// [Indigo]<Alto>NewOS.cm -- Update an OS18 or OS19 disk to OS20 // Last modified April 27, 1982 1:14 PM by Taft // You must have at least 300 free pages to run this procedure! // First, get the new OS FTP Indigo Directory/c Alto Retrieve/c NewOS.boot Sys.errors // Install the new Operating System. // Answer questions as appropriate. Install NewOS.boot Delete NewOS.boot Sys.log Sys.ts // Get new versions and update old ones FTP Indigo Directory/c Alto Retrieve/c InstallSwat.run ↑ Retrieve/u Ftp.run Executive.run Neptune.run Empress.run Chat.run Swat.help CopyDisk.run Sys.syms Sys.bk AltoDefs.d AltoFileSys.d Disks.d Streams.d SysDefs.d BcplFiles.d InstallSwat Delete InstallSwat.run // Now initialize Bravo under the new OS. // Type "Q return" when it is done. Bravo/i Delete NewOS.cm // Delete Dumper.Boot if you wish. // Mesa users: Re-install the Debugger.