’From Smalltalk 5.5bXM July 4 on 1 August 1979 at 9:42:34 am.’ ̃
Class new title: ’Aurora’
subclassof: Object
fields: ’source destination function figure ground
transparentground constantregister spareone sparetwo sparethree’
declare: ’DoverB Aonly Bonly aureadloc Noop AoverB AtransoverB AtransstoreB auwriteloc Conly Donly DstoreB auselloc Setcolor CstoreB pmscreenrect CoverB AstoreB ’;

This class has not yet been commented

["specify i/o words"
auselloc ← 0177410.
auwriteloc ← 0177411.
aureadloc ← 0177412.
pmscreenrect ← (00̆) rect: (6404̆80).
mem‘auselloc ← 014000.
mem‘auwriteloc ← 010.
AstoreB← 002117. "alto stream into pm"
CstoreB← 000117. "stores figure color block into pm"
DstoreB← 000517. "a/d output into pm"
AoverB← 002103. "alto stream over pm"
CoverB← 000103. "figure color block over pm"
DoverB← 000503. "a/d output over pm"
AtransoverB← 012103. "ground transparent"
AtransstoreB← 012117. "ground transparent"
Noop← 0.

destination: destination
figure: figure
function: function
ground: ground
source: source

mem‘auselloc ← 014000."DDT"
mem‘auwriteloc ← 012.
doit "primitive call to Aurora"
"self waitverticalinterval: 1 ;
disabledatatransfer ;
setsourcewin ;
setrasterwin ;
setfigureground ;
setfunc ;
enabledatatransfer ;
waitverticalinterval: 1."

user croak
] primitive: 105

mem‘auselloc ← 014000."EDT"
mem‘auwriteloc← 010.
mem‘auselloc← 0.
["sets the constant register "
mem‘auselloc ← 014000."WCReg ← c"
mem‘auwriteloc ← 0263.
mem‘auwriteloc ← 0400 + constantregister.
["sets the figure and ground registers "
mem‘auselloc ← 014000."set figure"
mem‘auwriteloc ← 0263.
mem‘auwriteloc ← 0400 + figure.

mem‘auselloc ← 014000."set ground"
mem‘auwriteloc ← 0267.
mem‘auwriteloc ← 0400 + ground.
mem‘auselloc ← 014000."sets the inmode register "
mem‘auwriteloc ← 0261.
mem‘auwriteloc ← (function lshift: 0-8) + 0400.

mem‘auselloc ← 014000."sets the op register"
mem‘auwriteloc ← 0262.
mem‘auwriteloc ← (function land: 0377) + 0400.
setpmcolortable: colordef
["sets the color table in the picture memory.
self waitverticalinterval: 1.
self disabledatatransfer.
mem‘auselloc ← 014000.
mem‘auwriteloc ← 0271.
mem‘auwriteloc ← 0400 + colordef value.
mem‘auwriteloc ← 0400 + colordef red.
mem‘auwriteloc ← 0400 + colordef green.
mem‘auwriteloc ← 0400 + colordef blue.

self enabledatatransfer."

user croak
] primitive: 106
setrasterwin | r
["sets the destination window"
r ← destination intersect: pmscreenrect.
r empty  []
mem‘auselloc ← 010000.
mem‘auwriteloc ← r leftside +110.

mem‘auselloc ← 010002.
mem‘auwriteloc ← (r top)/2 + 21.

mem‘auselloc ← 010001.
mem‘auwriteloc ← r width.

mem‘auselloc ← 010003.
mem‘auwriteloc ← (r height)/2 - 1.

setsourcewin"set alto source window for aurora"
mem‘auselloc ← 020000.
mem‘auwriteloc ← mem‘066. "starting memory address of bit map BCA goes here"

mem‘auselloc ← 020001.
mem‘auwriteloc ← (user screenrect width +15 )/16. " bit maps width in words BMR".

mem‘auselloc ← 020002.
mem‘auwriteloc ← (source width +15) /16. " source width in words"

mem‘auselloc ← 020003.
mem‘auwriteloc ← source height.

mem‘auselloc ← 020010.
mem‘auwriteloc ← 0261." format ... wrap in both x and y and one bit per point."

waitverticalinterval: n | i"wait for n vertical intervals"
["forç i to: n doç
untilç ((mem‘aureadloc) land: 1) = 1 doç []

black | r c i
self standardcolortable.
r ← user screenrect.
user displayoffwhileç [
self source: r ;
destination: r;
figure: 1;
ground: 0;
function: CstoreB;
doit. self function: Noop ; doit.]
set: vec | c
c ← Colordef new.
c value: (vec‘1) ; red: (vec‘2) ; green: (vec‘3) ; blue: (vec‘4).
self setpmcolortable: c.
standardcolortable | c i
c ← Colordef new.
self set:  (0 255 255 255).
self set:  (1 0 0 0).
self set:  (2 255 0 0).
self set:  (3 192 0 64).
self set:  (4 128 0 128).
self set:  (5 64 0 192).
self set:  (6 0 0 255).
self set:  (7 0 64 192).
self set:  (8 0 128 128).
self set:  (9 0 192 64).
self set:  (10 0 255 0).
self set:  (11 64 192 0).
self set:  (12 128 128 0).
self set:  (13 192 64 0).

forç i from: (14 to: 255) doç
[c value: i ; red: i ; green: i ; blue: i.
self setpmcolortable: c.]
test | r c i
r ← Rectangle new fromuser.
user displayoffwhileç [
self source: r ;
destination: r;
figure: 1;
ground: 0;
function: AstoreB;
doit. self function: Noop ; doit.]
white | r c i
self standardcolortable.
r ← user screenrect.
user displayoffwhileç [
self source: r ;
destination: r;
figure: 0;
ground: 0;
function: CstoreB;
doit. self function: Noop ; doit.]

SystemOrganization classify:  Aurora under: ’Aurora’.̃
Aurora classInit̃

Class new title: ’Colordef’
subclassof: Object
fields: ’value red green blue’
declare: ’’;

This class has not yet been commented

value: value red: red green: green blue: blue |

[ ffi blue ]
blue: blue
[ ffi green ]
green: green
[ ffi red ]
red: red
[ ffi value ]
value: value
SystemOrganization classify:  Colordef under: ’Aurora’.̃