-- Laurel.bootmesa
-- edited by Levin:  April 14, 1981  4:11 PM
-- edited by Schroeder: April 26, 1979  12:25 PM.
-- edited by Brotz: November 12, 1980  11:18 AM.
-- edited by Andrew Birrell   Friday Nov. 7, 1980 2:00 pm PST
-- Note:  The modules identified in the second part of
--   RESIDENTCODE are actually unlocked early in initialization.  They should
--   not encroach on the space to be occupied by the bitmap.  The modules
--   identified as SWAPPEDINCODE are intended to be in the space eventually
--   occupied by the bitmap.

WART: Wart;
NUB: DebugNub;
CONTROL: LaurelNub;
RESIDENTCODE: Resident, DiskIO, Swapper, MDSRegion, Signaller, Keyboard,
  QueueLockedTiny, TedLocked, DispatcherLocked, LaurelInterrupt,

  QueueCool, PupRouterCool, AMCUCool, TedIn, QueueIn, PupRouterIn,
  PupChecksums, DispatcherHot, TedOut, QueueOut, PupSockets, PupRouterOut,
  BFS, DiskKD, Files, FSP, Miscellaneous, Modules, NonResident, OurProcess,
  SegmentsB, SegmentsA, StringsA, StringsB, LaurelNub, IntRefreshers,
  NameConversion, GlobalStorage, intCommon, displayCommon, Display,
  IntBoundaryCom, KeyStreams, DMSTime,

  SetTime, TimeConvert, RetrieveInit, RetrievePoll, Protocol,
  IntMBXState, NameInfo, Locate, VirtCom, CoreCom;
SWAPPEDINCODE: CoreSS, VirtSS, LoadState, Directory, HyperRegion, MesaInit,
  StreamsA, StreamsB, StreamsC, Faults, DebugNub, Wart, Boss, InitLaurel,
  IntExceptions, PupErrors, DummyForwarder, VirtCM, TedCold, QueueCold,
  PupRouterCold, DispatcherCold, AMCUCold, LaurelSegments, EditorDisplay;
NOTRAP: Resident, DiskIO, Swapper, MDSRegion, HyperRegion, Signaller,
  OurProcess, NonResident, SegmentsA, SegmentsB, MesaInit, Files,
  Wart, Modules, Miscellaneous, Faults, LaurelFont;
GFT: 256;