; IfsBootA.asm -- assembly-language code for IFS boot server
; Copyright Xerox Corporation 1980, 1981
; Last modified January 2, 1981  5:57 PM by Taft

.ent BootNoop
.ent BFTEntryLength


BootNoop: .BootNoop
BFTEntryLength: .BFTEntryLength


; This is an assembly-language procedure included in the BootServ overlay,
; and called in order to force that overlay into bank 0 so that the
; bootLoaderPacket (in the same overlay) can be copied.

	jmp 1 3

; BFTEntryLength(bfe) = bfe>>BFE.length

	sta 0 2 2
	lda 0 @2 2
	jmp 1 3
