// IfsOpDisk.cm -- makes IFS Operation disk
// Copyright Xerox Corporation 1980, 1981
// Last modified February 4, 1981  4:04 PM by Boggs


Ftp Indigo Directory/c Alto ↑
 Retrieve/c NewOS.boot Sys.syms Sys.Errors ↑
  Executive.Run InstallSwat.run Ftp.Run Empress.run ↑
  Tfu.run Triex.run ↑
 Retrieve/s Prog-user.cm User.cm ↑
Directory/c IFS ↑
 Retrieve/c IFS.run IFS.syms IFS.errors ↑
  IFSScavenger.run IFSScavenger.syms ↑
Directory/c Fonts ↑
 Retrieve/c Fonts.widths

Ftp Indigo ↑
Directory/c AltoFonts ↑
 Retrieve/s Gacha10.al SysFont.al

// Install the new operating system.
Install NewOS.boot
Delete NewOS.boot

// Now install Swat with XM features enabled
BootFrom Sys.boot

// No longer get Dmt.Boot because we prefer to boot it from the Ethernet.
// But Install has preallocated Dmt.Boot, so...
Delete InstallSwat.run Dmt.Boot