-- file VirtualMgrDefs.Mesa
-- edited by Schroeder, January 13, 1980 7:22 PM.
-- edited by Brotz, August 14, 1980 4:00 PM.
-- edited by Horning, February 17, 1978 6:24 PM.
-- edited by Kierr, February 3, 1978 4:15 PM.
-- edited by Levin, January 16, 1981 11:27 AM.
crD: FROM "CoreDefs",
exD: FROM "ExceptionDefs",
gsD: FROM "GlobalStorageDefs",
ovD: FROM "OverviewDefs";
-- Purpose. This division manages virtual structures for the message system in such a way
-- that their virtualization is all but transparent to the several clients. Departments to this
-- division include: the TOC Department, which maintains the table of contents of message
-- files; the Message Department, which maintains messages as virtual strings; and the
-- Editor Department, which supplies needed support in editing strings.
-- TOC Department of the Virtual Storage Division manages the table of contents. The TOC
-- is a vritual structure: it includes an index and a cache of demand paged buffers. The
-- fact that the TOC is virtual is invisable to the client. An anticipated error condition is
-- having a message file to large to fit into the virtual TOC structure, since there needs to
-- be a limit on the number of messages in a TOC. In this case, DMS must fail in a soft
-- mode: the user will be warned that his TOC contains only the initial part of the full
-- TOC, and he will be expected to move some of the messages to another message file.
CleanupTOC: PROCEDURE [option: CleanupTOCOption];
-- DMS should call this procedure prior to exiting, so that this department can have a
-- chance to do any last minute housekeeping, such as restoring any dirty cache pages to
-- the TOC file and closing the TOC file. CleanupTOC should also be called when
-- changing from one message file to another. This procedure can be called even if there
-- is no TOC file currently opened. Option = resetChanges causes all clanged entries to be
-- marked unchanged and all deleted entries to be reoved. Option = dontResetChanges
-- causes changed and deleted entries are left as they are. Option = delete causes the TOC
-- file to be deleted.
VirtualizeTOC: PROCEDURE [user: crD.DMSUser, tOCFileName: crD.UFilename,
mailFileHandle: crD.UFileHandle, option: VirtualizeTOCOption]
RETURNS [firstUnSeen: TOCIndex, err: ovD.ErrorCode];
-- Initializes the TOC virtual structure from the indicated file. If the file doesn’t contain a
-- recognizable TOC then an empty TOC is created in the file. Before calling this
-- procedure, the client is expected to have called CleanupTOC if another TOC previously
-- was in use. firstUnSeen returns the index of the first unseen entry found in the TOC,
-- or 0 if no unseen entries are found. If option=new than an empty TOC is created in the
-- file provided.
ExtendTOC: PROCEDURE [fP: TOCFixedPartPtr, s: STRING] RETURNS [ovD.ErrorCode];
-- The TOC data and string are encorporated in the TOC structure at the end. After this
-- procedure is called, the information and string can be modified with
-- PutTOC(Data/String) and accessed with GetTOC(Data/String). Care is taken to allocate a
-- disk page for each new page of the TOC that is assigned.
SetTOCValidity: PROCEDURE [valid: BOOLEAN];
-- Flags the TOC as indicated by ’valid’. If, when VirtualizeTOC is called, the TOC is
-- invalid, VirtualizeTOC will return an error code.
GetTOCFixedPart: PROCEDURE [index: TOCIndex, fP: TOCFixedPartPtr];
-- Obtains the index’th TOCEntry data portion and copies it into the structure pointed at by
-- fP.
GetTOCString: PROCEDURE [index: TOCIndex, s: STRING];
-- Obtains the index’th TOCEntry string and copies as much as will fit into s.
PutTOCFixedPart: PROCEDURE [index: TOCIndex, toc: TOCFixedPartPtr];
-- Obtains the index’th TOCEntry and copies portions of the data structure pointed to by toc
-- into it. Also sets the changed flag of that TOCEntry to TRUE and marks the TOC page
-- as having been written.
PutTOCString: PROCEDURE [index: TOCIndex, s: STRING];
-- Obtains the index’th TOCEntry and copies as much of s as will fit into the string portion
-- of this entry. Marks the TOC page as having been written.
SetTOCBufferPoolSize: PROCEDURE [size: CARDINAL];
-- Adjusts the size of the TOC buffer pool. A minimum size of 2 is enforced.
-- This procedure returns the TOC Index value of the next entry available after the current
-- TOC, which is equal to the number of entries in the TOC and one greater than the real
-- last TOC Index.
GetFirstChangedTOCIndex: PROCEDURE RETURNS [TOCIndex];
-- Returns the TOC Index value of the 1st (i.e. the numerically lowest) TOC entry which
-- has been changed via PutTOCFixedPart. This is the first TOC entry which has the
-- "changed" BOOLEAN as true. ExtendTOC does not normally set this true (as does
-- PutTOCFixedPart), but will respect that setting if the user does so. If no TOC entries
-- have changed=TRUE, then the first free (ref. GetFirstFreeTOCIndex) index is returned.
-- The Message Department of the Virtual Storage Division manages message strings, i.e.
-- virtual messages. Note that the GetMessageChar procedure is designed to shield the
-- client from the virtual structure of message storage.
-- There are 2 kinds (i.e. variants) of virtual message objects: display and compose. The
-- Editor Department deals with the latter, and this department deal with both. Procedures
-- which require one or the other type so specify in their arguments’ types. Procedures
-- that can take either kind of virtual message object take VirtualMessagePtrs.
AllocateDisplayMessageObject: PROCEDURE RETURNS [DisplayMessagePtr];
FreeVirtualMessageObject: PROCEDURE [vMPtr: VirtualMessagePtr];
VirtualizeMessage: PROCEDURE [index: TOCIndex, msg: DisplayMessagePtr]
RETURNS [ovD.ErrorCode];
-- Calls ClearMessage[msg] and then initializes msg to be the messsage string pointed to by
-- the index TOC entry. Any previous contents of msg are lost.
GetMessageChar: PROCEDURE [vs: VirtualMessagePtr, index: ovD.CharIndex]
-- Obtains the index’th character (starting at zero) from the virtual structure vs. Maintains
-- a cache for quick access to the index’th character or its neighbors on the next call.
SetBufferPoolSize: PROCEDURE[vop: VirtualObjectPtr, size: CARDINAL];
GetMessageSize: PROCEDURE [msg: VirtualMessagePtr] RETURNS [ovD.CharIndex] = INLINE
-- Returns the size of the message, which is equal to the first free CharIndex.
{RETURN [msg.textLength]};
MapVirtualToComposeMessage: PROCEDURE [vmp: VirtualMessagePtr]
RETURNS [cmp: ComposeMessagePtr];
-- Loopholes vmp to cmp.
-- The Editor Department of the Virtual Storage Division supports the editor used to edit
-- messages and and provides virtual backing storage for any operations that have such
-- requirements. It deals in terms of messages which are ComposeMessageObjects, a variant
-- of VMOs.
AllocateComposeMessageObject: PROCEDURE RETURNS [ComposeMessagePtr];
InitComposeMessage: PROCEDURE [cMPtr: ComposeMessagePtr, s: STRING];
-- The composeMessage is initialized to contain the string.
-- Truncates backing files for all CMs.
PutMessageChar: PROCEDURE [cMPtr: ComposeMessagePtr, index: ovD.CharIndex,
-- The character a position index is overwritten with char.
ReplaceRangeInMessage: PROCEDURE [to, from: MessageRange]
RETURNS [erc: ovD.ErrorCode];
-- The characters contained in the to range are overwritten with the characters contained in
-- the from range. to and from must be in different VMOs. to’s VMO must be a CM, and
-- from’s VMO can be a CM or a DM.
InsertRangeInMessage: PROCEDURE [targetIndex: ovD.CharIndex,
targetMessage: ComposeMessagePtr, from: MessageRange] RETURNS [erc: ovD.ErrorCode];
-- The characters contained in the from range are inserted in the target message just before
-- the targetIndex character. targetMessage and from must be in different VMOs. The
-- former must be a CM, and the latter can be a CM or a DM.
DeleteRangeInMessage: PROCEDURE [from: MessageRange];
-- The characters in the range [from.first .. from.end) are deleted from msg.
InsertFileInMessage: PROCEDURE[targetIndex: ovD.CharIndex,
targetMessage: ComposeMessagePtr, file: crD.UFilename, user: crD.DMSUser]
RETURNS [errorCode: ovD.ErrorCode, errorString: STRING];
-- Inserts the entire contents of the file in the message starting just before the targetIndex.
-- Errors encountered while opening or reading the file are returned.
PutRangeInFile: PROCEDURE[from: MessageRange, file: crD.UFilename, user: crD.DMSUser,
concurrenceNeeded: BOOLEAN,
UserConcurs: PROCEDURE [exD.Exception] RETURNS [BOOLEAN]]
RETURNS [errorCode: ovD.ErrorCode];
-- Overwrites the entire contents of the file with the characters from the message range.
-- Pseudo CR’s are converted to blanks. If file not empty and cuncurrenceNeeded, then
-- UserConcurs is called and the put proceeds only if TRUE is returned. Errors encountered
-- while opening or reading the file are returned.
AppendMessageChar: PROCEDURE [cM: ComposeMessagePtr, char: CHARACTER]
RETURNS [erc: ovD.ErrorCode];
-- The character, char, is appended to the end of the msg.
UnAppendMessageChar: PROCEDURE [cM: ComposeMessagePtr];
-- This routine is used to process a rubout. It deletes the last character in the msg.
StartMessageInsertion: PROCEDURE [cM: ComposeMessagePtr, where: ovD.CharIndex];
-- Initializes a ComposeMessage for insertion just before the character "where". This
-- procedure must be called before the other insertion procedures, and eventually followed
-- by either StopMessageInsertion or AbandonMessageInsertion.
InsertMessageChar: PROCEDURE [cM: ComposeMessagePtr, char: CHARACTER]
RETURNS [erc: ovD.ErrorCode];
-- The character is appended to the current insertion.
UnInsertMessageChar: PROCEDURE [cM: ComposeMessagePtr];
-- This routine is used to process a rubout. It deletes the last character in an insertion, and
-- is a nop if the insertion is empty.
InsertSubstringInMessage: PROCEDURE [cM: ComposeMessagePtr, source: STRING,
first: CARDINAL, charsToCopy: CARDINAL] RETURNS [erc: ovD.ErrorCode];
-- source[first .. first+charsToCopy) are inserted in the cM at the current insertion point.
-- source.length and surce.maxlength are not referenced.
StopMessageInsertion: PROCEDURE [cM: ComposeMessagePtr];
-- The current insertion is terminated, and the inserted characters become part of the
-- message.
AbandonMessageInsertion: PROCEDURE [cM: ComposeMessagePtr];
-- The current insertion is discarded, and the inserted characters go away.
-- Internal procedures common to several modules
-- Used to communicate between the departments of this division. Needed when broken into
-- more than one file.
MakeBufferPoolHeadUnused: PRIVATE PROCEDURE [vop: VirtualObjectPtr]
RETURNS [compacted: BOOLEAN, rpn: PageNumber];
-- Finds or makes an unused mte and relinks it to head of lru list. Compacted is returned
-- FALSE unless the vop designates a CM and finding an unused Mte has caused
-- compaction in the CM’s buffer pool. When compacted is returned TRUE, the rpn
-- returns the number of the CM page removed by the compaction.
FindTOCAddress: PRIVATE PROCEDURE [index: TOCIndex]
RETURNS [p: HardTOCAddress, mtPtr: MemoryTableEntryPtr];
-- You’d better be careful, cache activity may cause the pointers returned to become
-- dangling references.
GetTOCAddressOnPage: PRIVATE PROCEDURE [index: TOCIndex,
mtPtr: MemoryTableEntryPtr] RETURNS [TOCFixedPartPtr];
GetMtPtr: PRIVATE PROCEDURE [vop: VirtualObjectPtr, pn: PageNumber,
pageState: GetMtPtrState] RETURNS [mtPtr: MemoryTableEntryPtr, npn: PageNumber];
MapCharIndexToPageByte: PRIVATE PROCEDURE [cm: ComposeMessagePtr,
index: ovD.CharIndex] RETURNS [PageNumber, CARDINAL];
SetGetCacheForCMPage: PRIVATE PROCEDURE [option: SetCacheOption,
cm: ComposeMessagePtr, lpn: PageNumber, index: ovD.CharIndex]
RETURNS [erc: ovD.ErrorCode];
-- If option is "new" then insert a new logical page at number lpn and set g.first and g.free
-- to index (the first character to be put in the page). If option is "old" then get the
-- logical page with number lpn into the page cache and set the get cache to reference the
-- contained characters.
TryToCompactBufferPool: PRIVATE PROCEDURE [cmp: ComposeMessagePtr]
WritePageToFile: PRIVATE PROCEDURE [vop: VirtualObjectPtr,
mtPtr: MemoryTableEntryPtr];
-- Writes the file page associated with the designated Mte. Will open a temporary backing
-- file for the object if vop↑.file = NIL.
ReadPageFromFile: PRIVATE PROCEDURE [vop: VirtualObjectPtr,
mtPtr: MemoryTableEntryPtr];
-- Reads the file page associated with the designated Mte.
BombIfIOError: PRIVATE PROCEDURE [erc: ovD.ErrorCode];
-- Call SysBug if erc isn’t "ok".
-- Data Structures and Types.
CheatersSTRING: PRIVATE TYPE = RECORD [length, maxlength: INTEGER];
-- Copied from AllocateHeapString. MAY CHANGE. BEWARE.
PageNumber: PRIVATE TYPE = crD.PageNumber;
tOCMinStringSize: CARDINAL = 12; --smallest "maxlength".
tOCPageTableSize: CARDINAL = 64; -- app. 7-9 entries fit on a page
tOCType: CARDINAL = 1; -- For TOCPageHdr.garbageDetector.
VirtualObjectPtr: PRIVATE TYPE = POINTER TO VirtualObject;
[file: crD.UFileHandle,
memoryHeader: MemoryTableEntryPtr,
open: BOOLEAN,
TOC =>
[pageTableHeader: POINTER TO TOCPageTable,
filePageFF: PageNumber, -- Next avail page in TOC file.
indexFF: TOCIndex, -- Next avail message index.
firstChange: TOCIndex, -- 0 or 1st entry "changed".
mailFile: crD.UFileHandle], -- from New/Virtualize-TOC.
VMO =>
[next: VirtualMessagePtr,
textLength: ovD.CharIndex, -- in bytes,
get: CharCache, -- For GetMessageChar look-ahead.
DM => -- DisplayMessage.
[firstPage: PageNumber,
firstByte: [0 .. 511]],
CM => -- ComposeMessage.
[inserting: BOOLEAN, --following for TRUE only
insertionStart: ovD.CharIndex,
insertionStop: ovD.CharIndex,
charMap: POINTER TO CMOCharMapTable,
filePageFF: PageNumber],
[state: {clean, dirty, unused},
next: MemoryTableEntryPtr,
filePageNumber, -- (= lpn, except for Composemsg.)
logicalPageNumber: PageNumber,
address: POINTER TO TOCPageHdr];
MemoryTableEntryPtr: PRIVATE TYPE = POINTER TO MemoryTableEntry;
CharCache: TYPE = RECORD
-- To access the iTH char of a message:
-- (1) it must be in [first..free)
-- (2) "page" must be mapped into "mtPtr"
-- Then use: string[iTH+offset]
[first, -- first char on "page".
free: ovD.CharIndex, -- first char off "page".
string: STRING, -- Set up to "page" via "mtPtr".
floor: CARDINAL[0 .. 512), -- Space a beg of (1st) page.
mtPtr: MemoryTableEntryPtr];
TOC: PRIVATE TYPE = TOC VirtualObject;
TOCIndex: TYPE = CARDINAL; -- Note: 0 not used.
TOCFixedPartPtr: TYPE = POINTER TO TOCFixedPart;
bogus: BOOLEAN, --this entry spans bad data--
firstPage: PageNumber,
firstByte: [0 .. 511],
bugTrap: [0 .. 127], --←bugTrapValue, Early warning device.
textLength: ovD.CharIndex]; -- in bytes
bugTrapValue: [0 .. 127] = 131B; -- for "quick fail".
TOCPageHdr: PRIVATE TYPE = RECORD -- One of these at beg of each file page.
[numberOfEntries: CARDINAL,
garbageDetector: CARDINAL]; -- gets tOCType--
TOCPageTable: PRIVATE TYPE = ARRAY[0 .. tOCPageTableSize) OF TOCPageTableEntry;
HardTOCAddress: PRIVATE TYPE = POINTER; -- to a TOC entry.
cMOCharMapTableSize: CARDINAL = 128; -- Max pages/CMO file.
cMOMaxCharPerPage: CARDINAL = 511; -- Waste 1 to save table space.
VirtualMessagePtr: TYPE = POINTER TO VirtualMessageObject;
VirtualMessageObject: PRIVATE TYPE = VMO VirtualObject;
DisplayMessagePtr: TYPE = POINTER TO DisplayMessageObject;
DisplayMessageObject: PRIVATE TYPE = DM VirtualMessageObject;
ComposeMessagePtr: TYPE = POINTER TO ComposeMessageObject;
ComposeMessageObject: PRIVATE TYPE = CM VirtualMessageObject;
MessageRange: TYPE = RECORD
end: ovD.CharIndex,
message: VirtualMessagePtr];
CMOCharMapTable: PRIVATE TYPE = ARRAY PageNumber[0 .. cMOCharMapTableSize) OF
[count: CARDINAL[0 .. cMOMaxCharPerPage], -- Good chars/page.
page: PageNumber[0 .. cMOCharMapTableSize)]; -- corresp fpn.
GetMtPtrState: PRIVATE TYPE = {new, active, inactive};
SetCacheOption: PRIVATE TYPE = {new, old};
CleanupTOCOption: TYPE = {resetChanges, dontResetChanges, delete};
VirtualizeTOCOption: TYPE = {new, old};
END. -- of VirtualMgrDefs --