-- File: MailerMTP.mesa, Last Edit: HGM March 24, 1981 1:08 PM DIRECTORY Ascii USING [CR, SP, TAB], Storage USING [Node, String, Free, FreeString, CopyString], String USING [AppendString, AppendChar, EquivalentString, AppendNumber], Time USING [AppendCurrent], Mailer USING [Level], PupDefs USING [AppendMyName], FTPDefs USING [ FTPBeginDeliveryOfMessage, FTPCloseConnection, FTPCreateUser, FTPDestroyUser, FTPEndDeliveryOfMessage, FTPError, FTPFinalize, FTPSetCredentials, FTPIdentifyNextRejectedRecipient, FTPInitialize, FTPOpenConnection, FTPSendBlockOfMessage, FTPSendRecipientOfMessage, FTPUser, PupCommunicationPrimitives]; MailerMTP: PROGRAM IMPORTS Storage, String, Time, PupDefs, FTPDefs EXPORTS Mailer = BEGIN SendMailViaMTP: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [ from, subject, to, cc: STRING, body: LONG STRING, sender, password: STRING, info: PROCEDURE [s: STRING, level: Mailer.Level]] RETURNS [worked: BOOLEAN] = BEGIN OPEN FTPDefs; -- This is the list of mail servers to try. nMailServers: CARDINAL = 11; mailServerNames: ARRAY [0..nMailServers) OF STRING = [ "Erie"L, -- Webster "Aklak"L, -- Toronto "Aztec"L, -- Henrietta "Wind"L, -- El Segundo "Maxc"L, -- Palo Alto "Calypso"L, -- Leesburg "Eagle"L, -- Stamford "RoseBowl"L, -- Pasadena "Cactus"L, -- Dallas "Rank"L, -- Sweden "Jaws"L]; -- England ftpUser: FTPUser ← NIL; recipients, rejections: CARDINAL ← 0; nameList, nameListTail: NameHandle ← NIL; mailServerIndex: CARDINAL; SendHeaderLine: PROCEDURE [field, contents: STRING] = BEGIN IF contents = NIL OR contents.length = 0 THEN RETURN; FTPSendBlockOfMessage[ftpUser, @field.text, field.length]; FTPSendBlockOfMessage[ftpUser, @contents.text, contents.length]; SendCR[]; END; SendDateLine: PROCEDURE = BEGIN date: STRING = [30]; Time.AppendCurrent[date, TRUE]; SendHeaderLine["Date: "L, date]; END; SendFromLine: PROCEDURE = BEGIN temp: STRING = [200]; String.AppendString[temp, from]; String.AppendString[temp, " on "L]; PupDefs.AppendMyName[temp]; String.AppendString[temp, " (via "L]; String.AppendString[temp, mailServerNames[mailServerIndex]]; String.AppendString[temp, ")"L]; SendHeaderLine["From: "L, temp]; END; SendCR: PROCEDURE = BEGIN endOfLine: STRING ← [1]; endOfLine.length ← 1; endOfLine[0] ← Ascii.CR; FTPSendBlockOfMessage[ftpUser, @endOfLine.text, endOfLine.length]; END; SendLongString: PROCEDURE [s: LONG STRING] = BEGIN max: CARDINAL = 200; temp: PACKED ARRAY [0..max) OF CHARACTER; i, k: CARDINAL; k ← 0; FOR i IN [0..s.length) DO temp[k] ← s[i]; k ← k + 1; IF k = max THEN BEGIN FTPSendBlockOfMessage[ftpUser, @temp, k]; k ← 0; END; ENDLOOP; IF k # 0 THEN FTPSendBlockOfMessage[ftpUser, @temp, k]; END; NameHandle: TYPE = POINTER TO Name; Name: TYPE = RECORD [next: NameHandle, name: STRING]; AddName: PROCEDURE [name: STRING] = BEGIN p: NameHandle; FOR p ← nameList, p.next UNTIL p = NIL DO IF String.EquivalentString[p.name, name] THEN RETURN; ENDLOOP; FOR i: CARDINAL IN [0..name.length) DO IF name[i] = '. THEN EXIT; REPEAT FINISHED => BEGIN OPEN String; s: STRING ← [200]; AppendString[s, "MailerMTP: Registry missing: "L]; AppendString[s, name]; IF info # NIL THEN info[s, rejection]; RETURN; END; ENDLOOP; recipients ← recipients + 1; p ← Storage.Node[SIZE[Name]]; p↑ ← [NIL, Storage.CopyString[name]]; IF nameList = NIL THEN nameList ← p ELSE nameListTail.next ← p; nameListTail ← p; END; SendRecipientList: PROCEDURE = BEGIN recipient: NameHandle; recipients ← rejections ← 0; FOR recipient ← nameList, recipient.next UNTIL recipient = NIL DO recipients ← recipients + 1; FTPSendRecipientOfMessage[ftpUser, recipient.name]; ENDLOOP; END; CheckForRejections: PROCEDURE = BEGIN n, errorCount: CARDINAL ← 0; name: NameHandle; THROUGH [0..recipients) DO why: STRING = [100]; n ← FTPIdentifyNextRejectedRecipient[ftpUser, why].recipientNumber; IF n = 0 THEN EXIT; recipients ← recipients - 1; rejections ← rejections + 1; FOR name ← nameList, name.next UNTIL name = NIL OR (n ← n - 1) = 0 DO ENDLOOP; IF name # NIL THEN BEGIN OPEN String; s: STRING ← [200]; AppendString[s, "MailerMTP: Bad recipient: "L]; AppendString[s, name.name]; AppendString[s, " - "L]; AppendString[s, why]; IF info # NIL THEN info[s, rejection]; END; ENDLOOP; END; FindUsers: PROCEDURE [names: STRING] = BEGIN name: STRING ← Storage.String[30]; pos: CARDINAL ← 0; c: CHARACTER; NextName: PROCEDURE = BEGIN WHILE name.length > 0 AND name[name.length - 1] = Ascii.SP DO name.length ← name.length - 1; ENDLOOP; IF name.length > 0 THEN AddName[name]; name.length ← 0; END; WHILE pos < names.length DO c ← names[pos]; pos ← pos + 1; SELECT c FROM ', => NextName[]; ENDCASE => IF c # Ascii.SP AND c # Ascii.TAB AND c # Ascii.CR THEN String.AppendChar[name, c]; ENDLOOP; NextName[]; Storage.FreeString[name]; END; FreeNames: PROCEDURE = BEGIN next: NameHandle; UNTIL nameList = NIL DO next ← nameList.next; Storage.FreeString[nameList.name]; Storage.Free[nameList]; nameList ← next; ENDLOOP; END; TellHimItWorked: PROCEDURE = BEGIN temp: STRING = [100]; String.AppendString[temp, "MailerMTP: Sent it"L]; String.AppendString[temp, " (via "L]; String.AppendString[temp, mailServerNames[mailServerIndex]]; String.AppendString[temp, ")"L]; String.AppendString[temp, " to "L]; String.AppendNumber[temp, recipients, 10]; String.AppendString[temp, " reciepient"L]; IF recipients # 1 THEN String.AppendString[temp, "s"L]; IF rejections # 0 THEN BEGIN String.AppendString[temp, ", but there were "L]; String.AppendNumber[temp, rejections, 10]; String.AppendString[temp, " rejections"L]; END; String.AppendString[temp, "."L]; info[temp, ok]; END; -- Here begins the real thing worked ← FALSE; FindUsers[to]; IF cc # NIL THEN FindUsers[cc]; IF nameList = NIL THEN BEGIN info["MailerMTP: No recipients in to or cc list."L, trouble]; RETURN; END; FTPInitialize[]; ftpUser ← FTPCreateUser[NIL, PupCommunicationPrimitives[]]; FTPSetCredentials[ftpUser, primary, sender, password]; FOR mailServerIndex IN [0..nMailServers) DO ENABLE FTPError => BEGIN temp: STRING = [100]; String.AppendString[temp, "MailerMTP: Can't send it via "L]; String.AppendString[temp, mailServerNames[mailServerIndex]]; IF message # NIL THEN BEGIN String.AppendString[temp, ": "L]; String.AppendString[temp, message]; END; String.AppendChar[temp, '.]; info[temp, trouble]; CONTINUE; END; IF mailServerNames[mailServerIndex] = NIL THEN LOOP; FTPCloseConnection[ftpUser]; -- can't close it in CATCH phrase FTPOpenConnection[ ftpUser, mailServerNames[mailServerIndex], mail, NIL ! FTPError => LOOP]; FTPBeginDeliveryOfMessage[ftpUser]; SendRecipientList[]; CheckForRejections[]; IF recipients = 0 THEN GOTO NoValidRecipients; SendDateLine[]; SendFromLine[]; SendHeaderLine["Subject: "L, subject]; SendHeaderLine["To: "L, to]; SendHeaderLine["cc: "L, cc]; -- A blank line separates header from body SendCR[]; SendLongString[body]; SendCR[]; CheckForRejections[]; IF recipients = 0 THEN GOTO NoValidRecipients; FTPEndDeliveryOfMessage[ftpUser]; FTPCloseConnection[ftpUser]; TellHimItWorked[]; worked ← TRUE; EXIT; REPEAT NoValidRecipients => info["MailerMTP: No valid recipients."L, trouble]; FINISHED => info["MailerMTP: No mail server responded."L, trouble]; ENDLOOP; FreeNames[]; FTPDestroyUser[ftpUser]; FTPFinalize[]; END; END.