// DLSBackground.bcpl -- Background processes for DLS control

// Last modified May 17, 1982  1:55 PM by Taft
// Last modified November 14, 1983  11:17 AM by Diebert

get "DLSDriver.decl"
get "Pup.decl"
get "DLSControl.decl"
get "AltoDefs.d"

// Procedures defined herein
DLSBackground; AltoCommand; StatusBackground; DspPuts; WizardMode

// Procedures defined elsewhere
GetString; Confirm; Error; Disconnect; DLSOutputEmpty;
UpdateCarrierOn; CounterJunta; HangUp
Enqueue; Unqueue; SetTimer; TimerHasExpired; Dismiss; Block;
PutTemplate; Gets; Puts; Endofs; Closes; Ws; Wss; Wns;
Allocate; Free; Zero; SetBlock; Noop;
SimpleDspResetLine; SimpleDspSetLinePos; GetNumber; ControlOut
CloseBSPSocket; BSPForceOutput

// Statics defined herein
//savedDCBHead; stDis; displayTimeout; keyDsp;

// Statics defined elsewhere
mainCtx		// Pointer to Q of non-interrupt contexts
ctxTable	// Table of contexts, indexed by line #
@lbTable	// DLS line block table

//stDis		// Status display stream
//displayTimeout	// Timeout for turning off display
//savedDCBHead	// Place to save head of DCB chain
//keyDsp		// Special Alto keyboard/display stream
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
let WizardMode(ctx, tstr) be
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Task to process commands from the network
let dlb = ctx>>CTX.dlb
Wss(tstr, "*n*l? Broadcast, Display status, Post Notice, Quit, Remove Notice, ShutDown*n*l")
   [ // repeat
   Wss(tstr, "W>")  // Prompt
   let char = Gets(tstr)
   switchon char into
      case $Q: case $q:
         Wss(tstr, "Quit out of wizard mode [confirm] ")
         if Confirm(tstr) then return
      case $S: case $s:
         Wss(tstr, "Shutdown DLS [confirm] ")
         if Confirm(tstr) then ShutDown(ctx, tstr)
      case $B: case $b:
         Wss(tstr, "Broadcast message")
         let string = GetMessage(tstr)
         if string ne 0 then [ BroadcastMessage(tstr, string); Free(sysZone, string) ]
         Wss(tstr, crlf)
      case $D: case $d:
         Wss(tstr, "Display Status*n*l")
            "Number of PBI's = $D*n*lNumber of Input Buffer Overflows = $UD*n*l*n*l",
            nPBI, dlsInputOverflows)
         Wss(tstr, "      0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7*n*l")
         for i = 0 to numLines - 1 by 8 do
            PutTemplate(tstr, " $D  ", i/8)
            for j = 0 to 7 do
               let ctx = ctxTable!(i + j)
               let dlb = lbTable!(i + j)
                  test dlb>>LBH.lineType eq ltLog
                    ifso Wss(tstr, " Log") 
                    ifnot Wss(tstr, (dlb>>LBH.lineType ls ltData? " -- ",
                        selecton ctx>>CTX.lineState into
                           case lineStateOff:     " Off"
                           case lineStateOn:      " On "
                           case lineStateActive:  " Act"
                           case lineStateRemote:  " Rem"
                           case lineStateDialOut: " Out"
            Wss(tstr, "*n*l")
         Wss(tstr, "*n*l Line  Name*n*l")
         for i = 0 to numLines - 1 do
            let ctx = ctxTable!i
            if ctx ne 0 then
               if ctx>>CTX.name ne 0 then
                  PutTemplate(tstr, " $3O   $S*n*l", ctx>>CTX.dlb>>DLB.line, ctx>>CTX.name)
      case $P: case $p:
         Wss(tstr, "Post signon message")
         let string = GetMessage(tstr)
         if string ne 0 then
            if postedNotice ne 0 then Free(sysZone, postedNotice)
            postedNotice = string
      case $R: case $r:
         Wss(tstr, "Remove posted notice [confirm]")
         if Confirm(tstr) & postedNotice ne 0 then
            [ Free(sysZone, postedNotice); postedNotice = 0 ]
      case $?:
         Wss(tstr, "? Broadcast, Display status, Post Notice, Quit, Remove Notice, ShutDown*n*l")
      case $*n:
         Wss(tstr, crlf)
         Error(tstr, " ?*n*l", char)
   ] repeat
//// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
//and AltoCommand() be
//// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
//// Task to process commands from Alto keyboard
//Ws("*n**")  // Prompt
//let char = nil
//   [ char = Gets(keyDsp); Puts(keyDsp, $*l) ] repeatwhile char eq $*s
//switchon char into
//   [
//   case $Q: case $q:
//      Ws("Quit [confirm]")
//      if Confirm(keyDsp) then ShutDown(0, keyDsp)
//      endcase
//   case $B: case $b:
//      [
//      Ws("Broadcast message")
//      let string = GetMessage(keyDsp)
//      if string ne 0 then [ BroadcastMessage(keyDsp, string); Free(sysZone, string) ]
//      endcase
//      ]
//   case $P: case $p:
//      [
//      Ws("Post signon message")
//      let string = GetMessage(keyDsp)
//      if string ne 0 then
//         [
//         if postedNotice ne 0 then Free(sysZone, postedNotice)
//         postedNotice = string
//         ]
//      endcase
//      ]
//   case $R: case $r:
//      Ws("Remove posted notice [confirm]")
//      if Confirm(keyDsp) & postedNotice ne 0 then
//         [ Free(sysZone, postedNotice); postedNotice = 0 ]
//      endcase
//   case $?:
//      Ws("? Broadcast, Post, Quit, Remove")
//      endcase
//   case $*n:
//      endcase
//   default:
//      Error(keyDsp, " ?*n*l", char)
//      endcase
//   ]
//] repeat
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
and GetMessage(strm) = valof
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
unless Confirm(strm) resultis 0
Wss(strm, "[end with CR, abort with DEL]*n*l")
let string = Allocate(sysZone, 51)
test GetString(strm, string, 100) & string>>String.length gr 0
   ifso resultis string
   ifnot [ Free(sysZone, string); resultis 0 ]

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
and BroadcastMessage(strm, string) be
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Wss(strm, "*n*lSending to line: ")
for i = 0 to numLines-1 do
   let ctx, dlb = ctxTable!i, lbTable!i
   if dlb>>LBH.lineType ge ltData &
    (ctx>>CTX.lineState eq lineStateActive %
    ctx>>CTX.lineState eq lineStateRemote) then
      Unqueue(mainCtx, ctx)  // Shut off other sources of output
      if ctx>>CTX.auxCtx ne 0 then Unqueue(mainCtx, ctx>>CTX.auxCtx)
      Wss(dlb, "*n*l***********007*n*l> ")
      Wss(dlb, string)
      Wss(dlb, "*n*l***********007*n*l")
      Enqueue(mainCtx, ctx)
      if ctx>>CTX.auxCtx ne 0 then Enqueue(mainCtx, ctx>>CTX.auxCtx)
      Wns(strm, i, 3, 8)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
and ShutDown(ctxIn, strm) be
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Wss(strm, "*nBroadcasting shutdown message...")
BSPForceOutput(lv ctxIn>>CTX.socket)
BroadcastMessage(strm, "DLS going down now...Goodbye!")
Wss(strm, "*nClosing connections...")
for i = 0 to numLines-1 do
   if (lbTable!i)>>LBH.lineType gr ltData then
      let ctx = ctxTable!i
      if ctx ne ctxIn do
         Unqueue(mainCtx, ctx)
         if ctx>>CTX.auxCtx ne 0 then Unqueue(mainCtx, ctx>>CTX.auxCtx)
         if ctx>>CTX.socketOpen then Disconnect(ctx, 500)
Dismiss(10)  // 100 ms for last character to go out

// Turn off all control signals and set all data lines to marking.
SetBlock(dlsOutBase, 1, numLines)

if ctxIn ne 0 then
   if ctxIn>>CTX.socketOpen then
      [ Wss(strm, "Bye!!*n*l"); CloseBSPSocket(lv ctxIn>>CTX.socket, 500) ]

@displayListHead = 0
//// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
//and DspPuts(str, char) be
//// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
//@displayListHead = savedDCBHead  // Ensure display is on
//SetTimer(lv displayTimeout, 120*100)  // Reset activity timer
//unless char eq $*l do Puts(dsp, char)
//// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
//and StatusBackground() be
//// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
//// Periodically updates the terminal status display.
//// Also turns off display if no keyboard activity for a long time
//if @displayListHead ne 0 then  // Do this only if display is on
//   [
//   for i = 1 to stDisLines-1 do
//      [
//      SimpleDspSetLinePos(stDis, i)
//      SimpleDspResetLine(stDis)
//      let group = (i-1)*8
//      Wns(stDis, group, 2, 8)
//      for line = group to group+7 do
//         [
//         Block()
//         let ctx = ctxTable!line
//         let dlb = lbTable!line
//         test dlb>>LBH.lineType eq ltLog
//           ifso Wss(stDis, " Log") 
//           ifnot Wss(stDis, (dlb>>LBH.lineType ls ltData? " -- ",
//               selecton ctx>>CTX.lineState into
//                  [
//                  case lineStateOff:     " Off"
//                  case lineStateOn:      " On "
//                  case lineStateActive:  " Act"
//                  case lineStateRemote:  " Rem"
//                  case lineStateDialOut: " Out"
//                  ]))
//         ]
//      Dismiss(1)  // Don't hog the machine
//      ]
//   if TimerHasExpired(lv displayTimeout) then @displayListHead = 0
//   ]
//Dismiss(400)  // Do this every 4 seconds
//] repeat
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
and DLSBackground() be
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// This is an independent task that does any necessary periodic
// background processing
UpdateCarrierOn(Noop)  // Look for lines that have hung up
Dismiss(100)  // Wait one second, then repeat
] repeat