// G R O W (PREPRESS) // catalog number ??? // //GROW command is used to "bolden" characters, or to "shrink" characters // via simple image processing functions. get "ix.dfs" // outgoing procedures external [ Grow ] // outgoing statics //external // [ // ] //static // [ // ] // incoming procedures external [ //WINDOW WindowRead WindowReadBlock WindowWrite WindowWriteBlock WindowGetPosition WindowSetPosition WindowFlush WindowCopy WindowClose //MAPACTEMP MapACtemp //PREPRESSUTIL FSGetX FSPut Scream //OS Noop Zero SetBlock MoveBlock ] // incoming statics external [ @params @resolutionx @bitfactor ] // internal statics //static // [ // ] // File-wide structure and manifest declarations. manifest ACtemp=-1 //Grow command -- if growflag is true, this is to grow; else shrink. // Argument is passed via /d switch. let Grow(growflag,inputName,outputName;numargs na) be [ let arg=vec 3 arg!0=growflag arg!1=bitfactor if na ls 3 then [ inputName=ACtemp;outputName=ACtemp let amt=resolutionx if (params&gotresolution) eq 0 then amt=1 arg!1=amt ] MapACtemp(GrowIX, GrowFn, arg, inputName, outputName) ] and GrowIX(ix) be [ unless ix>>IX.Type eq IXTypeChars then Scream("Grow called with wrong input type") ] and GrowFn(p, si, so, arg) be [ let growflag=arg!0 let amt=arg!1 let buf=0 let a=WindowRead(si) //FHEAD let ns=a<<FHEAD.ns let hw=a<<FHEAD.hw let newhighword=nil let newhigh=p>>CharWidth.H if newhigh then [ //Not a space let newns=ns if growflag then [ newhigh=newhigh+2*amt newns=newns+2*amt ] newhighword=(newhigh+15)/16 let wc=newhighword*newns buf=FSGetX(wc) //Enuf room Zero(buf, wc) for s=0 to ns-1 do WindowReadBlock(si, buf+s*newhighword, hw) for i=1 to amt do [ GrowOne(buf, newns, newhighword, p, (growflag? 1,-1)) ] if p>>CharWidth.W le 0 % p>>CharWidth.H le 0 then [ //Exhausted! p>>CharWidth.W=0 p>>CharWidth.H=0 p>>CharWidth.XL=0 p>>CharWidth.YB=0 ] ] //Not a space hw=(p>>CharWidth.H+15)/16 ns=p>>CharWidth.W a<<FHEAD.ns=ns a<<FHEAD.hw=hw WindowWrite(so, a) for s=0 to ns-1 do WindowWriteBlock(so, buf+s*newhighword, hw) if buf then FSPut(buf) ] //GrowOne (amt=1) or shrink (amt=-1) one bit. buf points to buffer that // has "lines" lines of "words" words each. p is pointer to CharWidth // structure to update. and GrowOne(buf, lines, words, p, amt) be [ let wc=words*lines let wcm1=wc-1 let WorkBuf=FSGetX(wc) let ResBuf=FSGetX(wc) //Result buffer if amt gr 0 then //Grow -- must make [ // room for new bits. ShiftChar(4, buf, WorkBuf, lines, words) ShiftChar(2, WorkBuf, buf, lines, words) ] MoveBlock(ResBuf, buf, wc) //Start with original for direction=1 to 4 do [ ShiftChar(direction, buf, WorkBuf, lines, words) test amt gr 0 ifso for i=0 to wcm1 do ResBuf!i=ResBuf!i % WorkBuf!i ifnot for i=0 to wcm1 do ResBuf!i=ResBuf!i & WorkBuf!i ] unless amt gr 0 then //Shrink -- move down over now [ // blank bits ShiftChar(3, ResBuf, WorkBuf, lines, words) ShiftChar(1, WorkBuf, ResBuf, lines, words) ] MoveBlock(buf, ResBuf, wc) //Store back in buffer FSPut(WorkBuf) FSPut(ResBuf) //Now fix width entries p>>CharWidth.W=p>>CharWidth.W+2*amt p>>CharWidth.H=p>>CharWidth.H+2*amt p>>CharWidth.XL=p>>CharWidth.XL-amt p>>CharWidth.YB=p>>CharWidth.YB-amt ] //ShiftChar: how is: 1 (to left); 2 (to right); 3 (to bottom); 4 (to top). // src character is shifted one bit in given direction, stored in dest // char. lines and words are parameters of encoding. There is no harm if // src=dest. and ShiftChar(how, src, dest, l, w) be [ let wm1=w-1 let lm1=l-1 let fillbits=0 //or -1 switchon how into [ case 1: //One bit to left [ for i=0 to l-2 do MoveBlock(dest+i*w, src+i*w+w, w) SetBlock(dest+lm1*w, fillbits, w) ] endcase case 2: //One bit to right [ for i=lm1 to 1 by -1 do MoveBlock(dest+i*w, src+i*w-w, w) SetBlock(dest, fillbits, w) ] endcase case 3: //One bit down [ for i=0 to lm1 do [ let pw=fillbits for j=wm1 to 0 by -1 do [ dest!j=(src!j lshift 1)+(pw rshift 15) pw=src!j ] dest=dest+w src=src+w ] ] endcase case 4: //One bit up [ for i=0 to lm1 do [ let pw=fillbits for j=0 to wm1 do [ dest!j=(src!j rshift 1)+(pw lshift 15) pw=src!j ] dest=dest+w src=src+w ] ] endcase ] ]