; ***************************************************
;   Definitions of printer commands
;May 13, 1982  2:51 PM
; commands to the printer
; comand format: msb                lsb
;                7  6  5     4 3 2 1 0
;               P   C0 C1    <Command>
;P =  Odd parity bit
;C0  C1 = "Generally claffify the command/status type
.RDX 16;
feedbottom =	40;--HEX
feedtop =	50;
offseton = 01;
offsetoff = 00;
feedBottomNoOffset = feedbottom+offsetoff ;
feedBottomOffset = feedbottom+offseton ;
feedTopNoOffset = feedtop+offsetoff ;
feedTopOffset = feedtop+offseton ;

readStatus = 20;
displayStatus = 30;	display it on the printer
A = 0A;
L = 0B;
C = 0C;
D = 0D;
E = 0E;
blank = 0F;

; Status bytes back from the printer
;  7   6   5  4  3  2  1  0  --bit number
; P    1   S5 S4 S3 S2 S1 S0
PSkey0 = 30;
PSkey1 = 31;
PSkey2 = 32;
PSkey3 = 33;
PSkey4 = 34;
PSkey5 = 35;
PSkey6 = 36;
PSkey7 = 37;
PSonLineKey = 37;--funny, this is the value of PSkey7 too, as defined in the docs
PSkey8 = 38;
PSoffLineKey = 38;
PSkey9 = 39;
PSclearKey = 3A;
PStestKey = 3B;
PSwait = 40;
PSstandby = 41;
PSfeederFault = 42;
PShardStop1 = 44;
PShardStop2 = 45;
PShardStop3 = 46;
PSsorterJam = 47;
PSinterlockOpen = 48;
PSfuserUnderTemp = 49;
PSrunFeeding = 4A;
PSrunReady = 4B;
PSstatusDisplayed = 4C;
PScmdRejParity = 4D;
PScmdRejUnrecog = 4E;
PScmdRejIllSeq = 4F;
PScmdRejSorterDown = 50;
PSnoFeedTray = 51;
PSpageSync = 52;
PSpageDelivered = 53;
PSpageDelveredSorter = 54;
PScycleOffLIne = 55;
PSoffLine = 56;
PSonLine = 57;
PSoutTrayFull = 58;
PSstackerFull = 59;
PSillegalTop = 60-PSkey0;