// LoadPress.cm
// last modified by Hunt, March 26, 1981  6:21 PM
// - raised /W from 1460 to 1470 - 3/18
// last modified by Butterfield, April 18, 1980  4:17 PM
// - raised /N from 1440 to 1500 and /W from 1430 to 1460 - 4/18
// - added ScanConvert2, and IfsIsf and IfsIsfInit - 4/18
// - added BFSInit - 3/10
// - derived from LoadPress.cm of February 1, 1980  9:35 AM, 3/10/80
BLDR/L/R/B/I 1471/W 1500/N ↑
Press Cursor Window Files IfsIsf Meter Alloc PressML ReadTimer EventReport TfsBase TfsA ↑
PressInit/I PressInstall PressInitUtils BFSInit IfsIsfInit DiskFindHole TfsInit TfsWrite TfsCreate TfsDDMgr TfsClose PrintOrbitInit Scan Float Parts LoadRam MainMC ↑
ov0/B SlotTest ↑
ov1/B PressFloat Parts FontPass1 FontPass2 Convert SCVMain SCVSort ↑
ov2/B PressFloat Parts PreScan PreChars PreObjects PreDots PreBand PreFontMake PreUtil ↑
ov3/B ScanConvert ScanConvert2 ScanChars ScanObjects ScanDots ScanPutDots LoadRam ScanMC ↑
ov4/B Print PrintSlot PrintSlow PrintOrbit PrintOrbitHdwFns PrintDisk31 PrintDiskTrident PrintDebug SlotDebug Interrupt InterruptInit LoadRam PrintMC OrbitMC

// Normal number of errors = 42 !!!