manifest [
BANDWidth=16//Don’t try to change this -- tied to hardware

// Output device definitions:
printerDurango=1//obsolete, no good anymore, and has wennaway
// ~~ Kludge! All color printers assumed to have codes ge all B/W printers!! ~~
printerPimlicoAlt = 3// Simple, guaranteed to fly Pimlico -- now obsolete and gone
printerPimlico = 3// Super Duper Pimlico
printerPuffin = 4// Puffin
maxPrinterDevice = 4

// Printer pass sizes
loSize=600//left-over table, enough for 100 left-over characters or lines

// Overlay Indices
OVT80 = 1// optional Trident Code
OVBase = 2// resident except during printing
OVInterpret = 3// scan phase
OVPrint = 4// printing phase
OVInit = 5// initialization before interpretation
OVDover = 6// Dover driver
OVPenguin = 7// Penguin driver
OVSequoia = 8// Sequoia driver
OVPimlico = 9// Pimlico driver
OVPuffin = 10// Puffin driver