// CopyDiskCmd.bcpl
// Copyright Xerox Corporation 1979, 1980, 1981, 1982
// Last modified July 21, 1982  7:04 PM by Boggs

get "AltoDefs.d"
get "CopyDisk.decl"

// outgoing procedures
InitCopyDiskCmd; GetNamePass

// incoming procedures from OS and packages
Block; Dismiss; InitializeContext; SetTimer; TimerHasExpired
Allocate; Free; Min; ReturnFrom; CallersFrame
MoveBlock; Zero; DefaultArgs; Enqueue
Endofs; Puts; Resets; Gets; PutTemplate
ExtractSubstring; StringCompare; CopyString
CreateKeywordTable; InsertKeyword
EnumerateKeywordTable; LookupKeyword

// incoming procedures from other parts of CopyDisk
GetNumber; GetString; Confirm
Wss; MakeSS; DoIt; Ding

// outgoing statics
connName; connPass; userName; userPass

// incoming statics
bootFlag; checkFlag; debugFlag; compressFlag
ctxQ; CtxRunning; sysZone; writeProtectFlag
keys; dsp; comCm; compareErrors; seriousErrors
UserName; UserPassword; controlLock

connName; connPass; userName; userPass

structure String [ length byte; char↑1,1 byte ]
let InitCopyDiskCmd() be
Enqueue(ctxQ, InitializeContext(Allocate(sysZone, 400), 400, Command))

kbdKT = CreateKeywordTable(11, 1)
InsertKeyword(kbdKT, "Check")!0 = KbdCheck
InsertKeyword(kbdKT, "Compare")!0 = KbdCompare
InsertKeyword(kbdKT, "Compress")!0 = KbdCompress
InsertKeyword(kbdKT, "Connect")!0 = KbdConnect
InsertKeyword(kbdKT, "Copy")!0 = KbdCopy
InsertKeyword(kbdKT, "Debug")!0 = KbdDebug
InsertKeyword(kbdKT, "Help")!0 = KbdHelp
InsertKeyword(kbdKT, "Login")!0 = KbdLogin
if (table [ 61014b; 1401b ])()<<VERS.eng gr 3 then
   InsertKeyword(kbdKT, "Partition")!0 = KbdPartition
InsertKeyword(kbdKT, "Quit")!0 = KbdQuit
InsertKeyword(kbdKT, "WriteProtect")!0 = KbdWriteProtect

if UserName>>String.length ne 0 then
   userName = ExtractSubstring(UserName)
if UserPassword>>String.length ne 0 then
   userPass = ExtractSubstring(UserPassword)

and Command() be  //a context
// ignore subsys name and global switches
let temp = ReadParam(true); if temp ne 0 then Free(sysZone,temp)
let srcDisk = ReadParam(true)
if srcDisk then Cli(srcDisk)  // may return...
controlLock = idle
Kbd()  // never returns
and Cli(srcDisk) = valof
// CmdError forces a return from this frame back to Command which calls Kbd.
controlLock = user

PutTemplate(dsp, "*N**Copy $S ", srcDisk)
let fromOK = StringCompare(srcDisk, "from")
if fromOK eq 0 % fromOK eq -2 then
   [ Free(sysZone, srcDisk); srcDisk = ReadParam() ]
let src = MakeSS(srcDisk, false)
Free(sysZone, srcDisk)
if src eq 0 then CmdError()

let snkDisk = ReadParam()
let toOK = StringCompare(snkDisk, "to")
if toOK eq 0 % toOK eq -2 then
   [ Free(sysZone, snkDisk); snkDisk = ReadParam() ]
let snk = MakeSS(snkDisk, true)
Free(sysZone, snkDisk)
if snk eq 0 then CmdError(src)

let tp = Compatible(src, snk); if tp eq 0 then CmdError(src, snk)
unless AreYouSure(src, snk) do CmdError(src, snk, tp)

if DoIt(src, snk, true, tp) then
   if checkFlag then DoIt(src, snk, false, tp)
PrintErrors(src, snk)

Free(sysZone, tp)

and CmdError(src, snk, tp; numargs na) be
if na gr 0 & src then (src>>SS.destroy)(src)
if na gr 1 & snk then (snk>>SS.destroy)(snk)
if na gr 2 & tp then Free(sysZone, tp)
and ReadParam(dontEcho; numargs na) = valof
if comCm eq 0 resultis 0
if na eq 0 then dontEcho = false
let string = vec 127
let char = 0

string>>String.length = 0
   [  //name
   if Endofs(comCm) break
   char = Gets(comCm); unless dontEcho do Puts(dsp, char)
   if string>>String.length eq 0 & char eq $*S loop
   if char eq $*N % char eq $*S % char eq $/ break
   string>>String.length = string>>String.length +1
   string>>String.char↑(string>>String.length) = char
   ] repeat
let resString = string>>String.length ne 0 ? ExtractSubstring(string), 0

string>>String.length = 0
if char eq $/ then
   [  //switches
   if Endofs(comCm) break
   char = Gets(comCm); unless dontEcho do Puts(dsp, char)
   if char eq $*N % char eq $*S break
   if char ne $/ then
      string>>String.length = string>>String.length +1
      string>>String.char↑(string>>String.length) = char
   ] repeat
// switches are currently ignored (global switches are read elsewhere)
resultis resString
and Kbd() be
while controlLock eq server do
   [  //ignore type-in
   unless Endofs(keys) do [ Ding(dsp); Resets(keys) ]
Wss(dsp, "*N**")
Block() repeatwhile Endofs(keys) & controlLock eq 0
if controlLock eq 0 then
   controlLock = user
   let key = 0
      key = GetString(0, key, editEcho+editAppend, CmdList)
      if key eq 0 break
      let tableKey = nil
      let kte = LookupKeyword(kbdKT, key, lv tableKey)
      test kte eq 0
         ifso Ding(dsp)
            for i = key>>String.length+1 to tableKey>>String.length do
               Puts(dsp, tableKey>>String.char↑i)
            Free(sysZone, key)
            (kte!0)()  //execute command
      ] repeat
   controlLock = idle
] repeat

and CmdList() be
Wss(dsp, "? one of the following:*N")
let count = 0
EnumerateKeywordTable(kbdKT, PrintCmd, lv count)
Wss(dsp, "*N**")

and PrintCmd(kte, kt, key, lvCount) be
unless @lvCount eq 0 do Wss(dsp, ", ")
Wss(dsp, key)
test @lvCount eq 5
   ifso [ @lvCount = 0; Puts(dsp, $*N) ]
   ifnot @lvCount = @lvCount +1
and KbdQuit() be finish

and KbdDebug() be
debugFlag = not debugFlag
PutTemplate(dsp, "ging printout $S", (debugFlag? "ON", "OFF"))

and KbdCheck() be
checkFlag = not checkFlag
test checkFlag
   ifso Wss(dsp, "ing ON - compare after copying")
   ifnot Wss(dsp, "ing OFF - all bets are off")

and KbdWriteProtect() be
writeProtectFlag = not writeProtectFlag
test writeProtectFlag
   ifso Wss(dsp, "ion ON - remote CopyDisks can't overwrite local disks")
   ifnot Wss(dsp, "ion OFF - remote CopyDisks can overwrite local disks")

and KbdCompress() be
compressFlag = not compressFlag
test compressFlag
   ifso Wss(dsp, "ion ON - free pages not transmitted or compared")
   ifnot Wss(dsp, "ion OFF - perform bit-for-bit copies and compares")

and KbdHelp() be
Wss(dsp, "*NI copy disk packs -- either between two disk drives on the local")
Wss(dsp, "*N machine, or between a local disk and a remote disk.  The remote")
Wss(dsp, "*N disk may even be an Interim File System.*N")
Wss(dsp, "*NThe syntax of disk names is: [HostName]DiskName.  'HostName' may")
Wss(dsp, "*N be e.g. 'Ivy' or '3#17#', and may be omitted for a local disk.")
Wss(dsp, "*N 'DiskName' is e.g. 'BFS', 'DP0', or '<BasicDisks>NonProg.bfs'.")
and KbdLogin() be
GetNamePass(" user: ", lv userName, lv userPass)
if userName>>String.length ne 0 then
   MoveBlock(UserName, userName,
    Min(userName>>String.length/2+1, UserName!-1))
if userPass>>String.length ne 0 then
   MoveBlock(UserPassword, userPass,
    Min(userPass>>String.length/2+1, UserPassword!-1))

and KbdConnect() be
   GetNamePass(" to directory: ", lv connName, lv connPass)

and GetNamePass(prompt, lvName, lvPass) = valof
@lvName = GetString(prompt, @lvName, editEcho+editReplace)
if @lvName ne 0 then
   @lvPass = GetString(" password: ", @lvPass, editReplace)
   resultis @lvPass
resultis false

and KbdPartition() be
let currentPartition = (table [ 61037b; 1401b ])(0)
let newPartition = GetNumber(" number: ", currentPartition)
let result = (table [ 61037b; 1401b ])(newPartition)
if result eq -1 & newPartition ne currentPartition then bootFlag = true
and KbdCopy() be KbdDoIt(true)

and KbdCompare() be KbdDoIt(false)

and KbdDoIt(copyFlag) be
// CmdError forces a return from this frame back to Kbd.
let srcDisk = GetString(copyFlag? " from ", " ")
if srcDisk eq 0 then CmdError()
let src = MakeSS(srcDisk, false)
Free(sysZone, srcDisk)
if src eq 0 then CmdError()

let snkDisk = GetString(copyFlag? "*N Copy to ", "*NAgainst ")
if snkDisk eq 0 then CmdError(src)
let snk = MakeSS(snkDisk, copyFlag)
Free(sysZone, snkDisk)
if snk eq 0 then CmdError(src)

let tp = Compatible(src, snk); if tp eq 0 then CmdError(src, snk)
if copyFlag unless AreYouSure(src, snk) do CmdError(src, snk, tp)

let ok = copyFlag? DoIt(src, snk, true, tp), true
if ok & (not copyFlag % checkFlag) then DoIt(src, snk, false, tp)
PrintErrors(src, snk)

Free(sysZone, tp)
and AreYouSure(src, snk) = valof
if snk>>SS.type eq ssNetLog resultis true
PutTemplate(dsp, "*N*NCopying onto $S will destroy its old contents.",
let ok = Confirm("*NAre you sure this is what you want to do?")
if ok then
   Dismiss(500)  //5 sec
   ok = Confirm("*N*NAre you still sure?")
resultis ok

and Compatible(src, snk) = valof
// returns xferParams or 0
let srcType = src>>SS.dp>>CD.diskParams.diskType
let snkType = snk>>SS.dp>>CD.diskParams.diskType
if srcType ne 0 & snkType ne 0 & srcType ne snkType then
   [ Wss(dsp, "*NDisk types are incompatible"); resultis 0 ]

let xferParams = src>>SS.compatible(src, snk)

Free(sysZone, snk>>SS.dp)
snk>>SS.dp = Allocate(sysZone, src>>SS.dp>>CD.length)
MoveBlock(snk>>SS.dp, src>>SS.dp, src>>SS.dp>>CD.length) 

resultis xferParams

and PrintErrors(src, snk) be
if compareErrors then
   PutTemplate(dsp, "*N$UD Data compare errors", compareErrors)
Wss(dsp, "*NDone.  ")
test seriousErrors % compareErrors
   ifso PutTemplate(dsp, "But DO NOT trust $S.", snk>>SS.device)
   ifnot PutTemplate(dsp, "$S and $S are identical.",
    src>>SS.device, snk>>SS.device)