-- file: FTPUserCommon.mesa - last edit: -- MAS May 19, 1980 6:11 PM -- HGM July 28, 1980 9:16 PM -- JEW October 31, 1978 11:57 AM -- Copyright Xerox Corporation 1979, 1980 DIRECTORY FTPDefs, FTPPrivateDefs, String USING [AppendChar, AppendString, EquivalentString], Storage USING [Node, Free]; FTPUserCommon: PROGRAM -- import list IMPORTS String, Storage, FTPPrivateDefs -- export list EXPORTS FTPDefs -- share list SHARES FTPDefs = BEGIN OPEN FTPDefs, FTPPrivateDefs; -- **********************! Constants !*********************** ftpsystem: POINTER TO FTPSystem = LocateFtpSystemObject[]; -- **********************! Program Primitives !*********************** FTPCreateUser: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [ filePrimitives: FilePrimitives, communicationPrimitives: CommunicationPrimitives] RETURNS [ftpuser: FTPUser] = BEGIN empty: PropertyList ← DESCRIPTOR[NIL, 6]; -- verify presence of communication primitives IF communicationPrimitives = NIL THEN Abort[communicationPrimitivesNotSpecified]; -- allocate and initialize ftpuser object ftpuser ← Storage.Node[SIZE[FTPUserObject]]; ftpuser↑ ← FTPUserObject[ filePrimitives: filePrimitives, fileSystem:, communicationPrimitives: communicationPrimitives, communicationSystem: NIL, remoteFtpSocket: ftpSocket, remoteMtpSocket: mtpSocket, ftper: NIL, mtper: NIL, propertyList: empty, primaryPropertyList: empty, secondaryPropertyList: empty, purpose: filesAndMail, state: unconnected, intent:, nextBlockType:, numberOfRecipients:, numberOfValidRecipients:, numberOfBytesExpected:, numberOfBytesReceived:]; -- create communication system BEGIN ENABLE UNWIND => FTPDestroyUser[ftpuser]; ftpuser.communicationSystem ← communicationPrimitives.CreateCommunicationSystem[]; -- allocate and initialize ftper objects ftpuser.ftper ← CreateFTPer[ communicationPrimitives, ftpuser.communicationSystem]; ftpuser.mtper ← CreateFTPer[ communicationPrimitives, ftpuser.communicationSystem]; -- allocate and initialize property list objects ftpuser.propertyList ← CreatePropertyList[]; ftpuser.primaryPropertyList ← CreatePropertyList[]; ftpuser.secondaryPropertyList ← CreatePropertyList[]; END; -- enable END; FTPDestroyUser: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [ftpuser: FTPUser] = BEGIN OPEN ftpuser; -- close network connection if any FTPCloseConnection[ftpuser]; -- release property list objects if any IF BASE[propertyList] # NIL THEN DestroyPropertyList[propertyList]; IF BASE[primaryPropertyList] # NIL THEN DestroyPropertyList[primaryPropertyList]; IF BASE[secondaryPropertyList] # NIL THEN DestroyPropertyList[secondaryPropertyList]; -- release ftper objects if any IF ftper # NIL THEN DestroyFTPer[ftper]; IF mtper # NIL THEN DestroyFTPer[mtper]; -- destroy communication system IF communicationSystem # NIL THEN communicationPrimitives.DestroyCommunicationSystem[communicationSystem]; -- release ftpuser object Storage.Free[ftpuser]; END; -- **********************! Connection Primitives !*********************** FTPSetContactSocket: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [ ftpuser: FTPUser, socket: LONG INTEGER, purpose: Purpose] = BEGIN -- record remote ftp server's contact socket IF purpose # mail THEN ftpuser.remoteFtpSocket ← IF socket # 0 THEN socket ELSE ftpSocket; -- record remote mtp server's contact socket IF purpose # files THEN ftpuser.remoteMtpSocket ← IF socket # 0 THEN socket ELSE mtpSocket; END; FTPOpenConnection: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [ ftpuser: FTPUser, host: STRING, purpose: Purpose, remoteInsignia: STRING] = BEGIN OPEN ftpuser.communicationPrimitives; -- forked procedures OpenConnectionProcess: PROCEDURE [open: Open] = BEGIN OPEN open; -- open connection xtper.connection ← OpenConnection[ xtper.communicationSystem, host, socket, responseFromServerSeconds]; -- exchange version numbers PutGetVersion[xtper, version ! UNWIND => CloseConnectionProcess[xtper]]; END; CloseConnectionProcess: PROCEDURE [xtper: FTPer] = BEGIN -- nop unless connection open IF xtper.connection = NIL THEN RETURN; -- close connection CloseConnection[xtper.communicationSystem, xtper.connection]; xtper.connection ← NIL; END; -- local types Open: TYPE = POINTER TO OpenObject; OpenObject: TYPE = RECORD [xtper: FTPer, socket: LONG INTEGER, version: Byte]; -- local constants ftper: FTPer = ftpuser.ftper; mtper: FTPer = ftpuser.mtper; -- local variables openObject1: OpenObject ← [xtper: ftper, socket: ftpuser.remoteFtpSocket, version: ftpVersion]; openObject2: OpenObject ← [xtper: mtper, socket: ftpuser.remoteMtpSocket, version: mtpVersion]; -- verify state IF ftpuser.state # unconnected THEN Abort[connectionAlreadyEstablished]; -- verify presence of required modules and primitives IF purpose # mail THEN BEGIN IF ~ftpsystem.userFilesLoaded THEN Abort[filesModuleNotLoaded]; IF ftpuser.filePrimitives = NIL THEN Abort[filePrimitivesNotSpecified]; END; IF purpose # files AND ~ftpsystem.userMailLoaded THEN Abort[mailModuleNotLoaded]; -- open connection(s) to remote server(s) BEGIN ENABLE UNWIND => ForkProcessPair[CloseConnectionProcess, ftper, mtper]; IF purpose = filesAndMail THEN ForkProcessPair[OpenConnectionProcess, @openObject1, @openObject2] ELSE OpenConnectionProcess[ IF purpose = files THEN @openObject1 ELSE @openObject2]; -- construct remote insignia IF remoteInsignia # NIL THEN BEGIN remoteInsignia.length ← 0; IF purpose # mail THEN String.AppendString[remoteInsignia, ftper.inputString]; IF purpose # files AND ~String.EquivalentString[ remoteInsignia, mtper.inputString] THEN BEGIN IF remoteInsignia.length # 0 THEN String.AppendChar[remoteInsignia, insigniaSeparator]; String.AppendString[remoteInsignia, mtper.inputString]; END; END; -- create file system IF purpose # mail THEN ftpuser.fileSystem ← ftpuser.filePrimitives.CreateFileSystem[ ftpsystem.bufferSize]; END; -- enable -- record purpose of connection and note connection open ftpuser.purpose ← purpose; ftpuser.state ← connected; END; FTPRenewConnection: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [ftpuser: FTPUser] = BEGIN OPEN ftpuser; -- forked procedure RenewConnectionProcess: PROCEDURE [renew: Renew] = BEGIN OPEN renew; -- renew connection to remote server PutGetVersion[xtper, version]; END; -- local types Renew: TYPE = POINTER TO RenewObject; RenewObject: TYPE = RECORD [xtper: FTPer, version: Byte]; -- local variables renewObject1: RenewObject ← [xtper: ftper, version: ftpVersion]; renewObject2: RenewObject ← [xtper: mtper, version: mtpVersion]; -- verify purpose and state VerifyPurposeAndState[ftpuser, filesAndMail, connected]; -- renew connection(s) to remote server(s) IF purpose = filesAndMail THEN ForkProcessPair[RenewConnectionProcess, @renewObject1, @renewObject2] ELSE RenewConnectionProcess[ IF purpose = files THEN @renewObject1 ELSE @renewObject2]; END; FTPCloseConnection: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [ftpuser: FTPUser] = BEGIN OPEN ftpuser, ftpuser.communicationPrimitives; -- forked procedure CloseConnectionProcess: PROCEDURE [xtper: FTPer] = BEGIN -- close connection CloseConnection[xtper.communicationSystem, xtper.connection]; xtper.connection ← NIL; END; -- verify purpose and state IF state = unconnected THEN RETURN; -- destroy file system IF purpose # mail THEN filePrimitives.DestroyFileSystem[fileSystem]; -- close connection(s) to remote server(s) IF purpose = filesAndMail THEN ForkProcessPair[CloseConnectionProcess, ftper, mtper] ELSE CloseConnectionProcess[IF purpose = files THEN ftper ELSE mtper]; -- note connection closed purpose ← filesAndMail; state ← unconnected; END; -- **********************! Access Primitive !*********************** FTPSetCredentials: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [ ftpuser: FTPUser, status: Status, user, password: STRING] = BEGIN OPEN ftpuser; -- record user and password in primary property list WriteProperty[ primaryPropertyList, IF status = primary THEN userName ELSE connectName, user]; WriteProperty[ primaryPropertyList, IF status = primary THEN userPassword ELSE connectPassword, password]; END; -- **********************! Main Program !*********************** -- no operation END. -- of FTPUserCommon