// DiEx.bcpl -- program to write and check headers on a DIABLO disk
Last modified April 24, 1982 5:06 PM by Boggs

get "Streams.d"
get "SysDefs.d"
get "DiEx.defs"

external [ Junta; EnableInterrupts; MyFrame; EtherRcvr ]
manifest new = #100
static [ displayCB ]
structure VERS [ eng bit 4; blank bit 12 ]

let DiEx() be Junta(levDisplay, MainLoop)

and MainLoop() be
displayCB = rv DAstart
@#10 = #030013//lda 2,13
@#11 = #002014//jmp@14
@#12 = #000010//point to instruction in #10
@#13 = MyFrame()//
@#14 = ReStart//

DisplayAll(); goto MainLp
ReStart: @#521 = 0; EnableInterrupts()
Msg("*n*N>>DiEx restarted by brute force!!!!!*n*n>>")
char = false
[ // The main loop
rv DAstart = displayCB
] repeat

and DisplayAll() be
Active = false
if WriteEnable then
DisplayParam(InitLabels, 1, Tab1)
DisplayParam(InitFullTest, 1, Tab3)
DisplayParam(TestData, 3, Tab3)
DisplayParam(DoTest, 0, Tab4)
DisplayParam(Quit, 0, Tab5)

DisplayParam(InitVerify, 1, Tab2)
DisplayParam(StoreCustom, 1, Tab4)
DisplayParam(InitCustom, 2, Tab4)

DisplayParam(MsgEnable, 3, Tab0)
DisplayParam(SetPackType, 3, Tab1)
DisplayParam(ListData, 3, Tab2)
DisplayParam(Ethernet, 3, Tab5)

if (table [ 61014b; 1401b ])()<<VERS.eng gr 3 then
DisplayParam(Partition, 7, Tab2)

DisplayParam(Repeats, 4, Tab3)
DisplayParam(Random, 4, Tab4)
DisplayParam(DisplayOn, 4, Tab5)
DisplayStatus() //find on file "TriexStatus.bcpl"
DisplayAddr() //find on file "TriexAddr.bcpl"
DisplayAddrCont() //find on file "TriexAddr.bcpl"
DisplayComm() //find on file "TriexComm.bcpl"
DisplayPatterns() //find on file "TriexRun.bcpl"

and Partition() be
let str = "Partition = "
let curPart = (table [ 61037b; 1401b ])(0)
let newPart = NewNumber("Disk Partition number.", curPart, str)
if newPart ne curPart then (table [ 61037b; 1401b ])(newPart)
PrintParam("$S$D", str, (table [ 61037b; 1401b ])(0))

and Quit() be
if NewBoolian("Return to Exec", true) then
@#420 = 0

and DoTest() be
if NewBoolian("Run the disk with the specified parameters") then
[ RunDisk(0); SetCursor($←) ]
PrintParam("Do Test")

and Ethernet() be
if NewBoolian("Enable ethernet activity for task interference.") then
T>>P.Ethernet = T>>P.Ethernet eq 0
PrintParam("Eth Rcvr: $S",T>>P.Ethernet?"On","Off")

and Repeats() be
[ let str = "Repeats = "
let Hnt = "500 or more repeats will run for ever."
T>>P.Repeats = NewNumber(Hnt,T>>P.Repeats, str)
T>>P.Repeats = SetBounds(T>>P.Repeats, 1, 500)

and Random() be
[ let str = "Random = "
let Hnt = "Specify the number of random seeks to be done at the end of each pass"
T>>P.nRandom = NewNumber(Hnt,T>>P.nRandom, str)
T>>P.nRandom = SetBounds(T>>P.nRandom, 0)

and DisplayOn() be
if NewBoolian("Turn off the display during testing.") then
T>>P.StopDisplay = T>>P.StopDisplay eq 0
PrintParam("Display: $S",T>>P.StopDisplay?"Off","On")

and InitFullTest() be
if NewBoolian("Initialise all parameters for full test of disk.") then
[ MoveBlock(T,T+1*TableSize,TableSize); DisplayAll() ]
PrintParam("Init Full Test")

and InitLabels() be
if NewBoolian("Initialise all parameters for Header and Label initialization.") then
[ MoveBlock(T,T+2*TableSize,TableSize); DisplayAll() ]
PrintParam("Init Labels")

and InitVerify() be
if NewBoolian("Initialise all parameters for Verification of Readability of data on the disk.") then
[ MoveBlock(T,T+3*TableSize,TableSize); DisplayAll() ]
PrintParam("Init Verify")

and InitCustom() be
if NewBoolian("Initialise all parameters to Custom test.") then
[ MoveBlock(T,T+4*TableSize,TableSize)
nHeads = T!-1; nSectors = T!-2; nTracks = T!-3; FirstDr = T!-4; LastDr = T!-5
PrintParam("Init Custom")

and StoreCustom() be
if NewBoolian("Save current parameters as the ’Custom’ test.") then
[ MoveBlock(T+4*TableSize,T,TableSize)
T!-1 = nHeads; T!-2 = nSectors; T!-3 = nTracks; T!-4 = FirstDr; T!-5 = LastDr
Hint(" Done")
PrintParam("Save Custom")

and ListData() be
[ let str = nil
if NewBoolian("Will print the contents of the header, label & data of the sector read.") then T>>P.ListPage = T>>P.ListPage+1
switchon T>>P.ListPage into
default: T>>P.ListPage = 0; str = "No"; endcase
case 1: str = "Yes"; endcase
case 2: str = "If err"; endcase
PrintParam("List Data: $S",str)

and MsgEnable() be
if NewBoolian("Turn error reporting off for scoping hardware.") then
T>>P.MsgEnable = T>>P.MsgEnable eq 0
PrintParam("Report Errs: $S",T>>P.MsgEnable?"Yes","No")

and SetPackType() be
if NewBoolian("Pack’s Headers contain drive number - change if you are getting ’000002’ errors.") then
PackType = PackType eq 0
PrintParam("Header Fmt: $S",PackType?"DP1","DP0")

and TestData() be
[ let str = nil
if NewBoolian("Will cause the data read to be checked against the data written.") then
T>>P.TestData = T>>P.TestData+1
switchon T>>P.TestData into
default: T>>P.TestData = 0; str = "No"; endcase
case 1: str = "Yes"; endcase
case 2: str = "If err"; endcase
PrintParam("Check Data: $S",str)