This is the root file of the documentation net.

	This is file [Ivy]<Poppy>documentation.root.  This network is intended
to be a community effort.  Please add pointers or other information to the
network.  The [Ivy]<Poppy> directory is open to writing by anyone so 
that you may update this file (and its index file).

Bug any of the following terms to get started into the net. 
	(If you are unfamiliar with Poppy, bug Help for instructions.)

Alto Hardware
Alto Operating System
Alto User's Handbook
A Field Guide To AltoLand

---- end of Top-Level entries into the documentation net ----

Alto Hardware:
	The hardware description manual is [Maxc]<AltoDocs>AltoHardware.press.

Alto Operating System:

	The operating system is described in [Maxc]<AltoDocs>OS.press. 
	Documentation on some of the subsystems available is given in

Alto User's Handbook:

	This is a Xerox PARC Report (Oct. 1976), with subsections on the
	following topics: 
		Alto Non-programmers Guide
		Bravo Manual
		MarkUp User's Manual
		Draw Manual
		DDS Reference Manual
		FTP Reference Manual
	(It's becoming a bit dated.)


	There are two documents describing Bravo:
	[1]	Jerome, Suzan.  Bravo Course Outline.  Xerox PARC Internal Report.
	[2] Alto User's Handbook.  Xerox Parc Report. (Oct. 1976)


	The following directories are useful places to know about.
		Alto programs and subsystems (code only)

		Documentation for Alto programs is stored here.

		Source files for programs.

		Contains fonts and Fonts.widths files.

		Documentation about graphics facilities.
		Where the Mesa system resides.  The subdirectory <Mesa>System>
		contains the .bcd files for the standard modules.

		Utilities and packages.


A Field Guide To AltoLand:

	This is an excellent introduction to AltoLand, highly recommended for
	first-time users.  You can print it from 


	The following documents describe Mesa and its systems:

	Mesa Language Manual (by J. G. Mitchell, W. Maybury, and R. Sweet).
		Xeros PARC Report CSL-78-1.  February 1978.

	Mesa Debugger Documentation. Version 4.0 May 1978.  Xerox PARC
		Internal Report.

	Mesa System Documentation. Version 4.0 May 1978.  Xerox PARC
		Internal Report. (Describes what's new in version 4.0.)

The Mesa system is kept on the directory [Iris]<Mesa>.