0 Ifs.errors -- maps internal IFS error codes to strings
Copyright Xerox Corporation 1979, 1980, 1981, 1982
Last modified May 11, 1982  11:32 AM by Taft

$$1 Virtual memory page $1O is not in any vMem region.
$$2 Can't fill request for $1D. pages of vMem.
$$3 Too many vMem Buffers - increase maxVMPages in IfsVmem.decl.
$$4 Attempted to purge locked page at $1O.
$$5 This version of IFS must be run under OS version $1D or newer.
$$6 Can't open '$1S' (on the model 31).
$$7 Can't open '$1S' (on the trident).
$$8 OverlayScan failed.  Error code is $1D.
$$9 Too many Overlay Entry Points.  Increase numOEP in IfsOverlaysInit.

$$10 CtxRunning attempted to set lock at $1O multiple times.
$$11 CtxRunning does not own the lock at $1O.
$$12 SnarfTable is screwed up.
$$13 SnarfBuffer failed: no vMem buffers available.
(Proceeding will wait a while and retry the Snarf)
$$14 smallZone is empty.  Block size requested is $1D. words.
(Proceeding will allocate the block from bigZone)
$$15 bigZone is empty.  Block size requested is $1D. words.
(Proceeding will cause a vMem buffer to be snarfed)

$$16 LoadRam failed.  Error code is $1D.
$$17 ReturnFrom(CallersFrame()) returned!
$$18 Duplicate logical unit.
$$19 Can't find logical unit 0.
$$20 Can't find enough packs.
$$21 Two logical unit 0s.
$$22 Can't open 'IFS.Dir'.
$$23 User Finish Proc queued before the end of InitIFSPart2.
$$24 SwappedOut called -- either a nonresident procedure was called
before overlay initialization or else a resident initialization
procedure was called after having been discarded.

$$28 Tree at $1O ran out of VMem or made an out-of-bounds reference.
$$29 Bad VMEM page alignment or size argument to DOPAGEIO.
$$30 Tree at $1O referenced a free page.

$$32 Can't find the zoneTable entry for storage block at $1O.
$$33 Can't find chunkQ entry for overflow page at $1O.
$$35 Directory B-Tree verification error: $1S.
(Proceeding from this error is possible but not recommended.
Suggest running IFSScavenger.)
$$36 Malformed directory B-Tree record at $1O.
(Proceeding from this error is NOT possible.  Run IFSScavenger.)
$$37 InitFmap failed.

$$40 There are two error strings with code $1D

$$50 Malformed XM overlay, probably caused by an assembly-language
module that doesn't follow the Bcpl "rules".
$$51 An overlay is larger than 1K and would cross an XM bank boundary.
Either reorder the overlays or reduce the oversize one.
$$52 Overlay malfunction: faulted on overlay that is already present.
$$53 Bad overlay call.
$$54 FindOverlayFromPn failed.
$$55 Too many XM Entry points.  Increase numXEP in IfsOverlaysInit.
$$56 MakeFree called with negative length.

$$60 The Control RAM is broken!  Address $1O was $2O $3O, should be $4O $5O.
Run DMT or MadTest for further information.
$$61 The S-registers don't work!  Address $1O was $2O, should be $3O.
Run MadTest for further information.

$$70 Group name table is full.
$$71 Group name is already in use.
$$72 Illegal group number.
$$73 Illegal group name.

$$100 Impossible case in LookupFile.
$$101 OFT at $1O is full.
$$102 OFT in file system $1O is screwed up.
$$103 ReturnFrom(CallersFrame()) returned!
$$104 Undefined open mode.
$$105 Existing filename '$1S' has illegal format.
$$106 Directory entry is not 'TypeDIF'
$$107 Directory entry already exists.
$$108 DeleteKey failed - can't delete dir entry.
$$109 File is not a DIF.
$$110 Can't find DIF.
$$111 TFSNewDisk failed.
$$112 Can't find 'IFS.Dir'.
$$113 Can't enter system file.
$$114 DestroyOFT failed.
$$115 Can't create essential file.
$$116 Illegal combination of lookup control parameters.
$$117 Attempt to open file using invalid FD.
$$118 DIF is malformed or unreadable.
$$119 Attempt to access directory without locking it.
$$120 Malformed Directory Record.
$$121 TFSInit failed on freshly-initialized file system.
$$122 Requested drive is not on-line.
$$123 Can't insert new DIF entry in empty cache.

$$201 11 Malformed filename.
$$202 11 Illegal character in filename.
$$203 11 Illegal use of "*".
$$204 14 Illegal version number.
$$205 11 Filename too long.
$$206 101 Not allowed to access Directory Information File.
$$207 100 File not found.
$$208 101 File is protected - access denied.
$$209 111 File open in conflicting way - file busy.
$$210 12 No such directory.
$$211 104 Page allocation exceeded.
$$212 104 The file server's disk is full!
$$213 103 CreateDiskStream failed - disk error?
$$214 112 Rename "to" file already exists.
$$215 101 File is undeletable.
$$216 20 Incorrect user-name.
$$217 21 Incorrect user-password.
$$218 20 Can't login as files-only directory.
$$219 23 Incorrect connect-name.
$$220 24 Incorrect connect-password.
$$221 20 I never heard of that user-name, and I can't talk to Grapevine.
$$222 103 File server disk error -- inform IFS administrator.
$$223 2 User-name and password required.

$$300 Uncaught BSP stream error in Telnet, code = $1D.
$$301 Mailbox is not empty; it will be deleted automatically when next read.

$$400 CreateFD failed unexpectedly in BackupFile, code = $1D.
$$401 LookupFD failed unexpectedly in BackupFile, code = $1D.
$$402 CreateIFSFile failed unexpectedly in BackupFile, code = $1D.
$$403 LookupIFSFile failed unexpectedly in BackupFile, code = $1D.
$$404 DeleteFileFromFD failed unexpectedly in BackupFile, code = $1D.
$$405 File system is not of type 'backup'.

$$425 CreateFD failed unexpectedly in RestoreFile, code = $1D.
$$426 LookupFD failed unexpectedly in RestoreFile, code = $1D.
$$427 Cannot restore "no-backup" file.
$$428 File already exists in primary file system and is newer.

$$450 File bypassed - no backup required.
$$451 Backup completed successfully.
$$452 File busy - can't back it up now.
$$453 Backup file system is full.
$$454 Backup system halted externally.

$$500 Can't open '$1S' on the scratch disk.
$$501 cmdQ screwed up.
$$502 Impossible PLME.type.
$$503 The disk being scavenged is full, and I need to assign a page!
$$504 CreateDiskStream failed for '$1S'.
$$505 Unrecoverable disk Error.
$$506 Can't open '$1S' on the scavengee.
$$507 LPTE is too big.
$$508 Malformed LPTE.
$$509 UpdateRecord failed for an existing record.
$$510 FreeQ empty.

$$601 102 file type is Binary not Text
$$602 Warning: $S may be type Text
$$603 102 CRLF conversion not supported
$$604 102 requested byte size not equal to file byte size
$$605 102 TYPE property required
$$606 102 BYTE-SIZE property required
$$607 101 $S not retrieved: $P
$$608 1 Unimplemented command
$$609 107 not stored: $P
$$610 110 BSPReadBlock failed
$$611 110 BSPWriteBlock failed
$$612 Caution: file $S is damaged

$$700 0 Unspecified failure.
$$701 1 Can't locate mailbox.
$$702 2 Mailbox isn't local, and forwarding is disabled.
$$704 4 Unable to convert registry name to address.
$$705 Undeliverable after 48 hours.
$$706 4 Registry does not resolve to MTP socket.
$$707 4 Name does not contain a registry.
$$708 4 Mail forwarding loop: Grapevine says mailbox is here, but it isn't.

$$710 40 MLBX property required.
$$711 41 Mailbox must be User-Name or Connect-Name.
$$712 41 No Mailbox by that name here.
$$713 110 Mail not retrieved: $P.
$$714 110 Mail not stored: $P.
$$715 110 Sender property missing.
$$716 3 Mail-server Retrieve not permitted.
$$717 40 No valid recipients for message.
$$718 110 Message has zero length.
$$719 100 Registry is not local.

$$720 Bad MH.seal in msg $1O.
(Proceeding will delete the offending file.)
$$721 Unexpected EOF in Header area of msg $1O.
(Proceeding will delete the offending file.)
$$722 Unexpected EOF in Block area of msg $1O.
(Proceeding is not possible.)
$$723 Unexpected EOF in Text area of msg $1O.
(Proceeding is not possible.)
$$724 Can't find mlbx index $1D in msg $2O.
(Proceeding will ignore the mailbox exception.)
$$725 FPROP area in leader page $1O overflowed.
$$726 Can't delete mailbox file.

$$800 Name server not available
$$801 Name malformed
$$803 Inconsistent name expression
$$804 Address not found
$$805 Attempt to insert duplicate record in net directory tree

$$901 Press printing request pending
$$902 Press printing request completed
$$903 Press printing request removed by user
$$904 No response from Press printing server within 8 hours
$$905 not a Press-format file.

$$1010 Leaf operation not implemented
$$1011 Bad leaf handle
$$1012 Leaf file too long
$$1013 Illegal leaf truncate
$$1014 Leaf file has no last FA hint
$$1015 Illegal leaf read
$$1016 Illegal leaf write

$$1020 Bad old page number in FD
$$1021 Attempt to access a file with no leaf file map
$$1022 Malformed leaf file map.
$$1023 Broken leaf queue
$$1024 Broken leaf vmem queue
$$1025 Wrong page size for leaf vmem
$$1026 Leaf hash zero
$$1027 Leaf vmem page moved
$$1028 Leaf vmem full
$$1029 Leaf hash table full
$$1030 Can't purge leaf vmem file
$$1031 Multiple page request to leaf vmem
$$1032 Leaf vmem entry in bad state
$$1033 Attempt to write a non-dirty leaf vmem page
$$1034 Leaf hash table broken
$$1035 Leaf virtual pbi page number wrong

$$1040 Unknown sequin error
$$1041 Sequin count anomaly
$$1042 Leaf virtual pbi out of sequence
$$1043 Sequin output virtual pbi vector full

$$1060 Leaf virtual pbi preallocation broken
$$1061 Malformed leaf virtual pbi page
$$1062 Attempt to access non-existant leaf virtual pbi
$$1064 Attempt to unlock a leaf virtual pbi that was not locked
$$1066 No free leaf virtual pbi pages
$$1067 Leaf virtual pbi backward chain error
$$1068 Error while looking up "VPBI.swap"
$$1069 Can't open "VPBI.swap"
$$1070 Can't create "VPBI.swap"
$$1071 Attempt to access leaf virtual pbi page zero
$$1072 Attempt to free non-allocated leaf virtual pbi page

$$1080 Leaf answer too long

$$1100 Unknown command
$$1101 Protocol error: no disk specified
$$1102 Protocol error: no disk params
$$1103 I'm ready for your disk
$$1104 Here comes the disk
$$1105 Login/connect ok
$$1106 File is not in CopyDisk format

$$2250 Name not found
$$2252 No name lookup server responded
$$2253 Can't get there from here
