to checkpoint regions
// save state of SpoolVec
CheckPoint(LEVEternalStatics, LEVEternalStatics)
// save state of freeFile
CheckPoint(LEVRun, LEVRun)
qDirty = false

// ------------------------------------------------------
and SortQueue(sortCode) be
// ------------------------------------------------------
Using an insertion sort, sort queue into FIFO or print priority order. ForEach() is a queue
// mapping function, found in SpruceUtils.
// If implemented, will be very different.
LockQueue(true); qDirty = true
let tempQ = vec 1
MoveBlock(tempQ, SproullerQ, 2)
Zero(SproullerQ, 2)
let unPrinted, inProg = SproullerQ, 0// used by feSort... routines
switchon sortCode into [
case SORTFifo: ForEach(tempQ, feSortFifo); endcase
case SORTPriority: ForEach(tempQ, feSortPriority, lv unPrinted) ]
queueLock = 0

// ------- Queue sort utilities -------

// ------------------------------------------------------
and feSortPriority(pDoc, nil) = valof
// ------------------------------------------------------
// ***1 Priority sort: Sort into print priority order for presentation to the printer.
// If there was a file in progress when the printer last suspended, it has highest priority. Following
that are the unprinted files, in an order directly proportional to a function of the waiting time
determined by sortStrategy, inversely proportional to length. Finally, the files that have been
printed but not yet overwritten are included. The numSpooled count does not include this last
category, so the printer will not reprocess them. sortStragegy is manually adjusted.
if pDoc>>DocG.inProgress then
[ InsertAfter(SproullerQ, SproullerQ, pDoc); resultis 0 ] // do them all
if pDoc>>DocG.printed then [ Enqueue(SproullerQ, pDoc); resultis 0 ] // do them all
let wT = pDoc>>DocG.waitTime
wT = selecton sortStrategy into [ case 0: ((wT*2)? wT*2, #40000); default: wT+1 ]
pDoc>>DocG.waitTime = wT
pDoc>>DocG.priority = Max(MulDiv(wT, sortWeight, pDoc>>DocG.nParts), 1)
unless ForEach(SproullerQ, fePendingPriority, pDoc) do Enqueue(SproullerQ, pDoc)
resultis 0 // do them all

// ------------------------------------------------------
and fePendingPriority(pDoc, newDoc) = valof
// ------------------------------------------------------
if pDoc>>DocG.inProgress resultis 0 // go on, inProgress has highest priority (this week)
if pDoc>>DocG.printed % newDoc>>DocG.priority > pDoc>>DocG.priority then
[ InsertBefore(SproullerQ, pDoc, newDoc); resultis 3 ]
resultis 0 // new has lower priority, go on

// ------------------------------------------------------
and feSortFifo(pDoc) = valof
// ------------------------------------------------------
// ***2 Fifo sort: Reestablish the original order of spooling -- this is done by sorting the files by
ascending "virtual page number". This number is the page number the beginning of each file
would have if it were a part of the current "free" file -- using freeFile’s page coordianates.
If queue is not in FIFO order, this function must be called before CleanupQueue() will work.
unless ForEach(SproullerQ, feInsert, lv pDoc) do Enqueue(SproullerQ, pDoc)
resultis 0 // do them all

// ------------------------------------------------------
and feInsert(beforeDoc, pPDoc) = valof
// ------------------------------------------------------
let bFile = beforeDoc>>DocG.PressFile
let file = pPDoc=>DocG.PressFile
let bPage = bFile>>SPruceFile.isSubFile? VpageToVpage(bFile, 1, freeFile), 0
let page = file>>SPruceFile.isSubFile? VpageToVpage(file, 1, freeFile), 0
if page > bPage resultis 0 // keep going
InsertBefore(SproullerQ, beforeDoc, @pPDoc)
resultis 3 // quit and return beforeDoc

// ------- Queueing utilities -------

// ------------------------------------------------------
and FirstRelFree(doc, lvRes) = valof
// ------------------------------------------------------

// If doc contains a spooled subfile, and not a local file or a printer command,
// store the page number, in freeFile’s page coordinates, of the spooled subfile’s
// first page, and return 3. Otherwise, return 0.
// Intended to be called from within ForEach, to find the freeFile-relative
// page number of the first spooled subfile in the queue. The 0 result continues
// the search; the 3 result successfully terminates terminates it. Called directly
// from other places for either the page-mapping or subfile-detection effect.
let f = doc>>DocG.PressFile
unless Ugt(f+1, 1)&f>>SPruceFile.isSubFile resultis 0 // keep going if called by ForEach
@lvRes = VpageToVpage(f, 1, freeFile)
resultis 3 // stop if called by ForEach

// ------------------------------------------------------
and LockQueue(deadBolt; numargs na) be
// ------------------------------------------------------
Locks other routines out of queue modification routines, Blocking() here until available. The two
// lock states allow locked routines to call CleanupQueue(), which can also be called directly and thus
// must perform a lock. There should be a timeout or something here to prevent deadlocks due to bugs.
// Since the low-frequency user context and the spooler context are the only competitors, no deadlocks
// will prevail if there are not bugs.
// locks with deadBolt value; if prev was 1, and current is -1, just strengthen lock
// otherwise if already locked, wait for unlock
if na<1 then deadBolt=1
if queueLock ne 1 % deadBolt eq 1 then while queueLock do Block() // should timeout here
queueLock = deadBolt

and ZoneOK() be
] repeat

// ------------------------------------------------------
and VpageToVpage(fromFile, page, toFile) = RpageToVpage(toFile, VpageToRpage(fromFile, page))
// ------------------------------------------------------
Maps from the page coordinates of one subfile to those of another. It is asserted, but not checked,
// that both files have the same parent.

// ------- History . . .

// DCS, August 29, 1978 12:23 AM, created as extraction from Spruce, SpruceSpool, SpruceUser
// August 30, 1978 8:06 AM, add FullQueue
// August 31, 1978 7:28 AM, inherit SortSpooledFiles -> SortQueue
// September 1, 1978 8:19 AM, redo CleanupQueue -- now constructs values previously checked,
// thus simplifying maintenance of invariants!
// Call SpruceCondition(..., ECSpoolTerminate) to indicate queue inconsistencies.
// September 3, 1978 6:56 PM, subfile creation uses static address
// September 4, 1978 3:10 PM, repair lingering bugs in CleanupQueue
// September 5, 1978 8:20 AM, Mark... takes full status, defer arg defers Cleanup; Queue locks;
fix full spool q bug
// September 5, 1978 5:23 PM, queue lock bug
// September 5, 1978 9:14 PM, institute true priority scheme
// September 20, 1978 11:43 AM, formatting, documentation
// October 16, 1978 9:26 AM, modify interfaces for fast files
// August 3, 1979 9:45 PM, mark "needs password" on protected files added to queue (AddToQueue)
// May 9, 1980, 2:28 PM, make sure feSortPriority doesn’t zero DocG.waitTime