// IfsFtpUtil.bcpl -- Utility routines
// Copyright Xerox Corporation 1979, 1980, 1981, 1982
// Last modified May 11, 1982  4:26 PM by Taft

get "Pup0.decl"
get "Pup1.decl"
get "PupRTP.decl"
get "Ifs.decl"
get ErrRec, ftpEc, errorString from "IfsSystemInfo.decl"
get "IfsFiles.decl"
get "IfsDirs.decl"
get "IfsFtpProt.decl"

// outgoing procedures
FtpSMakeSFIL; FtpSSendMark
FtpSFillPLFromLD; FtpSCheckAccess; FtpSCheckConnection

// incoming procedures
ExtractSubstring; StringCompare; ExpandTemplate
IFSPrintError; Login; Connect; MoveBlock
SysFree; FreePointer
LockTransferLeaderPage; GetBufferForFD; DestroyFD
FTPM; FreePList; InitPList

// incoming statics

let FtpSSendMark(mark, ec, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4) = valof
// Expands ec into an Ftp error code and string.
// The next step is usually to return false,
//  so this routine supplies the 'false' value allowing you to say:
//   unless IFSDeleteFile(...) resultis FtpSSendMark(...)
let errRec = LookupErrorCode(ec)
FTPM(mark, errRec>>ErrRec.ftpEc, lv errRec>>ErrRec.errorString,
 false, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4)
resultis false

and FtpSCheckConnection() = valof
// Do not call from MTP server; only FTP server
if CtxRunning>>FtpCtx.bspSoc>>RTPSoc.state ne stateOpen then
   if CtxRunning>>FtpCtx.fd ne 0 then
      CtxRunning>>FtpCtx.fd = DestroyFD(CtxRunning>>FtpCtx.fd)
   resultis false
resultis true
and FtpSCheckAccess(pl) = valof
// Check login/connect parameters in pl.
let ui = CtxRunning>>FtpCtx.userInfo

// Login parameters
let ec = Login(pl>>PL.UNAM, pl>>PL.UPSW, ui)

// Connect parameters
if ec eq 0 then
   ec = Connect(pl>>PL.CNAM, pl>>PL.CPSW, ui)

resultis ec eq 0? true, FtpSSendMark(markNo, ec)

and FtpSMakeSFIL(pl) be
// Builds a serverFilename from the information in pl.
// The result is left in pl>>PL.SFIL.
// If there is no name body, construct a blank one
if pl>>PL.NAMB eq 0 then
   pl>>PL.NAMB = ExtractSubstring("")

// If there is no server filename, construct one.
// The Version property isn't correctly handled.  A version supplied
//  in a PL will only be used as a default if no ServerFilename was
//  supplied.  The proper implementation is to handle it the way
//  default directories are: pass the default version from the PL to
//  the directory module, where CreateFD can decide whether it is needed.
if pl>>PL.SFIL eq 0 then
   pl>>PL.SFIL = ExpandTemplate((pl>>PL.VERS eq 0? "$S", "$S!$S"),
    pl>>PL.NAMB, pl>>PL.VERS)

// If a directory is specified, strip off the outer < > if present
if pl>>PL.DIRE ne 0 then
   let dir = pl>>PL.DIRE
   if dir>>String.char↑(dir>>String.length) eq $> then
      dir>>String.length = dir>>String.length -1
   if dir>>String.char↑1 eq $< then
      pl>>PL.DIRE = ExtractSubstring(dir, 2)
and FtpSFillPLFromLD(remotePL, reportDamage; numargs na) = valof
// Creates and returns a PL from the properties of the file described by FtpCtx.fd.
// Returns zero if the file has gone away.
let dprp = remotePL>>PL.DPRP  // desired properties
if dprp eq 0 then dprp = -1  // if none specified, request all properties
let pl = InitPList()
let fd = CtxRunning>>FtpCtx.fd
let dr = fd>>FD.dr

// first generate properties that can be extracted from the FD
if dprp<<DPRP.SFIL then pl>>PL.SFIL = ExtractSubstring(lv dr>>DR.pathName)
if dprp<<DPRP.DEVI then pl>>PL.DEVI = ExtractSubstring(fd>>FD.fs>>IFS.id)
if dprp<<DPRP.DIRE then pl>>PL.DIRE = ExtractSubstring(lv dr>>DR.pathName,
    2, fd>>FD.lenSubDirString-1)
if dprp<<DPRP.NAMB then pl>>PL.NAMB = ExtractSubstring(lv dr>>DR.pathName,
    fd>>FD.lenSubDirString+1, fd>>FD.lenBodyString-1)
if dprp<<DPRP.VERS then pl>>PL.VERS = ExtractSubstring(lv dr>>DR.pathName,

// if no other properties desired, don't need to read the leader page
manifest requiresLeaderPage = 100000B rshift offset DPRP.TYPE %
 100000B rshift offset DPRP.BYTE % 100000B rshift offset DPRP.SIZE %
 100000B rshift offset DPRP.AUTH % 100000B rshift offset DPRP.CDAT %
 100000B rshift offset DPRP.RDAT % 100000B rshift offset DPRP.WDAT %
 100000B rshift offset DPRP.CSUM
if (dprp & requiresLeaderPage) ne 0 then
   let ild = GetBufferForFD(fd)
   let ec = LockTransferLeaderPage(fd, ild)  // read
   if ec ne 0 then [ SysFree(ild); resultis FreePList(pl) ]

   if dprp<<DPRP.TYPE then pl>>PL.TYPE = ild>>ILD.type
   if dprp<<DPRP.BYTE then pl>>PL.BYTE = ild>>ILD.byteSize
   if dprp<<DPRP.AUTH then pl>>PL.AUTH = ExtractSubstring(lv ild>>ILD.author)

   if dprp<<DPRP.CDAT then MoveBlock(lv pl>>PL.CDAT, lv ild>>LD.created, 2)
   if dprp<<DPRP.RDAT then MoveBlock(lv pl>>PL.RDAT, lv ild>>LD.read, 2)
   if dprp<<DPRP.WDAT then MoveBlock(lv pl>>PL.WDAT, lv ild>>LD.written, 2)

   if dprp<<DPRP.SIZE then
      let siz = lv pl>>PL.SIZE
      let fa = lv ild>>LD.hintLastPageFa
      let lnBytes = fd>>FD.fs>>IFS.logPageLength +1
      let numPages = fa>>FA.pageNumber -1  // don't count leader page
      unless numPages eq -1 do
         siz!0 = numPages rshift (16-lnBytes)
         siz!1 = numPages lshift lnBytes + fa>>FA.charPos

   if dprp<<DPRP.CSUM then pl>>PL.CSUM = ild>>ILD.checksum

   if na gr 1 & reportDamage & ild>>ILD.damaged then
      FtpSSendMark(markComment, ecFileDamaged, lv dr>>DR.pathName)


resultis pl