// BKBD.SR derived from Lampson's KBD.C
// &&LT added UPDATETIMER() call

// Last modified October 20, 1979  4:31 PM by Taft

// outgoing procedures
external	[
get "AltoDefs.d"
get "mcur.df"
get "Char.Df";

// outgoing statics
external	[
static	[

// incoming procedures
external	[
	DisableInterrupts; EnableInterrupts;
// 	UPDATETIMER // &&LT // **
	Endofs; keys; Gets;

// incoming static
external	[

structure BUF[
//	readPointer word
//	writePointer word
//	bufferStart word
//	bufferEnd word
	First	word	// => first word of ring buffer
	Last	word	// => last word of ring buffer+1
	In	word	// => place to put next item
	Out	word	// => next item to take

// structure RB[
// 	@ST
// 	]
// manifest lRB = size RB/16

manifest msb = #100000
manifest [ mouseAddr = mouseX; cursorAddr = cursorX; OsKeyProcess = 13 ]

let CreateKeyboard(procNo, stackSpace, stackSize) be [

// tpinterrruptcode added by TJM
	let maskInt = 1 lshift (procNo-1)
	let maskIntOld = 1 lshift (OsKeyProcess-1)
	rv activeInterrupts = rv activeInterrupts & (not maskIntOld)
	rv displayInterrupt = rv displayInterrupt & (not maskIntOld)
	InitializeInterrupt(stackSpace, stackSize, maskInt, KeyboardInterrupt)
	rv displayInterrupt = rv displayInterrupt % maskInt

	manifest [ nKeyWords = 4; keys = #177034 ]

	let toldKeys = table [ 0; 0; 0; 0 ];
	oldKeys = toldKeys
	MoveBlock(oldKeys, keys, nKeyWords)
// 	let tpinterruptcode = KeyboardInterrupt(procNo,	//JR
// 		stackSpace, stackSize)

// 	InitializeStream(stream)
// 	stream>>ST.gets = GetFromRB
// 	stream>>ST.endof = RBempty

//	let t = stream+lRB
//	stream>>RB.First = t
//	stream>>RB.Last = stream+streamSize-1
//	stream>>RB.In = t; stream>>RB.Out = t

// 	let intBit = 1 lshift (procNo-1)	//JR
//	let ringBuffer = stream
//	until Endofs(keys) do
//		[ let char = Gets(keys);
//		let t = ringBuffer>>RB.In
//		rv t = char; t = t+1
//		if t ge ringBuffer>>RB.Last then
//		  t = ringBuffer>>RB.First
//		if t ne ringBuffer>>RB.Out then
//		  ringBuffer>>RB.In = t
//		] 
// 	DisableInterrupts()
// 	rv displayInterrupt = rv displayInterrupt % maskInt
// 	rv activeInterrupts = rv activeInterrupts % intBit
// 	rv displayInterrupt = rv displayInterrupt & (not ProcessBit(OsKeyProcess))
// 	interruptVector ! (procNo) = tpinterruptcode
// 	EnableInterrupts()

and KeyboardInterrupt() = valof [

// must have a static so that the new process can communicate
// with the old one
// 	static p
// 	p = BeginProcessInit(procNo, stackSpace, stackSize)

// control comes here in the new process right after it is created
// KeyboardInit:

	manifest [ nKeyWords = 4; keys = #177034 ]

// 	let oldKeys = vec nKeyWords-1; MoveBlock(oldKeys, keys,
// 	  nKeyWords)
	let newKeys = vec nKeyWords-1; // ** FIX BUG

	let keyMask = table [ #177777; #177777; #173676; #177560 ]
		// ** GYPSY enabled top 2 spare keys

// the following table is for decoding keys which, when
// down, affect the interpretation of other keys.  Each such
// key has three words in the table:
	structure SKE[
	index word	// the index in the keys vector of the
			// word in which it appears
	mask word	// a mask which picks off its bit
	type word	// a code which can be used in a case
			// label to decide what
			// to do when it appears
	manifest lSKE = size SKE/16

	manifest [ lsideshift = 1; lock = 2; control = 3; rsideshift = 4; skTab = 5 ]
	let specialKeys = table [ // order important
		3; #10; rsideshift	//  right shift key
		2; #100; lsideshift	// left shift key
		2; #4000; control	// control key
		3; #200; lock		// lock key
		2; #20000; skTab		// tab key
	let endSpecialKeys = specialKeys+5*lSKE-1

	manifest [ esc = #33; del = #177; bs = #10 ]
	manifest [ topblk = #36; midblk = #34; botblk = #31 // GYPSY **
		  shtopblk = #36; shmidblk = #34; shbotblk = #31
		  shesc = #33; shdel = #177; shbs = #20;
		  shlf = #12; shtab = $*T; shcr = #15; shsp = #40 ]

// entries in the keyNoToChar table have the structure
	structure KW[
		[ letter bit; shiftedChar bit 7;
		  repeater bit ; unshiftedChar bit 7 ] // **
		= [ blank bit 11; controlChar bit 5 ]
	manifest [ l = #400; letter = #100000; rept = #200 ] // **
	let keyNoToChar = table [
		shbs*l+bs+rept		// bit 15
		shlf*l+$*L		// +rept
		$%*l+$5		// bit 0

		shtopblk*l+topblk+rept		// top spare
		shmidblk*l+midblk		// middle spare

		0		// not used
		shdel*l+del	// +rept
		shcr*l+$*N	// carriage return
		0		// shift
		0		// control
		shtab*l+$*T	// tab

		0		// not used
		0		// not used
		0		// bottom spare
		0		// shift
		shsp*l+$*S	// space
		0		// lock
		$***l+$8	// *

	let maxCoord = table [ 606-16; 808-16 ]

	keyboardEnabled = true ; // **

// 	EndProcessInit(KeyboardIntEntry)
// 	resultis p

// interrupt entry point
// KeyboardIntEntry: [0

// 	UPDATETIMER() // &&LT // **
	vfVertInt = true
	for i = 1 by -1 to 0 do [
		if mouseAddr ! i ls 1 then mouseAddr ! i = 1 //** 0->1
		if mouseAddr ! i gr maxCoord ! i then
			mouseAddr ! i = maxCoord ! i
	if linkCursorToMouse & (tsread eq false)
		then for i = 1 by -1 to 0 do
			cursorAddr ! i = mouseAddr ! i
	if vmcur then
		[ let fDispLinked = vmcur >> MCUR.fDispLinked
		let cmap = fDispLinked ? lv vmcur >> MCUR.acmapLinked,lv vmcur >> MCUR.acmapOther
// This is backwards 'cause the hardware already fetched the values from clocHwr
		if fDispLinked then
			move(lv vmcur >> MCUR.aclocOther,cursorAddr,2)
		vmcur >> MCUR.fDispLinked = not fDispLinked
	MoveBlock(newKeys, keys, nKeyWords) // ** FIX BUG
	if keyboardEnabled then // ** GYPSY
		for i = nKeyWords-1 by -1 to 0 do
			let keyTrans = (not newKeys ! i) & oldKeys ! i & keyMask ! i // **
			if keyTrans eq 0 then loop
			for j = 15 by -1 to 0 do
			  if keyTrans ls 0 then
			    let keyWord = keyNoToChar ! (i*16+j)
			    if keyWord ne 0 then
				let char = keyWord<<KW.unshiftedChar
				for sk = specialKeys by lSKE to
				  endSpecialKeys do
				    if (oldKeys ! (sk>>SKE.index) &
				      sk>>SKE.mask) ne 0 then loop
				    switchon sk>>SKE.type into
case lock:
					unless keyWord<<KW.letter do loop
					// otherwise fall through
case rsideshift:
case lsideshift:
					char = keyWord<<KW.shiftedChar

case control:
					char = #200+char

case skTab:
					char = valof
						let tch = uc(char)
						let tc = nil;
						test tch ge $1 & tch le $9 ifso
							tc = tch - $0
						ifnot test tch ge $A & tch le $F ifso
							tc = tch - $A + 10
						ifnot resultis 0
						resultis chitbMin + tc - 1
				if char then [5
// now we have the character and can salt it away in the ring buffer
				   let tpw = OsBuffer>>BUF.In
				   rv tpw = char; tpw = tpw+1
				   if tpw eq OsBuffer>>BUF.Last then
				     tpw = OsBuffer>>BUF.First
				   if tpw ne OsBuffer>>BUF.Out then
				     OsBuffer>>BUF.In = tpw
			  keyTrans = keyTrans lshift 1
		MoveBlock(oldKeys, newKeys, nKeyWords)
// 	Block()
// 	]0 repeat

// this routine waits for the RB to be non-empty
and GetFromRB() = valof [
// does not use RB any more !  ! 
	[ let t = OsBuffer>>BUF.Out
	if OsBuffer>>BUF.In ne t then
		let v = rv t; t = t+1
		if t eq OsBuffer>>BUF.Last then
		  t = OsBuffer>>BUF.First
		OsBuffer>>BUF.Out = t
		resultis v
	] repeat

// does not use RB any more !  ! 
and RBempty() =
	OsBuffer>>BUF.Out eq OsBuffer>>BUF.In

// and InitializeStream(s) be [
// external [
// 	prototypeStream
// 	]

// 	for i = 0 to lST-1 do s ! i = rv (prototypeStream ! i)
// 	]