; MesadROM.Mu - Xfer, State switching, process support, Nova interface
; Last modified by Levin - October 10, 1978  8:22 AM

; F r a m e   A l l o c a t i o n

; Alloc subroutine:
;	allocates a frame
;	Entry conditions:
;	  frame size index (fsi) in T
;	Exit conditions:
;	  frame pointer in L, T, and frame
;	  if allocation fails, alternate return address is taken and
;	    temp2 is shifted left by 1 (for ALLOC)
!1,2,AllocSub,ALLOClarge;					for ALLOC byte code
!1,2,ALLOCr,XferGr;						subroutine returns
!1,2,ALLOCrf,XferGrf;						failure returns
!3,4,Alloc0,Alloc1,Alloc2,Alloc3;				dispatch on pointer flag
;	if more than 2 callers, un-comment the following pre-definition:
; !17,1,Allocx;							shake IR← dispatch

AllocSub:	L←avm1+T+1, TASK, :Allocx;			fetch av entry

Allocx:		entry←L;					save av entry address
		T←3;						mask for pointer flags
		L←MD AND T, T←MD;				(L←MD AND 3, T←MD)
		temp←L, L←MAR←T;				start reading pointer
		SINK←temp, BUS;					branch on bits 14:15
		frame←L, :Alloc0;

; Bits 14:15 = 00, a frame of the right index is queued for allocation

Alloc0:		L←MD, TASK;					new entry for frame vector
		temp←L;						new value of vector entry
		MAR←entry;					update frame vector
		L←T←frame, IDISP;				establish exit conditions
		MD←temp, :ALLOCr;				update and return

; Bits 14:15 = 01, allocation list empty:  restore argument, take failure return

Alloc1:		L←temp2, IDISP, TASK, :Alloc1x;			restore parameter
Alloc1x:	temp2←L LSH 1, :ALLOCrf;			allocation failed

; Bits 14:15 = 10, a pointer to an alternate list to use

Alloc2:		temp←L RSH 1, :Allocp;				indirection: index←index/4

Allocp:		L←temp, TASK;
		temp←L RSH 1;
		T←temp, :AllocSub;

Alloc3:		temp←L RSH 1, :Allocp;				(treat type 3 as type 2)
; Free subroutine:
;	frees a frame
;	Entry conditions: address of frame is in 'frame'
;	Exit conditions: 'frame' left pointing at released frame (for LSTF)

!3,4,RETr,FREEr,LSTFr,;						FreeSub returns
!17,1,Freex;							shake IR← dispatch

FreeSub:	MAR←frame-1;					start read of fsi word
Freex:		NOP;						wait for memory
		T←MD;						T←index
		L←MAR←avm1+T+1;					fetch av entry
		entry←L;					save av entry address
		L←MD;						read current pointer
		MAR←frame;					write it into current frame
		temp←L, TASK;
		MD←temp;					write!
		MAR←entry;					entry points at frame
		MD←frame, :RETr;				free
; ALLOC - allocate a frame of size specified by <TOS> (popped)
;	if <TOS> < maxallocslot, <TOS> is a frame size index (fsi)
;	otherwise, <TOS> is requested frame size in words.
!1,1,Savpcinframe;						(here so ALLOCrf can call it)
!7,10,XferGT,Xfer,Mstopr,PORTOpc,LSTr,ALLOCrfr,,;		return points for Savpcinframe
!1,2,doAllocTrap,XferGfz;					used by XferGrf

ALLOC:		L←ret7, TASK, :Xpopsub;				returns to ALLOCrx
ALLOCrx:	L←maxallocslot-T-1;
		L←T, SH<0;					L:fsi
		temp2←L LSH 1, IR←msr0, :AllocSub;
ALLOCr:		:pushTB;					successful allocation

;  Allocation failed - save mpc, undiddle lp, push fsi*4 on stack, then trap

ALLOCrf:	IR←sr5, :Savpcinframe;				failure because lists empty
ALLOCrfr:	L←temp2, TASK, :doAllocTrap;			pick up trap parameter

ALLOClarge:	L←temp2, TASK, :Alloc1x;			failure because too large

;  Inform software that allocation failed

doAllocTrap:	ATPreg←L;					store param. to trap proc.
		T←sAllocListEmpty, :Mtrap;			go trap to software

; FREE - release the frame whose address is <TOS> (popped)

FREE:		L←ret10, TASK, :Xpopsub;			returns to FREErx
FREErx:		frame←L, TASK;
		IR←sr1, :FreeSub;
FREEr:		:next;
; D e s c r i p t o r   I n s t r u c t i o n s

; DESCB - push <<gp>+gfi offset>+2*alpha+1 (masking gfi word appropriately)
;	DESCB is assumed to be A-aligned (no pending branch at entry)

DESCB:		T←gp;
		T←ngpoffset+T+1, :DESCBcom;			T:address of frame

DESCBcom:	MAR←gfioffset+T;				start fetch of gfi word
		T←gfimask;					mask to isolate gfi bits
		T←MD.T;						T:gfi
		L←ib+T, T←ib;					L:gfi+alpha, T:alpha
		T←M+T+1, :pushTA;				pushTA because A-aligned

; DESCBS - push <<TOS>+gfi offset>+2*alpha+1 (masking gfi word appropriately)
;	DESCBS is assumed to be A-aligned (no pending branch at entry)

DESCBS:		L←ret15, TASK, :Xpopsub;			returns to DESCBcom
; T r a n s f e r   O p e r a t i o n s

; Savpcinframe subroutine:
;	stashes C-relative (mpc,ib) in current local frame
;	undiddles lp into my and lp
;	Entry conditions: none
;	Exit conditions:
;	  current frame+1 holds pc relative to code segment base (+ = even, - = odd)
;	  lp is undiddled
;	  my has undiddled lp (source link for Xfer)
; !1,1,Savpcinframe;						required by PORTO
; !7,10,XferGT,Xfer,Mstopr,PORTOpc,LSTr,ALLOCrfr,,;		returns (appear with ALLOC)
!7,1,Savpcx;							shake IR← dispatch
!1,2,Spcodd,Spceven;						pc odd or even

Savpcinframe: 	T←cp, :Savpcx;					code segment base
Savpcx:		L←mpc-T;					L is code-relative pc
		SINK←ib, BUS=0;					check for odd or even pc
		T←M, :Spcodd;					pick up pc word addr

Spcodd:		L←0-T, TASK, :Spcopc;				- pc => odd, this word
Spceven:	L←0+T+1, TASK, :Spcopc;				+ pc => even, next word

Spcopc:		taskhole←L;					pc value to save
		L←0;						(can't merge above - TASK)
		T←npcoffset;					offset to pc stash
		MAR←lp-T, T←lp;					(MAR←lp-npcoffset, T←lp)
		ib←L;						clear ib for XferG
		L←nlpoffset+T+1;				L:undiddled lp
		MD←taskhole;					stash pc in frame+pcoffset
		my←L, IDISP, TASK;				store undiddled lp
		lp←L, :XferGT;
; Loadgc subroutine:
;	load global pointer and code pointer given local pointer or GFT pointer
;	Entry conditions:
;	  T contains either local frame pointer or GFT pointer
;	  memory fetch of T has been started
;	  pending branch (1) catches zero pointer
;	Exit conditions:
;	  lp diddled (to framebase+6)
;	  mpc set from second word of entry (PC or EV offset)
;	  first word of code segment set to 1 (used by code swapper)
;	Assumes only 2 callers

!1,2,Xfer0r,Xfer1r;						return points
!1,2,LoadgcOK,LoadgcNull;					good global frame or null
!1,2,LoadgcIn,LoadgcSwap;					in-core or swapped out
!1,2,NoXM,IsXM;							short/long codebase

Loadgc:		L←lpoffset+T;					diddle (presumed) lp
		lp←L;						(only correct if frame ptr)
		T←MD;						T:global frame address
		L←MD;						2nd word (PC or EV offset)
		MAR←cpoffset+T;					read code pointer
		mpc←L, L←T;					copy g to L for null test
		L←cpoffset+T+1, SH=0;				test gf=0
		taskhole←L, :LoadgcOK;				taskhole:addr of hi code base

LoadgcOK:	L←MD, BUSODD, TASK;				L: low bits of code base
		cp←L, :LoadgcIn;				stash low bits, branch if odd

LoadgcIn:	MAR←T←taskhole;					fetch high bits of code base
		L←gpcpoffset+T;					diddle gp
		T←177400;					mask for high bits
		MAR←BankReg;					access bank register
		L←3 AND T, SH=0;				L: high bits, branch if valid
		TASK, :NoXM;

NoXM:		MD←0, :LoadgcMark;				short pointer, set bank 0
IsXM:		MD←M, :LoadgcMark;				long pointer, stash bank

LoadgcMark:	XMAR←cp;					access first cseg word
		IDISP, TASK;					dispatch return
		MD←ONE, :Xfer0r;				mark referenced

;	picked up global frame of zero somewhere, call it unbound
LoadgcNull:	T←sUnbound, :Stashmx;				BUSODD may be pending

;	swapped code segment, trap to software
LoadgcSwap:	T←sCsegSwappedOut, :Stashmx;

;	destination link = 0
LoadgcTrap:	T←sControlFault, :Mtrap;
; CheckXferTrap subroutine:
;	Handles Xfer trapping
;	Entry conditions:
;	  IR: return number in DISP
;	  T: parameter to be passed to trap routine
;	Exit conditions:
;	  if trapping enabled, initiates trap and doesn't return.
!3,4,Xfers,XferG,RETxr,;					returns from CheckXferTrap

CheckXferTrap:	L←XTSreg, BUSODD;				XTSreg[15]=1 => trap
		SINK←DISP, BUS, :NoXferTrap;			dispatch (possible) return

NoXferTrap:	XTSreg←L RSH 1, :Xfers;				reset XTSreg[15] to 0 or 1

DoXferTrap:	L←DISP, :DoXferTrapx;				tell trap handler which case
DoXferTrapx:	XTSreg←L LCY 8, L←T;				L:trap parameter
		T←sXferTrap, :Mtrap;				off to trap sequence
; Xfer open subroutine:
;	decodes general destination link for Xfer
;	Entry conditions:
;	  source link in my
;	  destination link in mx
;	Exit conditions:
;	  if destination is frame pointer, does complete xfer and exits to Ifetch.
;	  if destination is procedure descriptor, locates global frame and entry
;	    number, then exits to 'XferG'.

!3,4,Xfer0,Xfer1,Xfer2,Xfer3;					destination link type

Xfer:		T←mx;						mx[14:15] is dest link type
		IR←0, :CheckXferTrap;
Xfers:		L←3 AND T;					extract type bits
		SINK←M, L←T, BUS;				L:dest link, branch on type
		SH=0, MAR←T, :Xfer0;				check for link = 0. Memory
;								data is used only if link
;								is frame pointer or indirect

; mx[14-15] = 00
;	Destination link is frame pointer

Xfer0:		IR←msr0, :Loadgc;				to LoadgcNull if dest link = 0
Xfer0r:		L←T←mpc;					offset from cp: - odd, + even

; If 'brkbyte' ~= 0, we are proceeding from a breakpoint.
;     pc points to the BRK instruction:
;	even pc => fetch word, stash left byte in ib, and execute brkbyte
;	odd pc => clear ib, execute brkbyte

		SINK←brkbyte, BUS=0;				set up by Loadstate
		SH<0, L←0, :Xdobreak;				dispatch even/odd pc

; Not proceeding from a breakpoint - simply pick up next instruction

Xnobreak:	:Xfer0B;

Xfer0B:		L←XMAR←cp+T, :nextAdeafa;			fetch word, pc even
Xfer0A:		L←XMAR←cp-T;					fetch word, pc odd
		mpc←L, :nextXBni;

; Proceeding from a breakpoint - dispatch brkbyte and clear it

Xdobreak:	ib←L, :XbrkB;					clear ib for XbrkA

XbrkB:		IR←sr20;					here if BRK at even byte
		L←XMAR←cp+T, :GetalphaAx;			set up ib (return to XbrkBr)

XbrkA:		L←cp-T;						here if BRK at odd byte
		mpc←L, L←0, BUS=0, :XbrkBr;			ib already zero (to XbrkAgo)

XbrkBr:		SINK←brkbyte, BUS, :XbrkBgo;			dispatch brkbyte

XbrkBgo:	brkbyte←L RSH 1, T←0+1, :NOOP;			clear brkbyte, act like nextA
XbrkAgo:	brkbyte←L, T←0+1, BUS=0, :NOOP;			clear brkbyte, act like next
; mx[14-15] = 01
;	Destination link is procedure descriptor:
;	  mx[0-8]: GFT index (gfi)
;	  mx[9-13]: EV bias, or entry number (en)

Xfer1:		temp←L RSH 1;					temp:ep*2+garbage
		count←L MLSH 1;					since L=T, count←L LCY 1;
		L←count, TASK;					gfi now in 0-7 and 15
		count←L LCY 8;					count:gfi w/high bits garbage
		L←count, TASK;
		count←L LSH 1;					count:gfi*2 w/high garbage
		T←1777.T;					T:gfi*2
		MAR←gftm1+T+1;					fetch GFT[T]
		IR←sr1, :Loadgc;				pick up two word entry into
;								gp and mpc
Xfer1r:		L←temp, TASK;					L:en*2+high bits of garbage
		count←L RSH 1;					count:en+high garbage
		T←enmask.T;					T:en
		L←mpc+T+1, TASK;				(mpc has EV base in code seg)
		count←L LSH 1, :XferG;				count:ep*2

; mx[14-15] = 10
;	Destination link is indirect:
;	  mx[0-15]: address of location holding destination link

Xfer2:		NOP;						wait for memory
		T←MD, :Xfers;

; mx[14-15] = 11
;	Destination link is unbound:
;	  mx[0-15]: passed to trap handler

Xfer3:		T←sUnbound, :Stashmx;
; XferG open subroutine:
;	allocates new frame and patches links
;	Entry conditions:
;	  'count' holds index into code segment entry vector
;	  assumes lp is undiddled (in case of AllocTrap)
;	  assumes gp (undiddled) and cp set up
;	Exit conditions:
;	  exits to instruction fetch (or AllocTrap)

; Pick up new pc from specified entry in entry vector

XferGT:		T←count;					parameter to CheckXferTrap
		IR←ONE, :CheckXferTrap;
XferG:		T←count;					index into entry vector
		XMAR←cp+T;					fetch of new pc and fsi
		T←cp-1;						point just before bytes
;								(main loop increments mpc)
		IR←sr1;						note: does not cause branch
		L←MD+T;						relocate pc from cseg base
		T←MD;						second word contains fsi
		mpc←L;						new pc setup, ib already 0
		T←377.T, :AllocSub;				mask for size index
; Stash source link in new frame, establishing dynamic link
XferGr:		MAR←retlinkoffset+T;				T has new frame base
		L←lpoffset+T;					diddle new lp
		lp←L;						install diddled lp
		MD←my;						source link to new frame

; Stash new global pointer in new frame (same for local call)
		MAR←T;						write gp to word 0 of frame
		T←gpoffset;					offset to point at gf base
		L←gp-T, TASK;					subtract off offset
		MD←M, :nextAdeaf;				global pointer stashed, GO!

;  Frame allocation failed - push destination link, then trap
; !1,2,doAllocTrap,XferGfz;					(appears with ALLOC)

XferGrf:	L←mx, BUS=0;					pick up destination, test = 0
		T←count-1, :doAllocTrap;			T:2*ep+1

;	if destination link is zero (i.e. local procedure call), we must first
;	fabricate the destination link

XferGfz:	L←T, T←ngfioffset;				offset from gp to gfi word
		MAR←gp-T;					start fetch of gfi word
		count←L LSH 1;					count:4*ep+2
		L←count-1;					L:4*ep+1
		T←gfimask;					mask to save gfi only
		T←MD.T;						T:gfi
		L←M+T, :doAllocTrap;				L:gfi+4*ep+1 (descriptor)
; Getlink subroutine:
;	fetches control link from either global frame or code segment
;	Entry conditions:
;	  temp: - (index of desired link + 1)
;	  IR: DISP field zero/non-zero to select return point (2 callers only)
;	Exit conditions:
;	  L,T: desired control link
!1,2,EFCgetr,LLKBr;						return points
!7,1,Fetchlink;							shake IR← in KFCB

Getlink:	T←gp;						diddled frame address
		MAR←T←ngpoffset+T+1;				fetch word 0 of global frame
		L←temp+T, T←temp;				L:address of link in frame
		taskhole←L;					stash it
		L←cp+T;						L:address of link in code
		SINK←MD, BUSODD, TASK;				test bit 15 of word zero
		temp2←L, :framelink;				stash code link address

framelink:	MAR←taskhole, :Fetchlink;			fetch link from frame
codelink:	XMAR←temp2, :Fetchlink;				fetch link from code

Fetchlink:	SINK←DISP, BUS=0;				dispatch to caller
		L←T←MD, :EFCgetr;
; EFCn - perform XFER to destination specified by external link n
; !1,1,EFCr; implicit in EFCr's return number (23B)

EFC0:		IR←ONE, T←ONE-1, :EFCr;				0th control link
EFC1:		IR←T←ONE, :EFCr;				1st control link
EFC2:		IR←T←2, :EFCr;					. . .
EFC3:		IR←T←3, :EFCr;
EFC4:		IR←T←4, :EFCr;
EFC5:		IR←T←5, :EFCr;
EFC6:		IR←T←6, :EFCr;
EFC7:		IR←T←7, :EFCr;
EFC8:		IR←T←10, :EFCr;
EFC9:		IR←T←11, :EFCr;
EFC10:		IR←T←12, :EFCr;
EFC11:		IR←T←13, :EFCr;
EFC12:		IR←T←14, :EFCr;
EFC13:		IR←T←15, :EFCr;
EFC14:		IR←T←16, :EFCr;
EFC15:		IR←T←17, :EFCr;

; EFCB - perform XFER to destination specified by external link 'alpha'
!1,1,EFCdoGetlink;						shake B/A dispatch (Getalpha)

EFCB:		IR←sr23, :Getalpha;				fetch link number
EFCr:		L←0-T-1, TASK, :EFCdoGetlink;			L:-(link number+1)

EFCdoGetlink:	temp←L, :Getlink;				stash index for Getlink
EFCgetr:	IR←sr1, :SFCr;					for Savpcinframe; no branch

; SFC - Stack Function Call (using descriptor on top of stack)

SFC:		IR←sr1, :Popsub;				get dest link for xfer
;								now assume IR still has sr1
SFCr:		mx←L, :Savpcinframe;				set dest link, return to Xfer
; KFCB - Xfer using destination <<SD>+alpha>
; !1,1,KFCr; implicit in KFCr's return number (21B)
!1,1,KFCx;							shake B/A dispatch (Getalpha)
; !7,1,Fetchlink; 	appears with Getlink

KFCB:		IR←sr21, :Getalpha;				fetch alpha
KFCr:		IR←avm1, T←avm1+T+1, :KFCx;			DISP must be non zero
KFCx:		MAR←sdoffset+T, :Fetchlink;			Fetchlink shakes IR← dispatch

; BRK - Breakpoint (equivalent to KFC 0)

BRK:		ib←L, T←sBRK, :KFCr;				ib = 0 <=> BRK B-aligned

; Trap sequence:
;	used to report various faults during Xfer
;	Entry conditions:
;	  T: index in SD through which to trap
;	  Savepcinframe has already been called
;	entry at Stashmx puts destination link in OTPreg before trapping
; !1,1,Stashmx; above with Loadgc code

Stashmx:	L←mx;						can't TASK, T has trap index
		OTPreg←L, :Mtrap;

Mtrap:		T←avm1+T+1;
		MAR←sdoffset+T;					fetch dest link for trap
Mtrapa:		L←MD, TASK;					(enter here from PORTO)
		mx←L, :Xfer;
; LFCn - call local procedure n (i.e. within same global frame)
!1,1,LFCx;							shake B/A dispatch

LFC1:		L←2, :LFCx;
LFC2:		L←3, :LFCx;
LFC3:		L←4, :LFCx;
LFC4:		L←5, :LFCx;
LFC5:		L←6, :LFCx;
LFC6:		L←7, :LFCx;
LFC7:		L←10, :LFCx;
LFC8:		L←11, :LFCx;
LFC9:		L←12, :LFCx;
LFC10:		L←13, :LFCx;
LFC11:		L←14, :LFCx;
LFC12:		L←15, :LFCx;
LFC13:		L←16, :LFCx;
LFC14:		L←17, :LFCx;
LFC15:		L←20, :LFCx;
LFC16:		L←21, :LFCx;

LFCx:		count←L LSH 1, L←0, IR←msr0, :SFCr;		stash index of proc. (*2)
;								dest link = 0 for local call
;								will return to XferG

; LFCB - call local procedure number 'alpha' (i.e. within same global frame)

LFCB:		IR←sr22, :Getalpha;
LFCr:		L←0+T+1, :LFCx;
; RET - Return from function call.
!1,1,RETx;							shake B/A branch

RET:		T←lp, :RETx;					local pointer

RETx:		IR←2, :CheckXferTrap;
RETxr:		MAR←nretlinkoffset+T;				get previous local frame
		frame←L;					stash for 'Free'
		L←MD;						pick up prev frame pointer
		mx←L, L←0, IR←msr0, TASK;			mx points to caller
		my←L, :FreeSub;					clear my and go free frame
RETr:		T←mx, :Xfers;					xfer back to caller

; PUSHX - push destination link of previous Xfer

PUSHX:		T←mx, :pushTB;

; LLKB - push external link 'alpha'
;	LLKB is assumed to be A-aligned (no pending branch at entry)

LLKB:		T←ib;						T:alpha
		L←0-T-1, IR←0, :EFCdoGetlink;			L:-(alpha+1), go call Getlink
LLKBr:		:pushTA;					alignment requires pushTA
; P o r t   O p e r a t i o n s

; PORTO - PORT Out (XFER thru PORT addressed by TOS)

PORTO:		IR←sr3, :Savpcinframe;				undiddle lp into my
PORTOpc:	L←ret5, TASK, :Xpopsub;				returns to PORTOr
PORTOr:		MAR←T;						fetch from TOS
		MD←my;						frame addr to word 0 of PORT
		MAR←M+1;					second word of PORT
		my←L, :Mtrapa;					source link to PORT address

; PORTI - PORT In (Fix up PORT return, always immediately after PORTO)
;	assumes that my and mx remain from previous xfer

PORTI:		MAR←mx, :PORTIx;				first word of PORT

PORTIx:		SINK←my, BUS=0;

PORTInz:	MD←0;
		MAR←mx+1;					store it as second word
PORTIz:		MD←my, :next;					store my or zero
; S t a t e   S w i t c h i n g

; Savestate subroutine:
;	saves state of pre-empted emulation
;	Entry conditions:
;	  L holds address where state is to be saved
;	  assumes undiddled lp
;	Exit conditions:
;	  lp, stkp, and stack (from base to min[depth+2,8]) saved

; !1,2,DSTr1,Mstopc; actually appears as %1,1777,776,DSTr1,Mstopc; and is located
; in the front of the main file (Mesa.mu).


Savestate:	temp←L;
Savestatea:	T←-12+1;					i.e. T←-11
		L←lp, :Savsuba;
Sav11r:		L←stkp, :Savsub;
Sav10r:		T←stkp+1;
		L←-7+T;						check if stkp > 5 or negative
		L←0+T+1, ALUCY;					L:stkp+2
		temp2←L, L←0-T, :Savok;				L:-stkp-1

Savmax:		T←-7;						stkp > 5  => save all
		L←stk7, :Savsuba;

Savok:		SINK←temp2, BUS;				stkp < 6 => save to stkp+2
		count←L, :Sav0r;

Sav7r:		L←stk6, :Savsub;
Sav6r:		L←stk5, :Savsub;
Sav5r:		L←stk4, :Savsub;
Sav4r:		L←stk3, :Savsub;
Sav3r:		L←stk2, :Savsub;
Sav2r:		L←stk1, :Savsub;
Sav1r:		L←stk0, :Savsub;
Sav0r:		SINK←DISP, BUS;					return to caller
		T←-12, :DSTr1;					(for DST's benefit)

;   Remember, T is negative

Savsub:		T←count;
Savsuba:	temp2←L, L←0+T+1;
		count←L, L←0-T;					dispatch on pos. value
		MD←temp2, :Sav0r;
; Loadstate subroutine:
;	load state for emulation  
;	Entry conditions:
;	  L points to block from which state is to be loaded
;	Exit conditions:
;	  stkp, mx, my, and stack (from base to min[stkp+2,8]) loaded
;	    (i.e. two words past TOS are saved, if they exist)
;	Note:  if stkp underflows but an interrupt is taken before we detect
;	  it, the subsequent Loadstate (invoked by Mgo) will see 377B in the
;	  high byte of stkp.  Thinking this a breakpoint resumption, we will
;	  load the state, then dispatch the 377 (via brkbyte) in Xfer0, causing
;	  a branch to StkUf (!)  This is not a fool-proof check against a bad
;	  stkp value at entry, but it does protect against the most common
;	  kinds of stack errors.

Loadstate:	temp←L, IR←msr0, :NovaIntrOn;			stash pointer
Lsr:		T←12, :Ldsuba;
Lsr12:		my←L, :Ldsub;
Lsr11:		mx←L, :Ldsub;
Lsr10:		stkp←L;
		T←stkp;						check for BRK resumption
		L←177400 AND T;					(i.e. bytecode in stkp)
		brkbyte←L LCY 8;				stash for Xfer
		L←T←17.T;					mask to 4 bits
		L←-7+T;						check stkp > 6
		L←T, SH<0;
		stkp←L, T←0+T+1, :Lsmax;			T:stkp+1
Lsmax:		T←7, :Ldsuba;
Lsr7:		stk7←L, :Ldsub;
Lsr6:		stk6←L, :Ldsub;
Lsr5:		stk5←L, :Ldsub;
Lsr4:		stk4←L, :Ldsub;
Lsr3:		stk3←L, :Ldsub;
Lsr2:		stk2←L, :Ldsub;
Lsr1:		stk1←L, :Ldsub;
Lsr0:		stk0←L, :Xfer;

Ldsub:		T←count;
Ldsuba:		MAR←temp+T;
		L←ALLONES+T;					decr count for next time
		count←L, L←T;					use old value for dispatch
		L←MD, TASK, :Lsr0;
; DST - dump state at block starting at <LP>+alpha, reset stack pointer
;	assumes DST is A-aligned (also ensures no pending branch at entry)

DST:		T←ib;						get alpha
		L←nlpoffset1+T+1, TASK;				L:lp-lpoffset+alpha
		temp←L, IR←ret0, :Savestatea;
DSTr1:		L←my, :Savsuba;					save my too!
DSTr:		temp←L, L←0, TASK, BUS=0, :Setstkp;		zap stkp, return to 'nextA'

; LST - load state from block starting at <LP>+alpha
;	assumes LST is A-aligned (also ensures no pending branch at entry)

LST:		L←ib;
		temp←L, L←0, TASK;
		ib←L;						make Savpcinframe happy
		IR←sr4, :Savpcinframe;				returns to LSTr
LSTr:		T←temp;						get alpha back
		L←lp+T, TASK, :Loadstate;			lp already undiddled

; LSTF - load state from block starting at <LP>+alpha, then free frame
;	assumes LSTF is A-aligned (also ensures no pending branch at entry)

LSTF:		T←lpoffset;
		L←lp-T, TASK;					compute frame base
		IR←sr2, :FreeSub;

LSTFr:		T←frame;					set up by FreeSub
		L←ib+T, TASK, :Loadstate;			get state from dead frame
; E m u l a t o r   A c c e s s

; RR - push <emulator register alpha>, where:
;	RR is A-aligned (also ensures no pending branch at entry)
;	alpha:	1 => wdc, 2 => XTSreg, 3 => XTPreg, 4 => ATPreg,
;		5 => OTPreg, 6 => clockreg, 7 => cp

RR:		SINK←ib, BUS;					dispatch on alpha
RR0:		:RR0;

RR1:		T←wdc, :pushTA;
RR2:		T←XTSreg, :pushTA;
RR3:		T←XTPreg, :pushTA;
RR4:		T←ATPreg, :pushTA;
RR5:		T←OTPreg, :pushTA;
RR6:		T←clockreg, :pushTA;
RR7:		T←cp, :pushTA;

; WR - emulator register alpha ← <TOS> (popped), where:
;	WR is A-aligned (also ensures no pending branch at entry)
;	alpha: 1 => wdc, 2 => XTSreg

WR:		L←ret3, TASK, :Xpopsub;
WRr:		SINK←ib, BUS;					dispatch on alpha
WR0:		TASK, :WR0;

WR1:		wdc←L, :nextA;
WR2:		XTSreg←L, :nextA;

; JRAM - JMPRAM for Mesa programs (when emulator is in ROM1)

JRAM:		L←ret2, TASK, :Xpopsub;
JRAMr:		SINK←M, BUS, SWMODE, :next;			BUS applied to 'nextBa' (=0)
; P r o c e s s / M o n i t o r   S u p p o r t
!1,1,MoveParms1;						shake B/A dispatch
!1,1,MoveParms2;						shake B/A dispatch
!1,1,MoveParms3;						shake B/A dispatch
;!1,1,MoveParms4;						shake B/A dispatch

; ME,MRE - Monitor Entry and Re-entry

ME:		IR←3, :MoveParms1;				1 parameter
MRE:		IR←4, :MoveParms2;				2 parameters

; MXW,MXD - Monitor Exit and either Wait or Depart

MXW:		IR←5, :MoveParms3;				3 parameters 
MXD:		IR←6, :MoveParms1;				1 parameter

; NOTIFY,BCAST - Awaken process(es) from condition variable

NOTIFY:		IR←7, :MoveParms1;				1 parameter
BCAST:		IR←10, :MoveParms1;				1 parameter

; REQUEUE - Move process from queue to queue

REQUEUE:	IR←11, :MoveParms3;				3 parameter

; Parameter Transfer for Nova code linkages
;	Entry Conditions:
;	  T: 1
;	  IR: dispatch vector index of Nova code to execute

;MoveParms4:	L←stk3;						if you uncomment this, don't
;		AC3←L, T←0+T+1;					forget the pre-def above!
MoveParms3:	L←stk2;
		AC2←L, T←0+T+1;
MoveParms2:	L←stk1;
		AC1←L, T←0+T+1;
MoveParms1:	L←stk0;

		L←stkp-T, TASK;					decrement stkp
		T←DISP+1, :STOP;
; M i s c e l l a n e o u s   O p e r a t i o n s

; CATCH - an emulator no-op of length 2.
;	CATCH is assumed to be A-aligned (no pending branch at entry)

CATCH:		L←mpc+1, TASK, :nextAput;			duplicate of 'nextA'

; STOP - return to Nova at 'NovaDVloc+1'
;	control also comes here from process opcodes with T set appropriately
!1,1,GotoNova;							shake B/A dispatch

STOP:		L←NovaDVloc+T, :GotoNova;

; STARTIO - perform Nova-like I/O function

STARTIO:	L←ret4, TASK, :Xpopsub;				get argument in L
; BLT - block transfer
;	assumes stack has precisely three elements:
;	  stk0 - address of first word to read
;	  stk1 - count of words to move
;	  stk2 - address of first word to write
;	the instruction is interruptible and leaves a state suitable
;	  for re-execution if an interrupt must be honored.
!1,1,BLTx;							shakes entry B/A branch

BLT:		stk7←L, SWMODE, :BLTx;				stk7=0 <=> branch pending
BLTx:		IR←msr0, :ramBLTloop;				IR← is harmless

; BLTC - block transfer from code segment
;	assumes stack has precisely three elements:
;	  stk0 - offset from code base of first word to read
;	  stk1 - count of words to move
;	  stk2 - address of first word to write
;	the instruction is interruptible and leaves a state suitable
;	  for re-execution if an interrupt must be honored.
!1,1,BLTCx;							shake B/A dispatch

BLTC:		stk7←L, SWMODE, :BLTCx;
BLTCx:		IR←sr1, :ramBLTloop;
; BITBLT - do BITBLT using ROM subroutine
;	If BITBLT A-aligned, B byte will be ignored
!1,1,BITBLTx;							shake B/A dispatch
!7,1,DoBITBLTx;							shake IR← dispatch
!3,4,Mstop,,NovaIntrOff,DoBITBLT;				includes NovaIntrOff returns

BITBLT:		stk7←L, :BITBLTx;				save even/odd across ROM call
BITBLTx:	L←stk0, TASK;
		AC2←L;						stash descriptor table
		L←stk1, TASK;
		SINK←wdc, BUS=0;				check if Mesa interrupts off
		IR←sr3, :NovaIntrOff;				if so, shut off Nova's
DoBITBLT:	L←BITBLTret, SWMODE, :DoBITBLTx;		get return address
DoBITBLTx:	PC←L, L←0, :ROMBITBLT;				L←0 for Alto II ROM0 "feature"

BITBLTdone:	IR←sr1, :NovaIntrOn;				ensure Nova interrupts are on
BITBLTdoner:	brkbyte←L, BUS=0, TASK, :Setstkp;		don't bother to validate stkp

BITBLTintr:	L←AC1, SWMODE;					pick up intermediate state
		stk1←L, :ramBLTint;				stash instruction state
; M e s a / N o v a   C o m m u n i c a t i o n

; Subroutines to Enable/Disable Nova Interrupts
; !3,4,Mstop,,NovaIntrOff,DoBITBLT;				appears with BITBLT
; !1,2,Lsr,BITBLTdoner;						appears with LoadState
!7,1,NovaIntrOffx;						shake IR← dispatch

NovaIntrOff:	T←100000;					disable bit
NovaIntrOffx:	L←NWW OR T, TASK, IDISP;			turn it on, dispatch return
		NWW←L, :Mstop;

NovaIntrOn:	T←100000;					disable bit
		L←NWW AND NOT T, IDISP;				turn it off, dispatch return
		NWW←L, L←0, :Lsr;

; IWDC - Increment Wakeup Disable Counter (disable interrupts)

IWDC:		L←wdc+1, TASK, :IDnz;				skip check for interrupts

; DWDC - Decrement Wakeup Disable Counter (enable interrupts)


		SINK←ib, BUS=0;
		L←wdc-1, TASK, :IDnz;

;  Ensure that one instruction will execute before an interrupt is taken

IDnz:		wdc←L, :next;
IDz:		wdc←L, :nextAdeaf;

; Entry to Mesa Emulation
;	AC0 holds address of current process state block
;	Location 'PSBloc' is assumed to hold the same value

Mgo:		L←AC0, :Loadstate;
;  N o v a   I n t e r f a c e
$START		$L004020,0,0;					Nova emulator return address

;  Transfer to Nova code
;	Entry conditions:
;	  L contains Nova PC to use
;	Exit conditions:
;	  Control transfers to ROM0 at location 'START' to do Nova emulation
;	  Nova PC points to code to be executed
;	  Except for parameters expected by the target code, all Nova ACs
;	    contain garbage
;	  Nova interrupts are disabled

GotoNova:	PC←L, IR←msr0, :NovaIntrOff;			stash Nova PC, return to Mstop

;  Control comes here when an interrupt must be taken.  Control will
;  pass to the Nova emulator with interrupts enabled.

Intstop:	L←NovaDVloc, TASK;				resume at Nova loc. 30B
		PC←L, :Mstop;

;  Stash the Mesa pc and dump the current process state,
;  then start fetching Nova instructions.

Mstop:		IR←sr2, :Savpcinframe;				save mpc for Nova code
Mstopr:		MAR←CurrentState;				get current state address
		IR←ret1;					will return to 'Mstopc'
		L←MD, :Savestate;				dump the state

; The following instruction must be at location 'SWRET', by convention.

;  These 2 lines are commented out for compatibility reasons - remove comments for Mesa 5.0
;Mstopc:	L←T←uCodeVersion;				stash ucode version number
;		L←100000 OR T, SWMODE;
Mstopc:		L←100000, SWMODE;				version 0, XM
		cp←L, :START;					off to the Nova ...