-- File: EchoUserTool.mesa, Last Edit: HGM January 30, 1981 2:58 PM -- Please don't forget to update the herald.... DIRECTORY Inline USING [BITNOT, BITAND], Process USING [SetPriority], Storage USING [Node, String, FreeNodeNil, FreeString], String USING [AppendString, AppendChar, AppendNumber], Time USING [AppendCurrent, Current], Event USING [Item, Reason, AddNotifier], FormSW USING [ ClientItemsProcType, ProcType, AllocateItemDescriptor, newLine, Display, FindItem, CommandItem, BooleanItem, StringItem, NumberItem], MsgSW USING [Post], Put USING [Char, CR, Text, Line, LongDecimal, LongNumber], Tool USING [ Create, MakeSWsProc, UnusedLogName, MakeMsgSW, MakeFormSW, MakeFileSW, AddThisSW], ToolWindow USING [TransitionProcType, DisplayProcType, CreateSubwindow], Window USING [Handle, Box, DisplayData, DisplayInvert, DisplayWhite], StatsDefs USING [StatPrintCurrent, StatReady, StatSince], PupDefs USING [ PupPackageMake, PupPackageDestroy, GetFreePupBuffer, ReturnFreePupBuffer, PupBuffer, PupSocket, PupSocketDestroy, PupSocketMake, SecondsToTocks, SetPupContentsWords, GetPupContentsBytes, DataWordsPerPupBuffer, AppendPupAddress, GetPupAddress, PupNameTrouble], PupTypes USING [PupAddress, fillInSocketID, echoSoc, maxDataWordsPerGatewayPup]; EchoUserTool: PROGRAM IMPORTS Inline, Process, Storage, String, Time, Event, FormSW, MsgSW, Put, Tool, ToolWindow, Window, StatsDefs, PupDefs = BEGIN OPEN PupDefs, PupTypes; msg, form, boxes, log: Window.Handle; eventItem: Event.Item ← [eventMask: 177777B, eventProc: Broom]; -- Be sure to initialize it when it is allocated!!!! data: POINTER TO Data ← NIL; -- NIL when we are inactive Data: TYPE = RECORD [ length: CARDINAL ← 100, fixedLength: BOOLEAN ← FALSE, where: PupAddress ← [[0], [0], PupTypes.echoSoc], picks: ARRAY [0..16] OF CARDINAL ← ALL[0], drops: ARRAY [0..16] OF CARDINAL ← ALL[0], sent, good, missed, late, bad, horrible, error, words: LONG CARDINAL ← 0, pleaseStop: BOOLEAN ← FALSE, alignTheFink: WORD ← NULL, lowPriority: BOOLEAN ← FALSE, alignTheFinkAgain: WORD ← NULL, verbose: BOOLEAN ← FALSE, alignTheFinkYetAgain: WORD ← NULL, doStats: BOOLEAN ← FALSE, alignTheFinkStillAgain: WORD ← NULL, checkit: BOOLEAN ← TRUE, echoer: PROCESS ← NULL, indicator: {left, right, off} ← off, running: BOOLEAN ← FALSE, target: STRING ← NULL]; Initialize: PROCEDURE = BEGIN [] ← Tool.Create[ name: "Pup Echo User of January 30, 1981"L, makeSWsProc: MakeSWs, clientTransition: ClientTransition]; Event.AddNotifier[@eventItem]; END; EchoUserOn: PROCEDURE = BEGIN IF data.length > PupDefs.DataWordsPerPupBuffer[] THEN BEGIN MsgSW.Post[msg, "Length is too long."L]; RETURN; END; WriteCR[]; WriteCurrentDateAndTime[]; WriteString[" Echoing to "L]; IF ~FindPath[] THEN RETURN; data.running ← TRUE; UpdatePicture[]; data.echoer ← FORK DoIt[]; END; EchoUserOff: PROCEDURE = BEGIN IF data = NIL THEN RETURN; data.pleaseStop ← TRUE; JOIN data.echoer[]; data.running ← data.pleaseStop ← FALSE; UpdatePicture[]; END; UpdatePicture: PROCEDURE = BEGIN FormSW.FindItem[form, startIX].flags.invisible ← data.running; FormSW.FindItem[form, stopIX].flags.invisible ← ~data.running; FormSW.Display[form]; END; FindPath: PROCEDURE RETURNS [BOOLEAN] = BEGIN OPEN data; WriteString[target]; WriteChar['=]; GetPupAddress[ @where, target ! PupNameTrouble => BEGIN MsgSW.Post[msg, e]; WriteLine[e]; GOTO Trouble; END]; PrintPupAddress[where]; WriteLine["."L]; RETURN[TRUE]; EXITS Trouble => RETURN[FALSE]; END; ClearCounters: PROCEDURE = BEGIN OPEN data; sent ← good ← missed ← late ← bad ← horrible ← error ← words ← 0; picks ← ALL[0]; drops ← ALL[0]; END; AddToHist: PROCEDURE [hist: POINTER TO ARRAY [0..16] OF CARDINAL, bits: WORD] = BEGIN OPEN data; i: CARDINAL; IF bits = 0 THEN RETURN; SELECT bits FROM 1 => i ← 15; 2 => i ← 14; 4 => i ← 13; 10B => i ← 12; 20B => i ← 11; 40B => i ← 10; 100B => i ← 9; 200B => i ← 8; 400B => i ← 7; 1000B => i ← 6; 2000B => i ← 5; 4000B => i ← 4; 10000B => i ← 3; 20000B => i ← 2; 40000B => i ← 1; 100000B => i ← 0; ENDCASE => i ← 16; hist[i] ← hist[i] + 1; END; PrintSummary: PROCEDURE [howLong: LONG CARDINAL] = BEGIN OPEN data; WriteCR[]; WriteLongDecimal[sent]; WriteLine[" packets sent."L]; IF howLong # 0 THEN BEGIN WriteLongDecimal[sent/howLong]; WriteLine[" packets per second."L]; WriteLongDecimal[16*words/howLong]; WriteLine[" data bits per second."L]; END; IF sent # 0 THEN BEGIN ShowPercent[good, "good packets received."L]; ShowPercent[missed, "packets missed."L]; ShowPercent[late, "late (or??) packets received."L]; ShowPercent[bad, "bad packets received."L]; ShowPercent[horrible, "packets received with more than 10 words wrong."L]; ShowPercent[error, "error packets received."L]; END; IF bad # 0 THEN BEGIN i: CARDINAL; x: WORD ← 100000B; WriteCR[]; WriteLine[" Bit Picked Dropped"L]; FOR i IN [0..16] DO IF picks[i] # 0 OR drops[i] # 0 THEN BEGIN IF i = 16 THEN WriteString[" Other"L] ELSE O6[x]; D8[picks[i]]; D8[drops[i]]; WriteCR[]; END; x ← x/2; ENDLOOP; END; END; ShowPercent: PROCEDURE [n: LONG CARDINAL, s: STRING] = BEGIN OPEN data; IF n = 0 THEN RETURN; WriteLongDecimal[n]; WriteString[" ("L]; WriteLongDecimal[n*100/sent]; WriteString["%) "L]; WriteLine[s]; END; DoIt: PROCEDURE = BEGIN OPEN data; k: CARDINAL; b: PupBuffer; cycle, maxLength, myLength: CARDINAL; packetNumber: CARDINAL ← LAST[CARDINAL]; mySoc: PupSocket ← PupSocketMake[fillInSocketID, where, SecondsToTocks[2]]; start, stop: LONG CARDINAL; maxLength ← MIN[ PupDefs.DataWordsPerPupBuffer[], PupTypes.maxDataWordsPerGatewayPup]; IF lowPriority THEN Process.SetPriority[0]; ClearCounters[]; myLength ← MIN[length, maxLength]; IF fixedLength THEN BEGIN WriteString["Packet length is "L]; WriteDecimal[myLength]; WriteLine[" words."L]; END; SetupBoxes[]; IF doStats THEN StatsDefs.StatReady[]; start ← Time.Current[]; UNTIL pleaseStop DO -- NB: No check for short buffers FOR cycle IN [0..256) UNTIL pleaseStop DO b ← GetFreePupBuffer[]; myLength ← IF fixedLength THEN maxLength ELSE cycle; FOR k IN [0..myLength) DO b.pupWords[k] ← k + cycle*400B; ENDLOOP; b.pupID.a ← b.pupID.b ← (packetNumber ← packetNumber + 1); b.pupType ← echoMe; SetPupContentsWords[b, myLength]; mySoc.put[b]; sent ← sent + 1; words ← words + myLength; UNTIL (b ← mySoc.get[]) = NIL DO -- Until timeout, or we find the expected one SELECT TRUE FROM (b.pupType = error) => BEGIN error ← error + 1; WriteCR[]; PrintErrorPup[b]; END; ((b.pupType # iAmEcho) OR (b.pupID.a # packetNumber) OR (b.pupID.b # packetNumber) OR (GetPupContentsBytes[b] # 2*myLength)) => BEGIN late ← late + 1; WriteChar['#]; END; ENDCASE => BEGIN hits: CARDINAL ← 0; FlipBoxes[]; IF data.checkit THEN FOR k IN [0..myLength) DO IF b.pupWords[k] # k + cycle*400B THEN BEGIN OPEN Inline; expected, found, picked, dropped: WORD; IF hits = 0 THEN BEGIN WriteCR[]; WriteCurrentDateAndTime[]; WriteString[" Data compare error(s) on packet number "L]; WriteDecimal[packetNumber]; WriteLine["."L]; WriteLine["Idx Expected Found Picked Dropped"L]; END; expected ← k + cycle*400B; found ← b.pupWords[k]; picked ← BITAND[found, BITNOT[expected]]; dropped ← BITAND[expected, BITNOT[found]]; AddToHist[@picks, picked]; AddToHist[@drops, dropped]; IF hits < 10 THEN BEGIN O3[k]; O9[expected]; O9[found]; O9[picked]; O9[dropped]; WriteCR[]; END; hits ← hits + 1; END; ENDLOOP; IF hits = 0 THEN good ← good + 1 ELSE bad ← bad + 1; IF hits = 0 AND verbose THEN WriteChar['!]; IF hits > 10 THEN BEGIN horrible ← horrible + 1; WriteLine["...."L]; END; EXIT; -- found the expected one END; ReturnFreePupBuffer[b]; ENDLOOP; IF b # NIL THEN ReturnFreePupBuffer[b] ELSE BEGIN missed ← missed + 1; WriteChar['?]; END; ENDLOOP; IF verbose THEN WriteCR[] ELSE WriteChar['.]; ENDLOOP; stop ← Time.Current[]; WriteCR[]; PupSocketDestroy[mySoc]; SetDownBoxes[]; IF doStats THEN StatsDefs.StatSince[log]; PrintSummary[stop - start]; END; -- IO things WriteChar: PROCEDURE [c: CHARACTER] = BEGIN Put.Char[log, c]; END; WriteCR: PROCEDURE = BEGIN Put.CR[log]; END; WriteString: PROCEDURE [s: STRING] = BEGIN Put.Text[log, s]; END; WriteLine: PROCEDURE [s: STRING] = BEGIN Put.Line[log, s]; END; WriteLongDecimal: PROCEDURE [n: LONG CARDINAL] = BEGIN Put.LongDecimal[log, n]; END; WriteDecimal: PROCEDURE [n: CARDINAL] = INLINE BEGIN WriteNumber[n, 10, 0]; END; WriteOctal: PROCEDURE [n: CARDINAL] = INLINE BEGIN WriteNumber[n, 8, 0]; END; WriteNumber: PROCEDURE [n, radix, width: CARDINAL] = INLINE BEGIN temp: STRING = [25]; String.AppendNumber[temp, n, radix]; THROUGH [temp.length..width) DO WriteChar[' ]; ENDLOOP; WriteString[temp]; END; D8: PROCEDURE [n: CARDINAL] = BEGIN WriteNumber[n, 10, 8]; END; O3: PROCEDURE [n: CARDINAL] = BEGIN WriteNumber[n, 8, 3]; END; O6: PROCEDURE [n: CARDINAL] = BEGIN WriteNumber[n, 8, 3]; END; O9: PROCEDURE [n: CARDINAL] = BEGIN WriteNumber[n, 8, 9]; END; WriteCurrentDateAndTime: PROCEDURE = BEGIN time: STRING = [20]; Time.AppendCurrent[time]; WriteString[time]; END; PrintPupAddress: PROCEDURE [a: PupAddress] = BEGIN temp: STRING = [40]; AppendPupAddress[temp, a]; WriteString[temp]; END; PrintErrorPup: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [b: PupDefs.PupBuffer] = BEGIN i, len: CARDINAL; temp: STRING = [100]; String.AppendString[temp, "Error Pup, code="L]; String.AppendNumber[temp, LOOPHOLE[b.errorCode], 8]; String.AppendString[temp, ", from: "L]; AppendPupAddress[temp, b.source]; String.AppendString[temp, ": "L]; len ← PupDefs.GetPupContentsBytes[b]; FOR i IN [0..len - 2*(10 + 1 + 1)) UNTIL temp.length = temp.maxlength DO String.AppendChar[temp, b.errorText[i]]; ENDLOOP; WriteLine[temp]; MsgSW.Post[msg, temp]; END; indicatorBox: Window.Box = [[25, 10], [16, 16]]; DisplayBoxes: ToolWindow.DisplayProcType = BEGIN pattern: ARRAY [0..1] OF ARRAY [0..8) OF WORD; left: WORD = 177400B; right: WORD = 000377B; SELECT data.indicator FROM left => pattern ← [ALL[left], ALL[right]]; right => pattern ← [ALL[right], ALL[left]]; off => pattern ← [ALL[0], ALL[0]]; ENDCASE; Window.DisplayData[window, indicatorBox, @pattern, 1] END; SetupBoxes: PROCEDURE = BEGIN data.indicator ← left; DisplayBoxes[boxes]; END; FlipBoxes: PROCEDURE = BEGIN SELECT data.indicator FROM left => data.indicator ← right; off, right => data.indicator ← left; ENDCASE; Window.DisplayInvert[boxes, indicatorBox]; END; SetDownBoxes: PROCEDURE = BEGIN data.indicator ← off; Window.DisplayWhite[boxes, indicatorBox]; END; MakeBoxesSW: PROCEDURE [window: Window.Handle] = BEGIN boxes ← ToolWindow.CreateSubwindow[parent: window, display: DisplayBoxes]; boxes.box.dims.h ← 36; Tool.AddThisSW[window: window, sw: boxes, swType: vanilla]; END; Start: FormSW.ProcType = BEGIN EchoUserOn[]; END; Stop: FormSW.ProcType = BEGIN EchoUserOff[]; END; Ready: FormSW.ProcType = BEGIN StatsDefs.StatReady[]; END; Since: FormSW.ProcType = BEGIN StatsDefs.StatSince[log]; END; Totals: FormSW.ProcType = BEGIN StatsDefs.StatPrintCurrent[log]; END; MakeSWs: Tool.MakeSWsProc = BEGIN logFileName: STRING = [40]; msg ← Tool.MakeMsgSW[window: window, lines: 5]; form ← Tool.MakeFormSW[window: window, formProc: MakeForm]; MakeBoxesSW[window]; Tool.UnusedLogName[logFileName, "EchoUser.log$"L]; log ← Tool.MakeFileSW[window: window, name: logFileName]; END; startIX: CARDINAL = 0; stopIX: CARDINAL = 1; runningIX: CARDINAL = 2; MakeForm: FormSW.ClientItemsProcType = BEGIN nParams: CARDINAL = 12; items ← FormSW.AllocateItemDescriptor[nParams]; items[0] ← FormSW.CommandItem[ tag: "Start"L, proc: Start, place: FormSW.newLine]; items[1] ← FormSW.CommandItem[ tag: "Stop"L, proc: Stop, place: FormSW.newLine, invisible: TRUE]; items[2] ← FormSW.BooleanItem[tag: "LowPriority"L, switch: @data.lowPriority]; items[3] ← FormSW.BooleanItem[ tag: "DoStats"L, switch: @data.doStats, place: FormSW.newLine]; items[4] ← FormSW.CommandItem[tag: "Ready"L, proc: Ready]; items[6] ← FormSW.CommandItem[tag: "Recent"L, proc: Since]; items[5] ← FormSW.CommandItem[tag: "Totals"L, proc: Totals]; items[7] ← FormSW.BooleanItem[ tag: "Verbose"L, switch: @data.verbose, place: FormSW.newLine]; items[8] ← FormSW.BooleanItem[tag: "Checkit"L, switch: @data.checkit]; items[9] ← FormSW.BooleanItem[ tag: "FixedLength"L, switch: @data.fixedLength, place: FormSW.newLine]; items[10] ← FormSW.NumberItem[tag: "(Max)Length"L, value: @data.length]; items[11] ← FormSW.StringItem[ tag: "Target"L, string: @data.target, place: FormSW.newLine]; RETURN[items, TRUE]; END; AlreadyActive: ERROR = CODE; NotActive: ERROR = CODE; ClientTransition: ToolWindow.TransitionProcType = BEGIN SELECT TRUE FROM old = inactive => BEGIN IF data # NIL THEN ERROR AlreadyActive; data ← Storage.Node[SIZE[Data]]; data↑ ← []; data.target ← Storage.String[20]; String.AppendString[data.target, "ME"L]; PupDefs.PupPackageMake[]; END; new = inactive => BEGIN IF data = NIL THEN ERROR NotActive; IF data.running THEN EchoUserOff[]; PupDefs.PupPackageDestroy[]; Storage.FreeString[data.target]; data ← Storage.FreeNodeNil[data]; END; ENDCASE; END; Broom: PROCEDURE [why: Event.Reason] = BEGIN SELECT why FROM makeImage, makeCheck => BEGIN IF data = NIL THEN RETURN; IF data.running THEN EchoUserOff[]; PupDefs.PupPackageDestroy[]; END; startImage, restartCheck, continueCheck => BEGIN IF data = NIL THEN RETURN; PupDefs.PupPackageMake[]; END; ENDCASE => NULL; END; -- Main Body Initialize[]; END.