// NetDelaysUtil.bcpl

get "NetDelays.defs"


//Manhatten distance = x + y
//Euclidean distance = Sqrt( x*x + y*y)
//The resultis is divided by 4 to convert to 10ths of inches
let FindDistance(node) be
if node>>node.OldX eq -1 then [ node>>node.Distance = 0; return ] //first node in net
let x = node>>node.OldX - node>>node.NewX; if x ls 0 then x = -x; x=(x+2)/4
let y = node>>node.OldY - node>>node.NewY; if y ls 0 then y = -y; y=(y+2)/4
test Manhatten eq true
ifso node>>node.Distance = x + y //distance in 10ths of inches
ifnot node>>node.Distance = Sqrt( x*x + y*y, 1)

//inplement sqrt( 35*D*(.0005*D + .0034*P) )
// ie sqrt( .0175*D*D + .119*P*D )
and FindDelay(D,P,str) = valof
let val1,val2 = 0,0
if (P ls -10) % (P gr 100) then CallSwat("Pin count =",P)
//clean up funny values on don’t care calls
if (D le 0) % (P ls 2) then resultis 0
//if (D le 0) then [ Msg( "($D.", D/10); Msg( "$D)", D rem 10); resultis 0 ]
//if (P ls 2) then [ Msg( "($D)", P); resultis 0 ]

val1 = MulDiv(D,D,10); val1 = MulDiv(val1,175,10000) //(D*D)*.0175
val2 = D*P; val2 = MulDiv(val2,119,1000) //(D*P)*.119
val1 = Sqrt(val1 + val2)
if Debug ge 2 then
test printedDly ifso Msg("; "); ifnot printedDly=true
Msg( "$D", D/10)
let Drem = D rem 10; if Drem ne 0 then Msg( ".$D", Drem)
Msg( ",$D=$D", P, val1/10)
let Vrem = val1 rem 10; if Vrem ne 0 then Msg( ".$D", Vrem)
resultis val1

//do Ym = 1/2 of (Yold + val/Yold) **use 10*val if parm = 10*val
and Sqrt(parm,scale; numargs nargs) = valof //do Ym = 1/2 of (Yold + val/Yold) **use 10*val because val is *10
[ if parm ls 0 then CallSwat("Can’t take Sqrt of negative num")
if nargs ls 2 then scale = 10
if parm eq 0 then resultis 0
let cnt = 0
let LastVal = 1
let LastLastVal = 0
let NewVal = (LastVal + MulDiv(parm,scale,LastVal)) rshift 1
if NewVal eq LastVal then resultis NewVal
if NewVal eq LastLastVal then resultis NewVal
cnt = cnt+1
if cnt gr 10 then
[ PutTemplate(screen,"value after $D iterations = $D.*n",cnt,LastVal)
for i=0 to 20000 do i=i ]
LastLastVal = LastVal; LastVal = NewVal
] repeat

and FindChar(char) =valof
[ if Char() eq char then resultis char; if Done then resultis $*n ] repeat

and Char() = valof
if Endofs(file) then [ Done = true; resultis $*n ]
let c = Gets(file)
if c eq ($Z%) then resultis FindChar($*n)
resultis c

and GetNum() = valof
[ let num,startednum = 0,false
LastChar = Char(); if (LastChar ls $0) % (LastChar gr $9) then
test (startednum % Done)
ifso resultis num; ifnot loop
num = num*10 + (LastChar-$0)
startednum = true
] repeat

and GetStr(str,endChar; numargs nargs) = valof
if nargs ls 2 then endChar = 0
str!0 = 0; let length = 0
let char = Char()
if (char eq endChar) % (char le #40) then test (length eq 0)&(char ne $*n)
ifso loop
ifnot [ str>>str.length = length; resultis char ]
length = length+1
str>>str.char↑length = char
] repeat

and Msg(parm1,parm2,parm3,parm4,parm5,parm6; numargs nargs) be
test nargs eq 1
if screenEn then Wss(screen,parm1)
if screenEn then PutTemplate(screen,parm1,parm2,parm3,parm4,parm5,parm6)

//checks all characters of the shorter string eq the start of the second string
//ignores the difference between upper and lower case characters
and StEq(S1,S2) =valof
let result = StComp(S1,S2)
resultis ( result ge 3)%(result le -3)? false,true
//if (not S1!0) % (not S2!0) then resultis true //null string means "don’t care" so do it
//let Length = S1>>str.length ls S2>>str.length? S1>>str.length,S2>>str.length
//for i = 1 to Length do
//if ((S1>>str.char↑i xor S2>>str.char↑i) & #137) ne 0 then resultis false
//resultis true

//Returns + if S2 wins, - if S1 wins
//Returns 0 if identical
//Returns//1 if different only by capitalization
//returns 2 if one is the prefix of the other
//returns 3 if strings are different
and StComp(s1, s2) = valof
let ls1 = s1>>str.length
let ls2 = s2>>str.length
let s1wins = 0
for i = 1 to ((ls1 ls ls2)? ls1, ls2) do
let c1 = s1>>str.char↑i
let c2 = s2>>str.char↑i
if c1 eq c2 then loop
if ((c1 xor c2)&($A eqv $a)) ne 0 then
resultis ( (c1%($A xor $a)) gr (c2%($A xor $a)) ) ? 3,-3
if s1wins ne 0 then loop
s1wins = ((c1 ge $A)&(c1 le $Z))? 1,-1
if ls1 ne ls2 then resultis (ls1 gr ls2)? 2,-2
resultis s1wins

and AppendC(string,char) be
let st = string>>str.length +1
string>>str.char↑st = char
string>>str.length = st

and AppendS(std,sts) be //copy from source to destination
for i = 1 to sts>>str.length do AppendC(std,sts>>str.char↑i)

and MulDiv(a,b,c) = valof // Returns a*b/c using unsigned arithmetic.
let NovaCode=table
#55001// STA 3,1,2
#155000 // MOV 2,3 save stack pointer
#111000 // MOV 0,2 a
#21403// LDA 0,3,3
#101220// MOVZR 0,0c/2
#61020 // MUL
#31403 // LDA 2,3,3 c
#61021 // DIV
#101010 // MOV# 0,0
#121000 // MOV 1,0
#171000 // MOV 3,2
#35001// LDA 3,1,2
#1401// JMP 1,3
resultis NovaCode(a,b,c)
and MakeFileName(RefName,NewName,extension) be
NewName>>str.length = 0
for i = 1 to RefName>>str.length do
let c = RefName>>str.char↑i
if c eq $. then break
for i = 1 to extension>>str.length do AppendC(NewName,extension>>str.char↑i)

and CopyToWLFile() be
[ external [ SetFilePos; DoubleAdd ]
let CurrFposn = vec 2
//CurrFposn!0 = -1; CurrFposn!1 = -1
//DoubleAdd(Fposn,CurrFposn) //subtract 1 from Fposn
Fposn!0 = not Fposn!0; Fposn!1 = not Fposn!1
DoubleAdd(Fposn,CurrFposn) //difference is now in Fposn
for i = 0 to Fposn!1 do Puts(WLout, Gets(file))

and GetSomeMem(wrds) =valof
let result = @#335
@#335 = result + wrds
resultis result
and SendTab() be
[ external [ GetBitPos; SetBitPos ]
if screenEn eq 0 then return
let currPosn = GetBitPos(screen)
let newPosn = Tb0
if currPosn ge Tb0 then newPosn = Tb1
if currPosn ge Tb1 then newPosn = Tb2
if currPosn ge Tb2 then newPosn = Tb3
if currPosn ge Tb3 then newPosn = currPosn+64

and InitBravoFile(OutName) be
Wss(disko,"Page Numbers: Yes First Page: 1*n")
if not Debug then Wss(disko,"Columns: 2 Edge Margin: .8*" Between Columns: .0*"*n")
PutTemplate(disko, "q(0,$D)", (Tb0+Bf)*35)
PutTemplate(disko, "(1,$D)", (Tb1+Bf)*35)
PutTemplate(disko, "(2,$D)", (Tb2+Bf)*35)
PutTemplate(disko, "(3,$D)\f1*n", (Tb3+Bf)*35)
and WhatICtype(char,num,board,val; numargs nargs) =valof
if (char ls $a)%(char gr $z)%(num ls 0)%(num gr 99)%(board ls 0)%(board gr LastFile) then CallSwat("Invalid IC pointer")
let pointer = 26*num + (char - $a)
let wptr = (pointer rshift 3) + ( (26*100)/8 )*board//done this way to provent integer ovfl
let bitptr = pointer & 7

if nargs eq 4 then
let newbits = (val&3) lshift 2*bitptr
ICtable!wptr = ICtable!wptr % newbits
resultis ((ICtable!wptr) rshift (2*bitptr)) & 3
and EdgePinTermination(ch,num, board, val; numargs nargs) =valof
if (ch ne $e)&(ch ne $c) then resultis 0
if TermTable eq 0 then resultis 0
if (LastChar eq $T) % (LastChar eq $t) then resultis 1
if ch eq $c then num = num+200
num = num + 400*board

let wptr = num rshift 4
let bitptr = num & #17
let newbit = 1 lshift bitptr
let reslt = ((TermTable!wptr) rshift bitptr) & 1
test nargs eq 4
ifso TermTable!wptr = TermTable!wptr % newbit
ifnot TermTable!wptr = TermTable!wptr & (not newbit)
resultis reslt