// Hardwired64Line.config -- 64-line configuration for DLSTest
// Last modified June 20, 1982  10:59 AM by Taft

// Syntax of DLS configuration file:
// One or more entries, each terminated by return.
// <entry> ::= <line> <description> | // <comment>
// <line> ::= <octal line number of line being described>
// <description> ::= <attribute> | <description> <attribute>
// <attribute> ::= <lineType> | <controlLine> | <defaultHost> | <baudRate> |
//		<terminalType> | <length> | <width> | <diallerInfo> |
//		<stopBits> | <loopLine> | <otherAttribute>
// <lineType> ::= Unused | Hardwired | DataSet | Telenet |
//		Dialler <diallerSignal>
// <controlLine> ::= Control <line>
// <defaultHost> ::= Host <hostName>
// <baudRate> ::= Baud <decimal number>
// <terminalType> ::= Type <decimal number>	// Tenex terminal type
// <length> ::= Length <decimal number>		// Lines/page
// <width> ::= Width <decimal number>		// Chars/line
// <diallerInfo> ::= DialOut <decimal number> <decimal number>
// <stopBits> ::= Stop 1 | Stop 2
// <loopLine> ::= Loop <line>			// Implemented only in ChollaDLS
// <diallerSignal> ::= CRQ | DP | NB1 | NB2 | NB4 | NB8
// <otherAttribute> ::= DialOutOnly | NoPad

// Each entry must contain a <lineType>, and entries with <lineType> of
// DataSet or Telenet must contain a <ControlLine>.

// If a <baudRate> is specified, the line will run at that fixed rate.
// Normally <baudRate> is omitted, and speed determination is performed
// at connection time.

// Dial-out lines, as well as having a <controlLine> attribute, also
// have a <diallerInfo> attribute with two arguments:
//	Modem address, i.e., Vadic card cage slot number (1-16) in the
//		cage that has the dialler.
//	Modem type: 1 = 103-compatible modem, 0 = other type of modem

// There are 6 lines that control the dialler itself; each is declared by
// a "Dialler <diallerSignal>" entry, where the argument is the name
// of the output signal being controlled.  Some of the lines also have
// input signals connected to them; the correspondence is:
//	output:	CRQ	DP	NB1	NB2	NB4	NB8
//	input:	PND	ACR	DSS	--	--	--

// DialOutOnly means that the line is controlled exclusively from the network
// side; input from the line is ignored when the line is idle.
00 Hardwired Baud 300
01 Hardwired Baud 300
02 Hardwired Baud 300
03 Hardwired Baud 300
04 Hardwired Baud 300
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22 Hardwired Baud 300
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25 Hardwired Baud 300
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30 Hardwired Baud 300
31 Hardwired Baud 300
32 Hardwired Baud 300
33 Hardwired Baud 300
34 Hardwired Baud 300
35 Hardwired Baud 300
36 Hardwired Baud 300
37 Hardwired Baud 300
40 Hardwired Baud 300
41 Hardwired Baud 300
42 Hardwired Baud 300
43 Hardwired Baud 300
44 Hardwired Baud 300
45 Hardwired Baud 300
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51 Hardwired Baud 300
52 Hardwired Baud 300
53 Hardwired Baud 300
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55 Hardwired Baud 300
56 Hardwired Baud 300
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64 Hardwired Baud 300
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66 Hardwired Baud 300
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