// OsTop.Bj -- exported statics from 'top' part of OS
// Copyright Xerox Corporation 1979
// Last modified: August 10, 1979  5:47 PM by Boggs
// Static indices 4, 5, 13, and 14 are available

	176711	// top statics begin at this address

// levBcpl

// levFilePointers
	EnumerateFp		0	P	// CallSubsys knows this
	fpSysDir		1	L
	fpSysBoot		2	L
	fpDiskDescriptor	3	L
//	available		4	V	// ** available **
//	available		5	V	// ** available **
	fpUserCm		6	L
	fpComCm			7	L
	fpRemCm			10	L
	fpExecutive		11	L
	fpSysFont		12	L
//	available		13	V	// ** available **
//	available		14	V	// ** available **

// levBuffer
	OsBuffer		15	L

// levBasic
	EventVector		16	L
	UserName		17	L
	UserPassword		20	L
	OsFinish		21	L
	OsFinishCode		22	V
	OsVersion		23	V
	OsVersionCompatible	24	V
	OsFinishSafeAdr		25	V
	SerialNumber		26	V
	lvUserFinishProc	27	V
	SysErr			30	L
	CounterJunta		31	L
	juntaTable		45	L
	AltoVersion		46	V
	ErrorLogAddress		47	V

	CallSwat		32	L
	lvAbortFlag		33	V
	lvSwatContextProc	34	V

	OutLd			35	L
	InLd			36	L
	BootFrom		37	L
	DiskIOSetup		40	L
	DiskIOTransfer		41	L
	LastLdCB		44	V

	lvParitySweepCount	43	V
	lvParityPhantomEnable	50	V

	UpdateTimer		42	L
	ClockSecond		51	V

// Following link OsTop to OsMain -- don't publish.
	sysFontHeight		52	V
	sysDisplayLines		53	V
	sysFontSize		54	V
	StackOverflow		55	L
	LevBcpl			56	L
	LevFilePointers		57	L
	LevBuffer		60	L
	LevBasic		61	L
	SwatTrap		62	L
	SwatInterrupt		63	L
	ParityInterrupt		64	L

// Following two must be 176776 and 176777
	OutLdContu 	65	L	//Swat return point so old
					//loaders will work with new OSs
	pTopStatics	66	V	//pointer to base of this table