//   Mag Tape Utility
//   for ethernet use
//   April 28, 1980  12:58 PM
// Last modified by Tim Diebert,  June 9, 1980  10:46 AM

get "Pup.decl"
get "TSP.decl"
get "Tapes.d"

InitPupLevel1; OpenLevel1Socket; CloseLevel1Socket; SetAllocation
OpenRTPSocket; CreateBSPStream; GetPartner
BSPForceOutput; BSPGetMark; BSPPutMark; BSPWriteBlock
InitializeContext; CallContextList; Block; Enqueue; Unqueue
InitializeZone; CreateDisplayStream; ShowDisplayStream
Gets; Puts; Closes; Endofs; Ws; Wss; Wo; Wos; EraseBits; CharWidth
keys; dsp; OpenFile; WriteBlock; ReadBlock; CallSwat
myDsp; bspSoc; bspStr; ctxQ; tspBuffer; file; blk; status; error

let Mftp() be // initialization
Ws("*n MFTP, Magtape File Transfer Program, version 1.2, June 9, 1980")
let myZone = vec 10000; InitializeZone(myZone, 10000)
let q = vec 1; ctxQ = q; ctxQ!0 = 0
let v = vec 300
blk = v
let v = vec 1040
tspBuffer = v
let v = vec 9000
myDsp = CreateDisplayStream(40, v, 9000)
let v = vec 3000
Enqueue(ctxQ, InitializeContext(v, 3000, TopLevel))
CallContextList(ctxQ!0) repeat

and TopLevel() be // top-level process
Wss(myDsp,"*nConnect to (CR to exit program): ")
let name = vec 127; GetString(name)
if name>>String.length eq 0 then finish
let frnPort = vec lenPort
unless GetPartner(name, dsp, frnPort, 0, tapeSocket) do loop
let v = vec lenBSPSoc; bspSoc = v
OpenLevel1Socket(bspSoc, 0, frnPort)
unless OpenRTPSocket(bspSoc, ctxQ) do
   Wss(myDsp,"*nFailed to connect")
bspStr = CreateBSPStream(bspSoc)
let keysToNetCtx = vec 2000
Enqueue(ctxQ, InitializeContext(keysToNetCtx, 2000, KeysToNet))
Block () repeatuntil bspSoc>>BSPSoc.state ne stateOpen %
   @#177035 eq #177775 //second blank key pressed
Unqueue(ctxQ, keysToNetCtx)
Wss(myDsp,"*nConnection Closed!")
] repeat

and KeysToNet() be
   //Establish connection, open drive, then
   // wait for key, r 
   VersionCommand(); GetReply()
   OpenCommand(); GetReply()
   let fname = vec 127
   while true do
      error = false
      Wss(myDsp,"*nCommand (? for help): "); let char = GetKeys()
      switchon char into
      case $c:
         Wss(myDsp," Close Connection")
      case $r:
         Wss(myDsp," Read file, filename? ")
         file = OpenFile(fname)
         unless file do [
            Wss(myDsp," file system error ")
         let done = false
         let recordCount = 0
         until done % error do
            [   //get and print blocks until eof or error
            done = ReadReply()
            recordCount = recordCount + 1
         test error
         ifso   Wss(myDsp,"Read error")
            Wss(myDsp," ")
            Wss(myDsp, " records read")
         Closes(file); endcase
      case $w:
         Wss(myDsp," Write file, filename? ")
         file = OpenFile(fname,ksTypeReadOnly,wordItem)
         unless file do
            Wss(myDsp," file does not exist")
         Wss(myDsp,"*nRecord size in bytes (1024) ")
         let rsize = GetNumber()
         if rsize eq 0 then
            Wss(myDsp, " used 1024")
            rsize = 1024
         if rsize gr 2048 then
            Wss(myDsp, " used 2048")
            rsize = 2048
         let recordCount = 0
         until Endofs(file) % error do
            [   //get and print blocks until eof or error
            recordCount = recordCount + 1
         test error
               Wss(myDsp,"Error on Write")
               EOFCommand(); WriteReply()
               Wss(myDsp, " records written")
         Closes(file); endcase
      case $f:
         Wss(myDsp," Fwd skip file, how many: ")
         let n = GetNumber(); if n eq 0 then 
            Wss(myDsp, "1")
            n = 1
         status = 0
         until (n eq 0) % error % status<<Status.EOT  do
            n = n-1
            if error then
               test status<<Status.EOT
               ifso Wss(myDsp, "can't skip past EOT")
               ifnot Wss(myDsp, "error in skip")
      case $b:
         Wss(myDsp," Back skip file, how many: ")
         let n = GetNumber(); if n eq 0 then 
            Wss(myDsp, "1")
            n = 1
         status = 0
         until (n eq 0) % error % status<<Status.BOT  do
            n = n-1
            if error then Wss(myDsp, "error in skip")
            if status<<Status.BOT then Wss(myDsp, " At beginning of tape")
      case $u:
         Wss(myDsp," Rewind")
      case $?:
         Wss(myDsp,"*nc=Close, r=Read file, w=Write file, f=Fwd skip file, b=Back skip file, u=Rewind")
         Wss(myDsp," Bad command")

and GetReply() be
[   //get block
   let b = 0; let hi = GetFromBsp() lshift 8
   let len = hi + GetFromBsp()
   tspBuffer!0 = len
   for b = 1 to len-1 do
      hi = GetFromBsp() lshift 8
      tspBuffer!b = hi + GetFromBsp()

and GetFromBsp() = valof
   let c = -1
   until c ge 0 do
       c = Gets(bspStr)
   resultis c

and ReadReply() = valof
[   //get block and if not error or eof, print data
   GetReply()   //fill block
   status = tspBuffer>>HereIsRecord.endingStatus
   let i = status & #374   //error bits
   if i then error = true   //error
   if status<<Status.EOF then resultis true   //EOF
   if status<<Status.EOT then error = true   //EOT
   unless status<<Status.RDY then error = true   //not ready
   unless status<<Status.ONL then error = true   //not on line
   let len = tspBuffer>>HereIsRecord.recordLength
   WriteBlock(file,lv tspBuffer>>HereIsRecord.record,(len+1)/2)
   resultis false      //not done

and WriteReply() = valof
[   //get block and if not error or eof, return false
   GetReply()   //fill block
   status = tspBuffer>>YesNo.code
   let i = status & #374   //error bits
   if i then error = true   //error
   if status<<Status.EOF then error = true   //EOF
   if status<<Status.EOT then error = true   //EOT
   unless status<<Status.RDY then error = true   //not ready
   unless status<<Status.ONL then error = true   //not on line
   resultis false      //not done

and GetYesNo() be
   GetReply()   //only check error, not EOF, EOT, or BOT
   status = tspBuffer>>YesNo.code
   let i = status & #374   //error bits
   if i then error = true   //error
   unless status<<Status.RDY then error = true   //not ready
   unless status<<Status.ONL then error = true   //not on line

and VersionCommand() be
[   //send  [Version] block
   blk>>Version.type = cmdVersion   //type field
   blk>>Version.versno = 0      //version numeric
   let str = "Version 1.0 Tape Server Protocol"
   let len = 3 + ((str>>String.length + 2) / 2)
   blk>>Version.length = len
   let i = 0
   for i = 0 to len-4 do
      (lv blk>>Version.verstext)!i = str!i   //add text in
   BSPWriteBlock(bspStr,blk,0,2*len)   //send this block
   BSPForceOutput(bspSoc)   //now

and OpenCommand() be
[   //send  [OpenDrive] block
   blk>>OpenDrive.type = cmdOpenDrive   //type field
   blk>>OpenDrive.driveNumber = 0   //drive 0
   let str = "Glenn"
   let len = 3 + ((str>>String.length + 2) / 2)
   blk>>OpenDrive.length = len
   let i = 0
   for i = 0 to len-4 do
      (lv blk>>OpenDrive.userID)!i = str!i   //add text in
   BSPWriteBlock(bspStr,blk,0,2*len)   //send this block
   BSPForceOutput(bspSoc)   //now

and CloseCommand() be
[   //send  [CloseDrive] block
   blk>>CloseDrive.type = cmdCloseDrive   //type field
   blk>>CloseDrive.length = 2   //this is whole message
   BSPWriteBlock(bspStr,blk,0,4)   //send this block
   BSPForceOutput(bspSoc)   //now

and EOFCommand() be
[   //send  [WriteEOF] block
   blk>>WriteEndOfFile.type = cmdWriteEOF   //type field
   blk>>WriteEndOfFile.length = 2   //this is whole message
   BSPWriteBlock(bspStr,blk,0,4)   //send this block
   BSPForceOutput(bspSoc)   //now

and RewindCommand() be
[   //send  [Rewind] block
   blk>>Rewind.type = cmdRewind   //type field
   blk>>Rewind.length = 2   //this is whole message
   BSPWriteBlock(bspStr,blk,0,4)   //send this block
   BSPForceOutput(bspSoc)   //now

and ReadRecordCommand() be
[   //send  [ReadRecord] block
   Wss(myDsp, ".")
   blk>>ReadRecord.type = cmdReadRecord   //type field
   blk>>ReadRecord.length = 2   //this is whole message
   BSPWriteBlock(bspStr,blk,0,4)   //send this block
   BSPForceOutput(bspSoc)   //now

and WriteRecordCommand(file,rsize) be
[   //send  [WriteRecord] block
   Wss(myDsp, ".")
   tspBuffer>>WriteRecord.type = cmdWriteRecord   //type field
   let len = ReadBlock(file, lv tspBuffer>>WriteRecord.record,rsize/2)
   tspBuffer>>WriteRecord.length = len+3
   tspBuffer>>WriteRecord.recordLength = 2*len
   BSPWriteBlock(bspStr,tspBuffer,0,6+2*len)   //send this block
   BSPForceOutput(bspSoc)   //now

and FileFwdCommand() be
[   //send  [FwdSpaceFile] block
   blk>>FwdSpaceFile.type = cmdFwdSpaceFile   //type field
   blk>>FwdSpaceFile.length = 2   //this is whole message
   BSPWriteBlock(bspStr,blk,0,4)   //send this block
   BSPForceOutput(bspSoc)   //now

and FileBackCommand() be
[   //send  [BackSpaceFile] block
   blk>>BackSpaceFile.type = cmdBackSpaceFile   //type field
   blk>>BackSpaceFile.length = 2   //this is whole message
   BSPWriteBlock(bspStr,blk,0,4)   //send this block
   BSPForceOutput(bspSoc)   //now

and CloseConnection() be
[   Closes(bspStr)

and GetKeys() = valof
while Endofs(keys) do Block()
resultis Gets(keys)

and GetString(string) be
let i = 1
while i le 255 do
   let char = GetKeys()
   switchon char into
      case 127:
         i = 1
         endcase //del
      case $*n:
         string>>String.length = i-1
         endcase //cr
      case 8:
          if i gr 1 then   //backspace
             i = i - 1
             EraseBits(myDsp, -CharWidth(myDsp, string>>String.char↑i))
         string>>String.char↑i = char
         Puts(myDsp, char)
         i = i + 1

and GetNumber() = valof
let s = vec 127      //string
let d = 0      //digit
let n = -1
while n ls 0 do
   n = 0
   let i = 0
   while (i ls s>>String.length) & (n ge 0) do
      i = i+1
      n = n * 10   //new digit
      d = (s>>String.char↑i) - 48
      n = n + d
      if (d ls 0) % (d gr 9) then n = -1
   if n ls 0 then
      Wss(myDsp," Bad number*n")
      n = 0
resultis n