// InLd/OutLd messages for spooler <-> service communication

get "SpruceInLdOutLdEC.d"

structure TOSpoolerMsg: // printer to spooler
numPrinted word// This is still tentative!
lastPrintedCode word// fileCode of last doc printed
inProgressCode word// fileCode of doc in progress, if any
completionCode word// Why printing terminated **
reportFailed byte// Couldn’t write report level ***
errorClass byte// Severity and general nature of error ****
params↑1,12 word// error params, assumes lInLdMessage = 18 ***
stopsPrintingword// printing cannot continue until output tray cleared

// ** Completion codes
manifest [
CCInit =0// return from OutLd, no printing yet
CCFinished = 1// correctly printed all numSpooled docs.
CCKnock = 2// someone knocked while printing numPrinted +1
CCRestart = 3// Spruce restarted -- revive queue
maxCCOK = 10// anything above this is an error code
// else error code -- error while printing numPrinted+1

// *** Error parameters
If any of these are strings, their values will not be correct in the InLd
message returned to the spooler. They should be correct in the LEVReport checkpoint
information, unless reportFailed is true in the InLd version. ~~ not impl. reasonable?

structure TOPrinterMsg: // spooler to printer
fprd word 5 // (lFP) // Printer uses this file address to return
inProgress word// Hint to continue previous
fileCode word// File to continue
numSpooled word// Update this and following if non-zero
numMustPrint word//(on complete swap return from spooler)
DebugSystem word// May have been changed from debug in spooler
blank word 17-10
Capabilities word//might have changed via user interaction

// Message posting format
structure POstedMsg:
link word
pDoc word// if message relates to a spooled file
condition word// condition value from SpruceCondition call
str↑1,1 word// remainder is a string
manifest minLenPOstedMsg = (offset POstedMsg.str↑1)/16

manifest lenErrStr = 35 // Size of temp vectors for generating error strings

// December 3, 1978 4:37 PM derived from Spruce.d
// July 29, 1979 3:27 PM removed Error codes to SpruceInLdOutLdEC.d
// July 31, 1979 11:07 PM, added bins stuff
// August 9, 1979 9:57 AM, add Capabilities to TOPrinterMsg
// August 29, 1979 12:21 PM, removed bins stuff