// TfsOldKD.d - old KD definition
// Copyright Xerox Corporation 1979

// Old DSK structure for Trident
// First, the local definitions for Trident only:
// first lTFSKDHeader words are read in from disk at normal startup
manifest OTFSKDversion=1

structure OTFSKD:
	@KDH			// standard 1st part
	packID word 1		// field setup when disk initialized
	VDAdiskDD word 4	// VDAs of the data part of DD (4 pages)
	version	word		// version number of this DiskDescriptor
	nTransfers	word 2	// total number of transfers on this disk
	nErrors word 2		// total number of errors -- see TfsGetCb
	nECCErrors word 2	// total number of ECC errors encountered
	nECCFixes word 2	// total number of times recovery successful
	nRestores word 2		// number of "restore" operations done
	nUnRecov word 2		// number of unrecoverable errors
	lastPageAlloc word	// last VDA allocated -- for biasing search

// words beyond here are not saved on the disk
	initmode word 1		// TypeReadWrite or TypeCreate
	zone word 1		// zone of this DSK
	diskBTpagenum word 1	// pagenumber of the BT currently in memory
	diskBTaddr word 1	// where in mem the BT is
	fpTFSSysDirblk word lFP	// storage for FP
	fpTFSDDblk word lFP	// storage for FP
	fpTFSSysLogblk word lFP	// storage for FP
	fpTFSWDblk word lFP	// storage for FP
	WDNameblk word maxLengthFnInWords	// storage for name